I have to flat-out refuse to use iTunes because no matter what I do, it automatically rearranges the names of my Album/Artist music folders and files and always gets it wrong.
If Track 7 on an album has a featured guest artist, that doesn't mean I want to have a separate entry in my musicians list solely for that pairing, taking the file out of the playing-order of the album it's from. It's fucking infuriating.
Apparently it runs like ass in portable mode, though.
No that is not apparent. Slower != like ass
That thing is pretty!They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
Isn't it only running at like 60% of its power when it's in portable mode? How is that not apparent
I agree. I'm British and don't actually like a lot of our talent.Why not just rename it the European title? I know that England's wrestling scene is getting bigger, but what would the harm have been to expand it out? Surely there's some Polish, Italian, French or Bulgarian guys that could get in on this.
Major title run in the future!!Corbin is Nash 2.0
Call him big lazy
Yeah I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of portable mode honestly. If I'm going to take the thing over to a friends place and show it off, I'm just going to take the whole thing over.
Yeah I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of portable mode honestly. If I'm going to take the thing over to a friends place and show it off, I'm just going to take the whole thing over.
Things that would sell me on a Switch;
1) New Mario game, day 1
2) Zelda, day 1
3) HD traditional Pokemon game
4) Nintendo of America not drip feeding the virtual console
5) Mario Maker Switch with complete overworld creation content
Why not just rename it the European title? I know that England's wrestling scene is getting bigger, but what would the harm have been to expand it out? Surely there's some Polish, Italian, French or Bulgarian guys that could get in on this.
The belt does look good though.
Switch better have a good online infrastructure. God damn does the Wii U feel ancient in this regard. If it has bad online, bad performance, and 3rd party isn't down with it, I'm waiting for the hack. Nintendo DOES NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Switch better have a good online infrastructure. God damn does the Wii U feel ancient in this regard. If it has bad online, bad performance, and 3rd party isn't down with it, I'm waiting for the hack. Nintendo DOES NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.
I don't have great internet, but Splatoon is the only multiplayer game I've ever played that just straight up didn't work most of the timeSwitch better have a good online infrastructure. God damn does the Wii U feel ancient in this regard. If it has bad online, bad performance, and 3rd party isn't down with it, I'm waiting for the hack. Nintendo DOES NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Wait, one of the Switch rumors is basically Mario Kart 8 with a full battle mode?
And 8 new cups on top of the existing 12
They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
Wait, one of the Switch rumors is basically Mario Kart 8 with a full battle mode?
And 8 new cups on top of the existing 12
They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
The Nintendo Switch, as excited as I am to learn more, still confuses me. Why didn't they just create Vita 2.0 with HDMI out?
The Nintendo Switch, as excited as I am to learn more, still confuses me. Why didn't they just create Vita 2.0 with HDMI out?
Because with the dock they can market it as a home console hybrid and still keep their best selling DS line.
Because it's much better and easier to just slide something in a dock than fanny around with cables?
Do you never charge your cellphone? You just take the end of the thing and plug it into the thing.
They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
For real, why do the main belts for WWE look so much worse than a belt for a roster that won't even interact with the rest of the company?
For real, why do the main belts for WWE look so much worse than a belt for a roster that won't even interact with the rest of the company?
Also a 3D Mario and remastered Mario Kart 8 means a day one purchase for the Switch from me. Or it would but Nintendo will deliberately not provide enough stock as usual.
Rebuying games in 2017. Just make them back compatibleFor real, why do the main belts for WWE look so much worse than a belt for a roster that won't even interact with the rest of the company?
Also a 3D Mario and remastered Mario Kart 8 means a day one purchase for the Switch from me. Or it would but Nintendo will deliberately not provide enough stock as usual.
I think only a true sequel to Super Metroid could get me hyped.
They just showed off the WWE UK title on Blue Peter (popular children's show for the Yanks)
I think only a true sequel to Super Metroid could get me hyped.
Rebuying games in 2017. Just make them back compatible
Remember when SD vs Raw came out with the belt creation feature but it cost ridiculous amounts of in game money to make anything that wasn't a paper strap with a slab of plastic on the front? what a load of bunk.
How? Work out the technical details. I'll wait.
If Microsoft can do it I'm sure Nintendo can. Escpailly since the switch isn't that much more powerful than the Wii u
I feel like the GM mode with modifiers didn't come in until 2007?
But I may be wrong, I recall SDvsRaw original version being the first game with phoned in voice acting as its big selling point.
Original GM mode in 2006 was dope though, never forget my brother running Raw while I ran Smackdown and ending up with Gene Snitsky as his champ because he had to fill the last chamber slot at new years revolution with a filler jobber.
I remember gm mode being a chore at times. Maybe I should go back and play it, it's been a while.I feel like the GM mode with modifiers didn't come in until 2007?
But I may be wrong, I recall SDvsRaw original version being the first game with phoned in voice acting as its big selling point.
Original GM mode in 2006 was dope though, never forget my brother running Raw while I ran Smackdown and ending up with Gene Snitsky as his champ because he had to fill the last chamber slot at new years revolution with a filler jobber.