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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John

I've been rolled up by a cold, friends. Cena taught me to never give though, and I damn sure aint.

In my sickness-addled brain, I began to come to the conclusion that The Lion King is actually a wrestling story in disguise. Taking down a top guy (Mufasa), a literal young lion rising to stardom, etc. Mufasa even says "BROTHER!"
The people blaming EA due to the fact that FIFA on the Switch will be based on the PS360 version are hilarious.

I mean, fuck EA, but this is ridiculous.

Why would it be Nintendo's fault? EA don't want to pay to port over or create a ground up game. They are going with what is the most minimal effort cause its the cheapest.

Why would you even buy FIFA is the real question? Its like the people who buy WWE 2K## games garbage and the same every year.


Nah, this time I'm siding with EA even though I love Nintendo.
Is Nintendo financing the game or prohibited them from developing a proper version? They're shit for setting those mediocre standards and allowing EA to get away with selling that shit, and selling it at $59.99 while they are at it but EA is the only one responsible for the crap they put out on a constant basis

Plus this is nothing new coming from them anyways


Why would it be Nintendo's fault? EA don't want to pay to port over or create a ground up game. They are going with what is the most minimal effort cause its the cheapest.

Why would you even buy FIFA is the real question? Its like the people who buy WWE 2K## games garbage and the same every year.

Because the switch is an underpowered console that is the follow up to a failure (WiiU). EA might be "evil", but they're not stupid, if it is something that points to them making money, they wouldn't pass on the opportunity. If the switch could handle the current gen version without them having to go through a bunch of hoops or at least was building up to be a hit, I believe they'd make it happen. Nintendo's efforts and choices are to blame, EA is simply being smart.

FIFA is not garbage, it is a very competent game, actually. But you are right on the "same every year". Buying it more than once or maybe twice a gen, to me, is a no go.


Yeah selling ps3 ports of sports games at $59.99 in 2017 sure is just being smart and not scummy, I'm sure the 4 people who'll buy it will feel smart too

If you check the WiiU eshop you'll see that EA is still selling FIFA '13 at $59.99. That's just an example of the shit practices EA does on a day to day basis, but if you want to label that as 'smart', then boy they're really smart

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Most digital console titles are 59.99. This isn't EA exclusive at all.

Watch Dogs 1 was 59.99 for years while it was 20 bucks in stores, for example

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
FE and the ghost of Sunny,



Sure probably but by the time he was feuding with Nexus and later the Wyatts? I don't think so/

Or maybe he thinks Bray Wyatt is a dumb gimmick and a mediocre wrestler like I do?

I mean fuck he was given credit for Lesnar at Summerslam but does anyone remember what happened at their first match after Lesnar returned?

If you actually remember that match, Cena barely won, had to cheat, and cut a promo like he was going to be gone for a while due to the damage. Then Vince freaked out and he was back the next night.

Also, let's be blunt here - you don't get to walk out of the WWF for nearly a decade, and come back and beat the top guy.

This idea that he's faultless for what happened to those guys ridiculous. You can win and still make the other guy look amazing. Shit Bret helped really put Austin on the map in a match that Bret won.

Sure, and Cena has done that for other great professional wrestlers like Punk, Bryan, and the like or even guys who have great gimmicks like Umaga and Rusev. I'm not really sad he squashed Ryback, Bray Wyatt, or Dolph Ziggler.

The truth is, great wrestlers can survive. Look at Rusev - he's still awesome. Medicore workers can't.

Also top faces always best top heels is 80s booking. I mean fuck the nWo before it got stupid was the anithesis of that and it worked great.

Hey, and look when WCW really went down the tubes - when they killed he hot dominant babyface who beat everyone who was loved by families and the causal fan in the service of the cool heel that the 18-34 year old males liked more.

It's almost like a kind of warning or something. Also, the nWo would've died in the crib without an awesome babyface who kicked their ass all the time - ie. Sting.

Cena now isn't as bad as Cena then but I'm not going to pretend that if your favorite went again Cena or even allied with him back in the day that that wasn't essentially a death sentence for their momentum.

Thankfully, I'm not a fan of medicore wrestlers who can't stay over. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, and tons of other guys got beat by Cena and managed to survive and thrive. The truth is, Bray Wyatt isn't The Undertaker. He's Papa Shango.

In fact, going all throughout Cena's history, the only 'bad' pins I can really think of is Barrett during the Nexus days and getting the title back from Edge too soon. You can argue Lesnar I one way or another. Other than that, I really can't think of a match decision that should've been different in the long run.

I think Damien Sandow's run in TNA should prove the folly of thinking that every midcarder who has a decent gimmick should beat John Cena.

As always, the problem is never losing to John Cena. Even three times in a row. The problem is what you do the night after you lose to John Cena.

For example, I could put together a great way Wyatt could've been rebuilt, even with all the jobs to Cena right after that feud happened. But, they didn't do that. But, it's not John Cena's job to book the show.


Yeah selling ps3 ports of sports games at $59.99 in 2017 sure is just being smart and not scummy, I'm sure the 4 people who'll buy it will feel smart too

If you check the WiiU eshop you'll see that EA is still selling FIFA '13 at $59.99. That's just an example of the shit practices EA does on a day to day basis, but if you want to label that as 'smart', then boy they're really smart

The 4 people who buy it can represent 50% of the Switch install base for all we know. Putting real effort and money on things that are already a failure or have a big chance of being one is not smart, it's that simple. If the Switch sells decently and they STILL don't put the effort after that, then that's on them, but not until then.

I understand being passionate and going "no, put your resources into this you lazy bastards", but it is a business, they need to make the most using as little as possible. Simply jumping into unknown waters is not the way to go.

Now I'll stop talking about this in a wrasslin thread.

If they were really smart they'd stay the fuck away from the switch anyway, there's no way they'll make any decent money from it

Then people would blame them for "sabotaging" Nintendo. Whether they release the current gen version, the past gen version or don't release anything for the console, there are valid reasons to do so, but peole will still find a way to blame them even though it's not their fault this time around, because, as I said before, Fuck EA.

Fake edit: I'll stop for real now haha


If they were really smart they'd stay the fuck away from the switch anyway, there's no way they'll make any decent money from it

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
John Cena is literally Sting.

like it's crazy people compare him to Hogan or Rock. He's Sting 100%. I guess it's because people only seem to know Sting from the Crow gimmick, but he's totally Sting. The work ethic, the athletic build, the cheesy babyface attitude that's not quite as charismatic as a Hogan but still works due to his hard work.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
John Cena is literally Sting.

like it's crazy people compare him to Hogan or Rock. He's Sting 100%. I guess it's because people only seem to know Sting from the Crow gimmick, but he's totally Sting. The work ethic, the athletic build, the cheesy babyface attitude that's not quite as charismatic as a Hogan but still works due to his hard work.

Real Talk: He's actually a better wrestler than Sting. Sting is the greatest white meat babyface of all time though, the crowd literally never turned on him.


I only know Crow Sting. When I started watching WCW that was his Gimmick already and I was obssessed with The Crow as a kid, so he became my fave instantly. Should I check the surfer stuff?

Edit: Thanks, Zach. I'll try to do so this weekend.


Austin/Bret is a 6 star match

it's a masterpiece of fake athletics and kickstarted the hottest boom period in this history of this business


Cole is a damn work horse. Fuck what you think about him but you have to respect everything he has done. Even if it hasn't been up to par as many would love. But most people would've walked away 5 years after being in the company. This guy has been at it for almost 21!
Cole is the John Cena of commentators. And I mean that in a good way.
Anything you think about John Cena (good or bad) is personified just as much by Cole... and probably moreso because Cena gets millions and Cole's gig is a largely thankless one.

NOLA.com asked Vince McMahon the questions we are all dying to know:

TLDR: He's out of touch with his current roster, he'll never be back on TV full time, he's never retiring.
In other words, nothing we didn't already know.


Cole is a damn work horse. Fuck what you think about him but you have to respect everything he has done. Even if it hasn't been up to par as many would love. But most people would've walked away 5 years after being in the company. This guy has been at it for almost 21!

i don't respect that fucking nerd at all

do everyone a favor and stop working so much. you're terrible and no one appreciates it.



Their best match was never supposed to happen, think about that for a moment.
The best moments in the WWE were never "supposed" to happen... whether it's the classic WM13 double-turn match between Bret and Austin or Daniel Bryan dominating the focus of WM30.

In other words, Roman Reigns will only ever get over when he's not "supposed" to.
When they finally stop shoving him down our throats and into endless main events where he looks strong... only THEN will he get over. Not before.
The best moments in the WWE were never "supposed" to happen... whether it's the classic WM13 double-turn match between Bret and Austin or Daniel Bryan dominating the focus of WM30.

In other words, Roman Reigns will only ever get over when he's not "supposed" to.
When they finally stop shoving him down our throats and into endless main events where he looks strong... only THEN will he get over. Not before.

Except the current smark fans will always hate him for winning the Rumble and even if they do, there will always be a new indy guy who should be pushed to the top immediately and never be defeated by anybody else exept other indy guys.

i don't respect that fucking nerd at all

do everyone a favor and stop working so much. you're terrible and no one appreciates it.

Except Cole is a perfectly good commentator when McMahon isn't strangling him. Any announcer on RAW would be ruined within weeks.

Goldberg did.

Except Goldberg didn't walk out. WWE and he mutually agreed not to hang around. There was no bad blood beyond the usual 'WCW guys are terrible' BS that WWE really doesn't even believe in their heart of hearts. There's a reason why he won that WM match.
My son thinks the Switch is lame and stupidly priced! Amazon pre-order about to get canceled. Yeeeaaah!

Old hairy dude you say?


John Cena is literally Sting.

like it's crazy people compare him to Hogan or Rock. He's Sting 100%. I guess it's because people only seem to know Sting from the Crow gimmick, but he's totally Sting. The work ethic, the athletic build, the cheesy babyface attitude that's not quite as charismatic as a Hogan but still works due to his hard work.

Yeah, back when I first saw him in UPW back in 2000 Sting is exactly who he reminded me of, I know I wasn't the only one since I saw/heard a lot of people in WWE calling him the next Sting back when he was a development guy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
As far as I'm concerned 1997-2000 Rock and Bald Megastar Rock are two different people. Both very handsome but if someone told me that an alien swallowed Rock and used his memories to become an action star I'd believe them.
I'm still a couple pages back but I just wanted to thank you guys for not getting rolled up by the nintendo switch. I almost bought one last night but the bullshit with the Zelda masters edition pissed me off. Was still considering trading in my old ps4 towards a switch, but then I read the this thread and saw the light. Five launch titles LMFAO, only like three good games in the first six months and one of them is a remake. So thanks.
I'm being serious

Wrestling related Jim Cornette can eat a chode. Dude bitching about Omega when you just screamed "It's fake!" a shit ton of time on a podcast. How is that not exposing the business you dumb fuck.
I'm still a couple pages back but I just wanted to thank you guys for not getting rolled up by the nintendo switch. I almost bought one last night but the bullshit with the Zelda masters edition pissed me off. Was still considering trading in my old ps4 towards a switch, but then I read the this thread and saw the light. Five launch titles LMFAO, only like three good games in the first six months and one of them is a remake. So thanks.
I'm being serious

Wrestling related Jim Cornette can eat a chode. Dude bitching about Omega when you just screamed "It's fake!" a shit ton of time on a podcast. How is that not exposing the business you dumb fuck.
Yo, more new guys. Give us a fave five, and pick a side on HHH. Also avoid interaction with Zach. He's weird.


As far as I'm concerned 1997-2000 Rock and Bald Megastar Rock are two different people. Both very handsome but if someone told me that an alien swallowed Rock and used his memories to become an action star I'd believe them.
Watching old Rock promos is weird for this exact reason. Everything from his voice to his mannerisms feel like a totally different dude than the modern day Cool Uncle Rock we have now.
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