Sure probably but by the time he was feuding with Nexus and later the Wyatts? I don't think so/
Or maybe he thinks Bray Wyatt is a dumb gimmick and a mediocre wrestler like I do?
I mean fuck he was given credit for Lesnar at Summerslam but does anyone remember what happened at their first match after Lesnar returned?
If you actually remember that match, Cena barely won, had to cheat, and cut a promo like he was going to be gone for a while due to the damage. Then Vince freaked out and he was back the next night.
Also, let's be blunt here - you don't get to walk out of the WWF for nearly a decade, and come back and beat the top guy.
This idea that he's faultless for what happened to those guys ridiculous. You can win and still make the other guy look amazing. Shit Bret helped really put Austin on the map in a match that Bret won.
Sure, and Cena has done that for other great professional wrestlers like Punk, Bryan, and the like or even guys who have great gimmicks like Umaga and Rusev. I'm not really sad he squashed Ryback, Bray Wyatt, or Dolph Ziggler.
The truth is, great wrestlers can survive. Look at Rusev - he's still awesome. Medicore workers can't.
Also top faces always best top heels is 80s booking. I mean fuck the nWo before it got stupid was the anithesis of that and it worked great.
Hey, and look when WCW really went down the tubes - when they killed he hot dominant babyface who beat everyone who was loved by families and the causal fan in the service of the cool heel that the 18-34 year old males liked more.
It's almost like a kind of warning or something. Also, the nWo would've died in the crib without an awesome babyface who kicked their ass all the time - ie. Sting.
Cena now isn't as bad as Cena then but I'm not going to pretend that if your favorite went again Cena or even allied with him back in the day that that wasn't essentially a death sentence for their momentum.
Thankfully, I'm not a fan of medicore wrestlers who can't stay over. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, and tons of other guys got beat by Cena and managed to survive and thrive. The truth is, Bray Wyatt isn't The Undertaker. He's Papa Shango.
In fact, going all throughout Cena's history, the only 'bad' pins I can really think of is Barrett during the Nexus days and getting the title back from Edge too soon. You can argue Lesnar I one way or another. Other than that, I really can't think of a match decision that should've been different in the long run.
I think Damien Sandow's run in TNA should prove the folly of thinking that every midcarder who has a decent gimmick should beat John Cena.
As always, the problem is never losing to John Cena. Even three times in a row. The problem is what you do the night after you lose to John Cena.
For example, I could put together a great way Wyatt could've been rebuilt, even with all the jobs to Cena right after that feud happened. But, they didn't do that. But, it's not John Cena's job to book the show.