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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John


I usually stay away from politics but Natty shooting

She's not wrong, I don't think I'll ever understand the American attitude towards healthcare.


She's not wrong, I don't think I'll ever understand the American attitude towards healthcare.

I'm american and I don't even understand the opposition towards universal healthcare. Having the ability to be healthy linked to your level of wealth is fucking barbaric.

Wrestlers will probably gobble the Switch up. A console you can take on the road is a dream come true for them.

An episode of Raw lasts longer than battery does and it will take longer than an episode of Smackdown to charge, though
I'm american and I don't even understand the opposition towards universal healthcare. Having the ability to be healthy being linked to your level of wealth is fucking barbaric.

An episode of Raw lasts longer than battery does and it will take longer than an episode of Smackdown to charge
To me everybody having access to healthcare is just a given, it's a right not a privilege and should be based on need, not wealth.

And even outside of the moral argument it just makes sense to make sure your population is healthy if you want the country as a whole to prosper.
She's not wrong, I don't think I'll ever understand the American attitude towards healthcare.

Universal healthcare is pretty dope.

When I had to get a tumor removed I had 5 days in hospital with a private room with flat screen TV and wifi, got a MRI, other scans and blood tests and then surgery.

All that cost my a bit over €500

And no long waiting times. When to my doctor and I was in a hospital the next day to see a specialist.

I would be tens of thousands of dollars in debt if I was American.


I'm sure I'll get a Switch eventually but it's going to fill the exact same role that the Wii and Wii-U filled. It's going to be a second/third console that gathers dust during the droughts between Nintendo releases.


I'm sure I'll get a Switch eventually but it's going to fill the exact same role that the Wii and Wii-U filled. It's going to be a second/third console that gathers dust during the droughts between Nintendo releases.

Pretty much this. Though, when I do finally get one, I should have several Nintendo releases to check out by that time.


That battery life tho.

I'm sure they can afford portable chargers.

I'm sure I'll get a Switch eventually but it's going to fill the exact same role that the Wii and Wii-U filled. It's going to be a second/third console that gathers dust during the droughts between Nintendo releases.

Same. Any reasonable person should not expect anything more from Nintendo at this point. If people didn't see this coming from a mile away, that's on them.
Universal healthcare is pretty dope.

When I had to get a tumor removed I had 5 days in hospital with a private room with flat screen TV and wifi, got a MRI, other scans and blood tests and then surgery.

All that cost my a bit over €500

And no long waiting times. When to my doctor and I was in a hospital the next day to see a specialist.

I would be tens of thousands of dollars in debt if I was American.
My grandad had colon cancer about 20 years ago, got all the tests and the biopsy done, then the surgery and all the following check ups without having to pay a penny. It literally saved his life and it pains me to see the way our government is screwing over our healthcare system.

Glad to see you're doing OK :)


how the fuck did Corny not give out about the one armed powerbomb spot using a shoulder that was both storyline injured and worked over extensively in the match



It seems now the new territories is going to be worldwide.

Right now its ITV, Floslam, WWE and New Japan fighting over what Indie they get in the UK.


Haha, just about to post the exact same thing.

This whole situation's going to get VERY murky with 4 sets of promotions offering UK talent contracts (5, if you count ROH) - the UK scene's often had guys who've worked pretty much everywhere, but things could be divided down a lot of new contractual lines from here on out.


WWE is easily going to win the streaming game if they hook promotions who sign up with them up with new broadcasting equipment like super fast broadband and such. Gotta keep up those broadcast standards.


According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Hideo Itami has been cleared to wrestle. He suffered a neck injury during an NXT live event; during that show, he was dropped on his neck, during a twisting powerslam by Riddick Moss.

So what would you do with now? Risk him doing some more local NXT events, hold him out and surprise people at the NXT Texas or call him up to the main roster?


Normally I would not advocate just shoving guys from NXT on the main roster with nothing to do, but I think with Itami they don't really have anything to lose at this point. Just see what happens. Sadly, 205 Live is actually probably the best spot for him.


Normally I would not advocate just shoving guys from NXT on the main roster with nothing to do, but I think with Itami they don't really have anything to lose at this point. Just see what happens. Sadly, 205 Live is actually probably the best spot for him.

Akira Tozawa is about to debut there. I wonder if they will put him in Smackdown then the WWE will have a Japanese wrestler in each brand.


Cedric, Linn Dorado and Tozawa being NXT-exclusive would have made NXTs depth problems dissapear.

Then just move Kalisto to RAW/205 and hav him, Neville, Swan, Itami, Metallik and Gallagher carry the division.


Can we enter an app for Carny Of The Year? Seems that the Meitu app is sending back as much information as possible to China, even including whether your phone is Jailbroken or not.

Decompiled APK here:


City, country, timezone, latitude, longitude, SIM ICCID, UID, MAC Address, Local IP address also local device stuff - OS, OS version, phone model, OS type, resolution etc.Also getting your carrier.

All in exchange for making your face kawaii.
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