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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John

IF for some strange reason Kenny ends up in WWE I want to be proven wrong on them letting him be Kenny, but I hope it ends up being a mess just so every WWE/Wreddit superfan stops with shit tier dream booking
Why would you want it to be a mess? Maybe we can get another aj situation, twice in a lifetime!


It's -11 right now, -27 with wind chill.

Why would you want it to be a mess? Maybe we can get another aj situation, twice in a lifetime!

Because buying up every 30+ year old indy darling talent doesn't do anything to actually help the product. It's throwing money at a problem and hoping it works. For as great as AJ has been he's still not going to be your Cena or Austin and the overall product is still pretty bland.
You know something, I still think that's it's weird luck that Ellie would marry someone with the last name Neidhart.

So her name is Ellie Hart Neidhart


Because buying up every 30+ year old indy darling talent doesn't do anything to actually help the product. It's throwing money at a problem and hoping it works. For as great as AJ has been he's still not going to be your Cena or Austin and the overall product is still pretty bland.

They've shown over the last 15 years that they have zero desire to improve their writing or storylines.

Thry rode on LolCenaWins for 12 years and now people are bored.
They've shown over the last 15 years that they have zero desire to improve their writing or storylines.

Thry rode on LolCenaWins for 12 years and now people are bored.

But that's more to my point. Now, they're trying to fix it by just singing guys and throwing money around but it has done dick in fixing the overall product. Sure we've gotten some gems in Styles, Owens, Zayn, Rollins and whoever else but how many of them have ascended to a point of them actually being able to take the company on their shoulders?


Remember when Triple H beat Brock at WM29 for no reason?

Remember when Triple H best Punk in late 2011 for no reason?


Why have they not reshot Aaliyah's 'Coming Up' photo on NXT? She looks like a creepy horror doll instead of, well, herself.


Styles, Owens, Jericho, Rollins, Zayn, and even The New Day are basically talent working in spite of the current writing.

This. When I look at those guys, I don't see people that creative has done many favors. Especially Zayn. Styles, Jericho, Owens, and New Day either have the one good writer on staff, or have been allowed to get over on their terms, which is what i've assumed has happened. I really don't get why they can't give everyone a chance to define their own characters. If its clearly not working then give them writers.
Really hoping Omega will stay in NJPW. WWE would not use him to his full potential and probably job him out to Reigns or Rollins then end up in the mid card.

That said I will say AJ vs Omega or even Omega vs Miz would be an insane feud that would deliver.
Speaking of which, any chance we see Nakamura get bumped to main before Wrestlemania?

He and AJ need to be main eventing Mania imho

I'm thinking 0. That match happening at Mania with 0 build would be silly, but we all know it would just be AJ vs Nak every week for the 10 weeks leading into Mania.

Styles, Owens, Jericho, Rollins, Zayn, and even The New Day are basically talent working in spite of the current writing.

This is true and I know I'm being very negative, I just don't think throwing money at every Indy darling is the answer.


This is true and I know I'm being very negative, I just don't think throwing money at every Indy darling is the answer.

The product is shit, but the indy darlings they have thrown money at are the only reasons I watch current WWE. Miz/Jericho/New Day are the only exceptions. So yeah its bad now, but it would be dire without them.
I'm thinking 0. That match happening at Mania with 0 build would be silly, but we all know it would just be AJ vs Nak every week for the 10 weeks leading into Mania.

This is true and I know I'm being very negative, I just don't think throwing money at every Indy darling is the answer.

Good points. It really needs a build of epic proportions imo.


This is true and I know I'm being very negative, I just don't think throwing money at every Indy darling is the answer.

It's not but they have little options right now and it's their own fault. Their stars of the mid to late 00's are all but gone, who's left, Cena, Orton, and Jericho who all are part-time themselves? Just try to imagine who will be in these spots in five years from now.
I get why people want every wrestler they like to go to WWE because you want them to get more money and exposure, but instead of that why don't you actually support these guys by watching them and spreading the word so they don't have to? And y'know, don't pirate all the shows.

NJPW are looking to expand in 2017, so why don't you help them along so top guys like Omega and Okada can make real money.

No, he and Zayn should be the hottest babyfaces in years but they are not.
Exactly, they've completely shit the bed.
Remember when HHH beat Sting so he could the flog the dead horse that is WCW one last time, in the process denying us of the match we all really wanted to see - The Undertaker vs Sting.


Yeah, everyone for no apparent reason wanted to see an older man who couldn't go anymore replace HHH who can slightly go. At least that booking had Nash.
I get why people want every wrestler they like to go to WWE because you want them to get more money and exposure, but instead of that why don't you actually support these guys by watching them and spreading the word so they don't have to? And y'know, don't pirate all the shows.

NJPW are looking to expand in 2017, so why don't you help them along so top guys like Omega and Okada can make real money.

Exactly, they've completely shit the bed.

It is frustrating Omega/Okada stolen upload on YT already has 60,000+ views. Likely because the link was spread on reddit etc. Barely any of the cunts who watched that video will actually sub and support the people killing themselves in these matches either.

It may be that any exposure is good exposure, but it is still a bit aggaravating.

As far as Zayn goes. Look how over he was at Dallas this year on NXT. Now he is jobbing in a SHIT angle against some green guy Vince is impressed with because he was born tall.


Yeah, everyone for no apparent reason wanted to see an older man who couldn't go anymore replace HHH who can slightly go. At least that booking had Nash.

Are you talking about the Sting story? Because everyone who paid attention to the story knew Sting should have won that.
It is frustrating Omega/Okada stolen upload on YT already has 60,000+ views. Likely because the link was spread on reddit etc. Barely any of the cunts who watched that video will actually sub and support the people killing themselves in these matches either.

It may be that any exposure is get exposure, but it is still a bit aggaravating.

As far as Zayn goes. Look how over he was at Dallas this year on NXT. Now he is jobbing in a SHIT angle against some green guy Vince is impressed with because he was born tall.
Yeah I mean come on its like $8 a month, surely you can spare that for these guys that are damn near killing themselves for your entertainment?


One of the problems I have with WWE is that don't particularly excel at anything to the point I can overlook their flaws


HHH winning the Rumble/Title was good because #AnyoneButRoman and honestly nobody else looked like a credible champion at the time. HHH's brief title run after that was kind of neat. HHH putting on a fucking shit stain of a main event with Roman was not good. Plus they ran head first into the same issue that happened after the Daniel Bryan storyline - HHH was defeated and the Authority should have vanished but once again they dont fucking go away.
They're always going to have fans no matter what WWE does but they are no where near the level of baby face they should be at

I think Zayn's going to have a bit of an uptick when he finally manages to defeat Braun. Assuming neither of them wins the rumble (!), I'm guessing Zayn eliminates Braun - and then we can have their final match at Mania. If they're gutsy? Give them an Iron Man match, something like that. 30 mins, most falls. Something definitive and brutal that lets them both play to their strengths. Honestly, could make stars of both of them.
Yeah I mean come on its like $8 a month, surely you can spare that for these guys that are damn near killing themselves for your entertainment?

It is something that really pisses me off. A lot of the guys on that card either shaved years off their life or will be in a lot of pain for a lot of their later years and what. It is great news that NJPW World got 10K new subscribers. 6 times that amount pirated the main event. Maybe that will lead to greater exposure and make them more money, nobody knows but for now it really shits me.


It'd be nice if guys could just be successful in the indies without being caught by the WWE tornado but such is life.

when you grow up watching wwe, dreaming of wwe, being sold the wwe wrestlemania dream, train your ass off in wrestling school, bump you ass off for years in gyms in front of 50 people for $100 a match...

then WWE offers you a chance to wrestle on tv, in front of thousands for 6 figures a year

it's unfortunate that there's no real competition out there for them.


I think Zayn's going to have a bit of an uptick when he finally manages to defeat Braun. Assuming neither of them wins the rumble (!), I'm guessing Zayn eliminates Braun - and then we can have their final match at Mania. If they're gutsy? Give them an Iron Man match, something like that. 30 mins, most falls. Something definitive and brutal that lets them both play to their strengths. Honestly, could make stars of both of them.
1. Braun can't work a 30 mins match
2. Braun vs Roman is the WM match probably, Zayn will end up in a multi man ladder match.
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