No fucking relations at all. 80s was some weird shitAnd then you have Jimmy Hart and Bret Hart in the same promotion at the same time
No fucking relations at all. 80s was some weird shitAnd then you have Jimmy Hart and Bret Hart in the same promotion at the same time
when you grow up watching wwe, dreaming of wwe, being sold the wwe wrestlemania dream, train your ass off in wrestling school, bump you ass off for years in gyms in front of 50 people for $100 a match...
then WWE offers you a chance to wrestle on tv, in front of thousands for 6 figures a year
it's unfortunate that there's no real competition out there for them.
So I'm looking up horror movies on Amazon to add to my collection and Mean Girls shows up as a suggested purchase[img][/QUOTE]
Mean Girls is so great it's trans-genre.
I think Zayn's going to have a bit of an uptick when he finally manages to defeat Braun. Assuming neither of them wins the rumble (!), I'm guessing Zayn eliminates Braun - and then we can have their final match at Mania. If they're gutsy? Give them an Iron Man match, something like that. 30 mins, most falls. Something definitive and brutal that lets them both play to their strengths. Honestly, could make stars of both of them.
1. Braun can't work a 30 mins match
2. Braun vs Roman is the WM match probably, Zayn will end up in a multi man ladder match.
Goldberg hit a killer spear on Nunzio at the '04 Rumble.
Roman is winning the the belt at RR, and they think that babyfaces like Zayn get over by losing so they're doing a good jobDon't break my heart. Braun vs Roman feels like an inevitability, yes - hopefully for the US title, if it happens? - but it's just going to be sad. And then it'll be apparent that Sami is just a sacrificial lamb to make Roman look strong, in a roundabout way.
It's not but they have little options right now and it's their own fault. Their stars of the mid to late 00's are all but gone, who's left, Cena, Orton, and Jericho who all are part-time themselves? Just try to imagine who will be in these spots in five years from now.
I do find it funny that fans and some workers got a bug up their butt about pirating WK, considering like 90% of workers I know are the biggest pirate thieves in the history of the high seas
What difference does it make who pirates the show? People you know pirate shows so fuck it who cares?
Not sure why you're trying to argue with me about it, I don't really have an opinion either way
My give a fuck ometer is limited
So you admit you were just saying something dumb to get people riled up
I think Zayn's going to have a bit of an uptick when he finally manages to defeat Braun. Assuming neither of them wins the rumble (!), I'm guessing Zayn eliminates Braun - and then we can have their final match at Mania. If they're gutsy? Give them an Iron Man match, something like that. 30 mins, most falls. Something definitive and brutal that lets them both play to their strengths. Honestly, could make stars of both of them.
Not sure why you're trying to argue with me about it
Zayn is literally an underdog babyface who actually does get over by losing but showing lots of fight
I know for a fact AJ Styles had a "jailbroke" OG xbox where you would basically play the pirated games off the hard drive.
Samoa Joe and AJ have talked about it in the past on shoots when discussing their love of games and of Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 on the 64.
Fawk yeah!
You made a statement I responded to and questioned?
That's an interesting angle on his booking. More interesting than seeing it as creative having problems figuring out what to do with him.
This is funFawk yeah!
What's the backstory on the tag team of Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa being called DIY?
It is that, it's about having a DIY work ethic, no one's going to hand you a spot, you have to work hard for it.
OH.. Do It Yourself. Got it! lol
Zayn is literally an underdog babyface who actually does get over by losing but showing lots of fight
Zayn is a vanilla midget with the face of a goof, would you have wanted Dean Malenko whipping Goldberg's ass in WCW in 1998?That may have worked in other feuds but Zayn is the least over he's been since starting in NXT right now. He's been getting killed so bad by Strowman that he's not credible any more.
Zayn is a vanilla midget with the face of a goof, would you have wanted Dean Malenko whipping Goldberg's ass in WCW in 1998?
Ffs, this shit keeps on goingOh man we're getting Roman vs Jericho AND Owens this week for the US Title....
On Who Was Supposed To Be The Higher Power: The original idea was The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. And then Vince saw him and said, absolutely not. [McMahon did not like Daniels] size. [He] just didnt see it. Prichard continued, Chris was working out in California and Chris was working indies and different things an I was a big fan of Chris Daniels too at the time. I liked the Fallen Angel gimmick and I want to say we had Chris under a developmental deal for a little while. [He] just didnt see it. He just looked at him and he didnt see it. He was dead from the get-go.
Naito's so goddamn cool.
Naito's so goddamn cool.
Also why are there no Naito t-shirts on ProWrestlingTees? There's LIJ stuff but nothing for him specifically. All the other guys have shirts?
Oh man we're getting Roman vs Jericho AND Owens this week for the US Title....
Oh man we're getting Roman vs Jericho AND Owens this week for the US Title....
Oh man we're getting Roman vs Jericho AND Owens this week for the US Title....
I think they might have the Destino one actually, think I'll pick that up at some point and a Kenny Omega shirt.Theres the offical Destino shirt on ebay but its imported from Japan an super expensive
Never heard this before but Christopher Daniels was pitched to be the higher power to Vince:
Daniels was under a developmental deal at that time for WWE.
Finally watched Okada vs Omega. 5 stars? Sure.
Six stars is jumping the shark.
For something to be considered the greatest wrestling match in the history of wrestling, it has to stand the test of time. I don't see that here.
Finally watched Okada vs Omega. 5 stars? Sure.
Six stars is jumping the shark.
For something to be considered the greatest wrestling match in the history of wrestling, it has to stand the test of time. I don't see that here.