Ninja Scooter
Doesn't a WWE Toys to Life game make sense?
Don't worry they'll think it's a good idea 4 years from now.Doesn't a WWE Toys to Life game make sense?
from the dude who teams up with the young bucks and rips off video games for all his moves
Doesn't a WWE Toys to Life game make sense?
Notice how he specifically talks about them ripping off their wrestling logo. Not sure what him parodying video games has to do with anything.
Doesn't a WWE Toys to Life game make sense?
It was just Naomi's shitty entrance music that they were all saddled with as a song for the stable.Team BAD has new entrance music?
I guess it's better than AMA-MAY-MAY-MAY-ZING at least.
It was awful.awwww, the Keep It 100 podcast is ending for now -_-
It was awful.
He states that parodying a wrestling shirt is somehow bottom of the barrel. You are not any more original parodying a wrestling shirt than calling your finisher 'One Winged Angel'. In fact, shit like that is even more lazy because it's literally just video game reference. There isn't even really parody.
Different medium. Ripping off a logo in the same field (in this case, wrestling) really is bottom of the barrel stuff.
I like Kenny Omega but I really hope he keeps the comedy shit to a minimum going forward with this new push.
I'll just disagree then. Especially when you see all the stuff the Bucks do with prowrestlingtees.
That said, that line reads VERY kayfabe-y.Kenny Omega wasn't involved in any of the best matches of 2015 for example
Omega Shootin
I don't know if Kenny omega is the lamest wrestler of all time or the coolest.
I don't know if Kenny omega is the lamest wrestler of all time or the coolest.
I don't know if Kenny omega is the lamest wrestler of all time or the coolest.
Jeff Jarrett is the Jeff Jarrett of the modern era.He is the Jeff Jarrett of the modern era, slappy
Harsh and I barely know who Kenny Omega is.He is the Jeff Jarrett of the modern era, slappy
Damn everyone makes him out to be awesomeHe is the Jeff Jarrett of the modern era, slappy
awwww, the Keep It 100 podcast is ending for now -_-
BTW is the Elimination Chamber match from last year as entertaining as Botchamania makes it seem?
I don't remember an elimination chamber last yearNo, it was absolutely tedious to slog through.
I almost began longing for the one that included Big Daddy V or the December to Dismember one.
No, it was absolutely tedious to slog through.
I almost began longing for the one that included Big Daddy V or the December to Dismember one.
Which one is that? I want to see it again.BTW is the Elimination Chamber match from last year as entertaining as Botchamania makes it seem?
Which one is that? I want to see it again.
Asuka and who else? Too many mother fuckers in one car btw
Asuka and who else? Too many mother fuckers in one car btw
Nakamura is full on the most charismatic wrestler on the planet, when he's on his game, but I just can't even picture how WWE is going to use him. Considering how much he was making in New Japan, I can't imagine WWE offered him anything less than a FUCK-TON of money, but unless they give him a bigger build-up than Tensai, Bo, and Fandango combined, him just showing up at Raw and acting like a coked-up weirdo is going to go poorly.
Also, Orton is wonderful, and I will hear no word to the contrary. He's the epitome of a wrestler who gets better the more you watch him, because - like the above GIF/photo combo shows - his work contains so many little touches that break up the seeming sameness of his moveset.
I seeClockwise is Asuka, Sara Lee from Tough Enough, Liv Morgan, Athena and Aliyah.
He's going to body everyone on UpUpDownDown if they let him into a street fighter tournament.
Orton's kinda Jeff Jarrett-y. 😬Nakamura is full on the most charismatic wrestler on the planet, when he's on his game, but I just can't even picture how WWE is going to use him. Considering how much he was making in New Japan, I can't imagine WWE offered him anything less than a FUCK-TON of money, but unless they give him a bigger build-up than Tensai, Bo, and Fandango combined, him just showing up at Raw and acting like a coked-up weirdo is going to go poorly.
Also, Orton is wonderful, and I will hear no word to the contrary. He's the epitome of a wrestler who gets better the more you watch him, because - like the above GIF/photo combo shows - his work contains so many little touches that break up the seeming sameness of his moveset.