Snowman Prophet of Doom
I honestly cannot wait to have Orton fight Nakamura and Styles. Well, I can wait, because it's gonna be awhile.
Everybody is talking up Nak vs. Bryan (lol, not gonna happen) and Nak vs. Rollins (which will be dope), but honestly, the matches I'm most looking forward to are Nak vs. Orton, Nak vs. Sheamus, and Nak vs. Roman. This is assuming that they actually push him to be the main eventer he very obviously is, which they probably won't. Oh, and Nak vs. Owens would be fun, too, as would Nak vs. Neville. And Nak vs. Zayn, and Nak vs. Itami, and Nak vs. Balor, and Nak vs. Wyatt, and Nak vs. Cesaro... shit, I'd even be down for seeing curtain jerk matches like Nak vs. Ryback, Nak vs. Titus, Nak vs. Ziggler. That's how goddamn much I love Nak, and honestly, as I list all these dope-sounding matches one by one, it makes me think this jump might be the best thing for Nak, when weighed against the stale booking that awaited him in NJPW.