he has ufc gloves on so you know its a shoot
Owen is always tricky since his wife/widow hates him being included in anything WWE.I'm thinking either Sting or possibly Owen since just had the DVD
I'm thinking either Sting or possibly Owen since just had the DVD
Owen I can't see just because who would do the speech?
Plus in their biggest show do they want to remember what was one of their biggest mistakes?
I don't think Owen's wife signed off or something on that dvd. There was still something between the two parties.I'm thinking either Sting or possibly Owen since just had the DVD
Bret.Owen I can't see just because who would do the speech?
Plus in their biggest show do they want to remember what was one of their biggest mistakes?
Yep, her and Bret strongly disagree on how Owen's legacy should be handled.But doesn't Owen's ex hate Bret?
She seems pretty miserable to deal with.Honestly, fuck Owen's ex wife.
Seeing him get out of his chair for the first time made me tear up pretty bad. So happy he's finally regaining his life.Went back to look up some old favorites to see how they were getting along these days. Haven't been able to find Dragon Kid news since 2014 sadly. Led me to check up on Eiji Ezaki (Hayabusa) to see how he was getting on with his singing career after he was crippled due to injury. Got the pleasant news that he has regained the use of his legs and can walk with a cane now! Had no idea this happened, but it made me really happy to hear it. That injury was one of the most tragic moments I ever saw. Glad to see he's regained so much.
You can't really blame her but at the same time here you have a guy in Bret, we know his history with the company and what he initially though when it all happened . He wants them to celebrate his life, that's his blood and he's damn right about her not really projecting his life to his kids. She probably gets angry at them for watching his matches.She seems pretty miserable to deal with.
Looked through some old Puroresu reviews and started checking out Japan's women wrestling at Stardom.
I'm hoping I'm getting the names right. I don't know these wrestlers and they change outfits a lot. I also enjoyed the Sendai Sachiko and Io Shirai stuff I found.
At this point she's doing far more damage than good for what seems like entirely selfish reasons. Life has to move on, and you can't force his other family and friends to just forget his life work.You can't really blame her but at the same time here you have a guy in Bret, we know his history with the company and what he initially though when it all happened . He wants them to celebrate his life, that's his blood and he's damn right about her not really projecting his life to his kids. She probably gets angry at them for watching his matches.
You can't really blame her but at the same time here you have a guy in Bret, we know his history with the company and what he initially though when it all happened . He wants them to celebrate his life, that's his blood and he's damn right about her not really projecting his life to his kids. She probably gets angry at them for watching his matches.
Honestly, fuck Owen's ex wife.
You're absolutely correct. Owen's side of the family think she's a wack job and with Owen being a family man, I know that he hates that abrupt split that she's caused.At this point she's doing far more damage than good for what seems like entirely selfish reasons. Life has to move on, and you can't force his other family and friends to just forget his life work.
Owen's ex wife is fine. People deal with grief in different ways. He isn't "ours" to say what should or should not be done. She has more of a say than fans should. This is how it should be.
What did Hunter do to Owen?Honestly I'm sympathetic towards her.
WWE just wants to make money off her husbands name and project the fake carny history of the McMahon family.
If WWE donated all profits from the DVD to The Owen Hart Foundation and werfe completely honest in their fucking of owen hart and HHH's burial of Owen then fine.
They made Owen do that shit because of their dumb meathead lockeroom mentality.
I mean does anyone trust a company run by a McMahon to do the right thing? Hell even when they made sure Vikki had a job they proceeded to use her husbands death in storyline.
I mean there's no denying WWE is blatantly scummy and exploitive when dealing with "honoring" dead wrestlers.Yup.
If the company had different leadership I'd disagree but its the same people.
Stardom is a shitload of fun, I really dig their stuff. The only challenge you'll really have with them is knowing if you're getting a single-camera show or multi-cam. Makes a huge difference.
I mostly mean Bret should be allowed to have more input than he's allowed.Owen's ex wife is fine. People deal with grief in different ways. He isn't "ours" to say what should or should not be done. She has more of a say than fans should. This is how it should be.
Jobber entrance in a match with Dolph Ziggler at the end of the second hour of RawSo if you're WWE how do you introduce Nakamura properly? He'll still be signed with New Japan until the end of the month, so a Rumble debut is out of the question.
It's too bad there isn't a Takeover show between now and Mania weekend, because that would have been a good place to debut him, like they did with Joe last year.
If they are gonna do a surprise debut with AJ Styles at the Rumble, I'm hoping they don't go down the same route with Nakamura. Even though we'd all mark out, I'm pretty sure he'd come out to silence if he just showed up randomly on Raw or the February PPV. Even though WWE never does this kind of shit anymore, I hope they tease him through pre-recorded interview packages that air every week on Raw and Smackdown. It would be him talking shit in Japanese with subtitles, shot like the pre-recorded Brock Lesnar/John Cena shit talk videos. Each video can end with "SHINSUKE NAKAMURA - COMING AT FAST LANE"
Alternatively, if Nakamura isn't a part of the Mania plans, you can just debut him on Raw after Mania to the crazy hardcore crowd that actually knows who he is.
Sandow comes out with the Aladdin Sane makeup and proceeds to get destroyed by whoever the fuck, that's my call
Is it really that hard to make a new guy seem like a Big Fucking Deal?
I remember when Vince was able to do it in the past with new guys getting signed. They were able to do it with Sting tho, barely.
If you present someone like a big deal they might actually get over, and WWE can't have that happening.For in 2016 it seem like hard thing to do.
Is it really that hard to make a new guy seem like a Big Fucking Deal?
I remember when Vince was able to do it in the past with new guys getting signed. They were able to do it with Sting tho, barely.
I'm glad they just rinsed away Warrior's past. Like they say, forgive and forget. It could've been worse the way things went down.I mean there's no denying WWE is blatantly scummy and exploitive when dealing with "honoring" dead wrestlers.
The way Macho was handled still bothers me, and the white washing of Warrior's past after he died.
You heard that song by Hall and Oates, out of touch?Is it really that hard to make a new guy seem like a Big Fucking Deal?
I remember when Vince was able to do it in the past with new guys getting signed. They were able to do it with Sting tho, barely.
How long is Ibushi out for?Hmmm...I wonder if NJPW will go on a talent hunt to fill the gaps left by Ibushi, Devitt, Pac, Styles and soon Nakamura. It'd be nice if they brought in some Dragon Gate draws like Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk. Yoshino has been a looooooooongtime favorite of mine since his Speed Muscle days. Lightning Spiral 4 life. They still got Okada, Tanahashi, Goto, Shibata, and several others but it'd be nice to see them fill in some holes on the speedier high fly side.
Unconfirmed rumors have been running rampant that Shinsuke Nakamura and The Bullet Club are in negotiations with WWE, and a series of cryptic tweets to and by the New Japan standouts have only served to stoke the flames. The office of WWE COO Triple H has been mum on the issue, and anyone who might have a line on the international stars plans isnt talking. If the four rumored signees Nakamura, AJ Styles, Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson domake their way to WWE, theyll immediately become part of a long tradition of marquee signings by the Titan Tower talent team. Here are ten that previously set the sports-entertainment world ablaze.
Vince will see this and decide that Nakamura should be a ninja:
Also, Googling "Nakamura ninja" is surprisingly NSFW.
Her hip will be dust in 5 years max
I saw indefinitely on Wikipedia and wasn't sure. Damn.
My cell phone contract ran out and was wondering what the top rated providers are for you guys? I've got Verizon right now and thought they were decent, esp compared to T-Mobile. But i didn't know if anyone had experience elsewhere
That's about the average timespan of a joshi's career before retirement anyways these days
T-Mobile keeps me happy, but I would imagine it all depends where you are.
I smiled at the mention of Titan TowersSpeaking of Nakamura, I noticed is now calling the signings "Nakamura and The Bullet Club"
They got him out in front!