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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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Will Kurt Angle make the WWE Hall of Fame once TNA is finally dead?

nah Vince thinks that if Kurt comes back and dies the Wrestling industry and him are guilty of taking an all american Olympic hero and turning into a broken down drug addict.


He'll be whatever, we'll see if he even ends up there. I'm not concerned about it in one way or the other. The tireless fantasy booking since WK10 is wearing me down to a nub.
To be fair this talent grab is the biggest thing to happen in some time. People are estatic at the chance to actually get excited about WWE.


It's important to state that they're very good to have in NXT for a lot of the things they're doing off-TV with the talent. Training with them, sharing their knowledge, and more - it's invaluable for their upcoming crop of people, and it really, REALLY helps young wrusslers to spend time wrusslin' someone very different with a lot of knowledge, as opposed to rookies vs rookies.

For that purpose absolutely, but considering their shitty main roster it's still questionable. Especially for an extended time. Zayn should really also no longer be there.

To be fair this talent grab is the biggest thing to happen in some time. People are estatic at the chance to actually get excited about WWE.

If they don#t fuck it up, which they most likely will. And don't forget about neutering their styles.


FGC Waterboy
Honestly, I'm not sure.

I barely watched the last four PPV's. As in, I watched maybe one or two matches on each. I'm not gonna watch the Rumble live anyways, and the whole Reigns-storyline doesn't really interest me that much either. The only reason I kept my sub for the Network going was for the original content (NXT is on Hulu, so I'm not losing that).

I guess it's a result of dropping Raw that has me disinterested in the PPV's as well, or something like that, I don't know.

Flair is on the Stone Cold podcast tonight, but that doesn't sound very interesting to me, either.

Ziggler Stardust vs. Axel Rose?

I think they need to get NXT off of Hulu and onto the WWE Network only ASAP. I think they lose a fair amount of subs because of it.

They need to clear goat face asap

Honestly; if they don't clear Bryan for the Rumble, then he's probably not coming back. With Bryan you can have a pretty decent WM (assuming Orton, Cena, Rock, Cesaro, Rollins are all out with injury)

WWE WHC: Daniel Bryan (Wins Title Shot at Fast Lane) vs Brock Lesnar (RR Winner)

The end of the Authority: Roman Reigns vs HHH
Stipulation: HHH wins, Reigns can only get title shots via MitB or RR, if Reigns wins, no more Authority

The Ultimate PrizeFight: Kevin Owens vs Undertaker

Faction vs Faction: The Balor Club (Balor, Nakamura, Gallows, Anderson) vs the Wyatt Family (Bray, Luke, Rowan, Braun)

IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

US Title Match: ADR vs Sami Zayn

TMNT 2 Promotional Match: Neville, Stephen Amell, and Ryback vs Sheamus, Barrett, and Rusev

Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day vs Gable and Jordan (or someone here)


He walked a fine line after making those comments imo.

Mabel was fired and brought back many times after being unsafe and that's because he just did as he was told.
I'm legit surprised Mabel never killed anyone. Same with Yokozuna later in his career, he was legit sitting on people.
I'm legit surprised Mabel never killed anyone. Same with Yokozuna later in his career, he was legit sitting on people.
Mabel didn't kill anyone but he altered careers.

Nash eventually had to have a vertebrae fusion.

And Taker's orbital injury caused him pain for years and messed up his vision a little.


Eh Itami was fine, even if he got savaged by Owens.


If he can't speak english perfectly on RAW and they don't give him Heyman, he's done. WWE thinks we're too dumb to understand a feud if both wrestlers aren't explaining every single detail of why they hate eachother, multiple time per show



If he can't speak english perfectly on RAW and they don't give him Heyman, he's done. WWE thinks we're too dumb to understand a feud if both wrestlers aren't explaining every single detail of why they hate eachother, multiple time per show

When the hell do they ever do that? All we ever get for motivation is

Michael Cole: "John Smith and Smith Johns have developed quite the rivalry in recent weeks"




Either you like to have fun or you're a lunatic, it's one or the other

*Ambrose calmly stands waiting for an elevator*



The first wrestling match I ever saw was Halloween Havoc '89's Sting & Ric Flair vs Terry Funk and The Great Muta. With Sting going into the hall of fame, that means that all but The Great Muta are in WWE's Hall Of Fame.

Starting to make me feel old here.


Just catching up on NXT other than the London special. Jordan & Gable best thing in NXT confirmed. Great song, great wrestlers, great everything.

Jordan will be huge.
What were the 10 questions for The Vinnie Vegas?

Could only find one question

WCW MAGAZINE: Is there a part of your game you’d like to improve?”

[VINNIE] VEGAS: I’m gonna be honest with you, kid. I’d like to improve my aerial skills. Hey, I’ll never be like that Jushin Liger guy, but if I could perfect a dropkick off the top rope–forget about it! They’d have to give me the belt by default


Good Art™
I'm always really surprised to see how wresting fans online seem to think any indy super star can directly be main eventer in WWE, like styles winning the RR for exemple... What's the percentage of the RAW audience that knows anything about him ? You can't avoid acknowledging the wrestling world for decades then suddenly have Styles debuting and be all "OMG IT'S AJ STYLES OMG, DO YOU BELIEVE IT!!!"

I mean they can sometime succeed with having someone new debuting as if he was already super huge, but you don't have an unknown super star win the Rumble like that.. Except if that's the angle.

And Nakamura.. Come on, i have to admit i don't know japan wrestling that much, and i discovered him in the Wrestle Kingdom for the first time. But objectively, he lacks everything to be marketable in the wwe.. everything. He's old, not muscular, super weird, asian, has a really fabulous gesture.. Sure he seems to be an incredible wrestler, but i mean.. How do you deal with him for an American mainstream audience honestly ?

Now in NXT it's super different obviously, as people know him there. But i was reading that 411 mania column where the journalist said "why not have lesnar against nakamura as WM main event" seriously..


Fromm all acount he speak better English than kenta.

KENTA more or less started from scratch learning English when he signed with WWE. Asuka spoke a little more but is still undoubtedly knee deep in English lessons since she started.
Given people like JR who don't speak a word of Japanese had conversations with Nakamura around WK9, he must speak enough to get by.


The first wrestling match I ever saw was Halloween Havoc '89's Sting & Ric Flair vs Terry Funk and The Great Muta. With Sting going into the hall of fame, that means that all but The Great Muta are in WWE's Hall Of Fame.

Starting to make me feel old here.

Friend I used to watch Florida Championship Wrestling with Kevin Sullivan v Ed the Bull Gantner , Rock and Roll Express v the Fantastics, and Horsemen in the Arn and Ole days.
My first live event was like Kevin Sullivan vs Dusty Rhodes , and the Steiners vs Raging Bull Manny Fernandez and Rick Rude
You are all good.


I'm always really surprised to see how wresting fans online seem to think any indy super star can directly be main eventer in WWE, like styles winning the RR for exemple... What's the percentage of the RAW audience that knows anything about him ? You can't avoid acknowledging the wrestling world for decades then suddenly have Styles debuting and be all "OMG IT'S AJ STYLES OMG, DO YOU BELIEVE IT!!!"

I mean they can sometime succeed with having someone new debuting as if he was already super huge, but you don't have an unknown super star win the Rumble like that.. Except if that's the angle.

And Nakamura.. Come on, i have to admit i don't know japan wrestling that much, and i discovered him in the Wrestle Kingdom for the first time. But objectively, he lacks everything to be marketable in the wwe.. everything. He's old, not muscular, super weird, asian, has a really fabulous gesture.. Sure he seems to be an incredible wrestler, but i mean.. How do you deal with him for an American mainstream audience honestly ?

Now in NXT it's super different obviously, as people know him there. But i was reading that 411 mania column where the journalist said "why not have lesnar against nakamura as WM main event" seriously..
AJ is not a good example of an "indie star", he was in TNA for a decade with most of that time having national TV. A much larger percentage of WWE fans would know him than those that would know say Kevin Owens pre-WWE, and the Rumble is in Orlando where Impact was based for years.


KENTA more or less started from scratch learning English when he signed with WWE. Asuka spoke a little more but is still undoubtedly knee deep in English lessons since she started.
Given people like JR who don't speak a word of Japanese had conversations with Nakamura around WK9, he must speak enough to get by.

maybe he's speaking Yoshitatsu-english
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