It is. Although PS4 and XB1 got delayed last minute in Europe because of some kind of ratings/cert it on xbox?
It is. Although PS4 and XB1 got delayed last minute in Europe because of some kind of ratings/cert it on xbox?
Real talk: this whole thing is 100% on JBL (with maybe some help from Vince and Kevin Dunn). Obviously they took one look at these guys that Triple H brought in from NXT and they went: "lol, look at these mark ass fuckers pretending to be The Road Warriors, we'll bury the fuck out of them and have a good laugh at their expense."
That said: The Ascension was never good, who are you guys kidding?
You don't have to be good in the ring to be interesting, their original gimmick was fascinating. And keep em as vampires.
Fuck yes.Ascension still has the best theme+titantron in WWE.
Nah, their gimmick was below Vaudevillains shit.
Ascension still has the best theme+titantron in WWE.
The Ascension was never good and anyone with functional eyes saw that they would be dead on arrival on the main roster. But, they were still never given a chance on the main roster at all.
Does it really matter anyhow? All of their matches end in no contests... including last week's Smackdown main event, each of their two matches on RAW this week and this week's Smackdown main event. As far as I'm concerned those two aren't even feuding because they sure as fuck aren't cutting promos or running angles or telling a story or doing any of that shit that the WWE used to do and every other competent wrestling company on the planet does.The only person who doesn't get 50/50 booking is Reigns, although I'm expecting Owens is gonna lose the feud with Ambrose.
Ascension still has the best theme+titantron in WWE.
Nah, their gimmick was below Vaudevillains shit.
You don't have to be good in the ring to be interesting, their original gimmick was fascinating. And keep em as vampires.
As for those Mexicans on Smackdown, look forward to them wrestling one another and trading wins for the next year. That'll get both of them over, right?
The Vaudevillains is honestly a decent gimmick but it's something that would only work on indie circuits and NXT, at most.
It's at least interesting, but not good. Something you really can#t say about whatever the Ascension did, no matter what Sunny seems to think.
It's garbage that doesn't look impactful in the slightest.The Ascension have the worst finisher. It doesn't look even a little bit good or menacing.
The Ascension's theme was more over than the actual wrestlers. The only crowd they ever got to react to them was Full Sail, and it was an ironic reaction because the crowd was making fun of how shit they were.
I don't even believe that Owens wants that belt. He sure didn't seem to care about it when he had it. Now the NXT title? That I believe he would want. Because he needed that thing to feed his family. IC title might as well have been prop jewelry.I keep saying but they have KEVIN OWENS and DEAN AMBROSE in a feud and there has not be a great face to face promo segment with them. It's just been real quick backstage interviews (if that) and matches on matches on matches none of which get any real heat because the only reason they are fighting is Owens wants the belt back, a belt that means next to nothing so NO ONE CARES.
What was their original gimmick, without mentioning their entrance music?
SLAPNUTSI had a (deadly) premonition last night that NJPW might get desperate enough to bring Jeff Jarrett back for Wrestle Kingdom 11 and feature him prominently.
The Ascension might not have been great but they weren't even given a change. From the moment they debuted they were made fun of by JBL and company.
What was their original gimmick, without mentioning their entrance music?
I don't even believe that Owens wants that belt. He sure didn't seem to care about it when he had it. Now the NXT title? That I believe he would want. Because he needed that thing to feed his family. IC title might as well have been prop jewelry.
Have we discussed this?
If so have we ascertained its bullshit?
In the hierarchy of WWE championships I'd say the NXT title right now is more valuable than the IC title, so I could buy Owens wanting that one more.
It makes perfect sense that Bizarro Cena would have brittle bones. But he's impervious to the two things that make the real John Cena break down. Divorce settlements and deep-voiced little boys.Darren Young should honestly be released. The dude gets hurt so much he makes Wade Barrett look like a bastion of health by comparison.
It makes perfect sense that Bizarro Cena would have brittle bones. But he's impervious to the two things that make the real John Cena break down. Divorce settlements and deep-voiced little boys.
I'm willing to entertain the idea that WWE's repeated attempts to retire Daniel Bryan let to him asking for his release so he can go kill himself in Japan or ROH.
I'm sure he's been asking for it. I just hope, fuck, I dunno. I just know other promotions don't give a fuck about his health. And he might be good out there for a year. But it'll eventually get him.![]()
I'm sure he's been asking for it. I just hope, fuck, I dunno. I just know other promotions don't give a fuck about his health. And he might be good out there for a year. But it'll eventually get him.![]()
Have we discussed this?
If so have we ascertained its bullshit?
Illuminati vampires. They were Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines in a gimmick so its instantly my favourite gimmick ever.
Or like, anyone else, at all.Everyone is running with that DB rumour. For once I can say since Dave hasn't chimmed in, I don't believe there's much to it.
Probably bs,Have we discussed this?
If so have we ascertained its bullshit?
Everyone is running with that DB rumour. For once I can say since Dave hasn't chimmed in, I don't believe there's much to it.
We'll see Monday but Bryan himself will probably debunk the rumour tonight.Or like, anyone else, at all.
It's probably the case of one site "reporting" it and everyone else just copying it. Meanwhile Meltzer is trying to get sources.
Damn so this was 10 hours ago? I guess we can carry onDave has chimed in, actually:
A nice little non-answer.
WWE likes to deny stuff that winds up being true. Just like they denied D.Brine having a concussion last year - which he inevitably broke the news on himself some time after the IC title was stripped from him.Damn so this was 10 hours ago? I guess we can carry on
Have we discussed this?
If so have we ascertained its bullshit?
WWE likes to deny stuff that winds up being true. Just like they denied D.Brine having a concussion last year - which he inevitably broke the news on himself some time after the IC title was stripped from him.
Could be true. Could not be true. We'll know next week. That said, releasing Bryan as soon as the ink is dry on Nakamura's contract seems like the sort of dick move the WWE would do. Hell, signing Nak in the first place just so they could release D.Brine and spite him would be entirely believable to me.
What's worse more so would be releasing him when they need another top baby face to back up Roman in case he gets hurt.WWE likes to deny stuff that winds up being true. Just like they denied D.Brine having a concussion last year - which he inevitably broke the news on himself some time after the IC title was stripped from him.
Could be true. Could not be true. We'll know next week. That said, releasing Bryan as soon as the ink is dry on Nakamura's contract seems like the sort of dick move the WWE would do. Hell, signing Nak in the first place just so they could release D.Brine and spite him would be entirely believable to me.