Legit question
When was the last time wwe had a good thing and didn't immediately try and ruin it?
When was the last time wwe had a good thing and didn't immediately try and ruin it?
Legit guesting.
When was the last time wwe had a good thing and didn't immediately try and ruin it?
Didn't people in this very threadsay it was great WWE was actually pushing someone who naturally got over?
... and that's the problem with you new guys; you all think about yourself. You come in here and post your 240 character twitter one liners that don't connect with the crowd, don't push the angles with other posts and don't get anyone talking. You're all concerned about your own followers and likes, you can't spare a moment to help draw in new fans for WrassleGAF. You're all thinking about hashtags over views and replies. You'll be the death of this community.
I sit here today and think about the 'old men' who made WrassleGAF, the legends even before my time - Professor Beef, dream, heel, and friends - who were WrassleGAF before WrassleGAF was mainstream. The pioneers of our Sports Entertainment Community who helped propel us into the new age - Sunflower, bootaaay, Data West, jaekwon, tm24 and friends. They all knew one thing... how to make it interesting for all. A variety of posting styles and abilities that complimented each other, that worked together. None of this cookie cutter crap we're plagued with today. Guys could talk back then, all we get now is the same discussion over and over again that's only being listened to by the person talking.
You're all still rookies trying to live up to standards created by true legends.
Okay, so for real, did he shit on that dudes face for real or was it like pudding?
Question for everone:
If you could undo ONE decision of a match and have the reverse winner, which match would you reverse?
I wanna give Data West props for rocking a Debbie Harry avatar. Or at least I think it's Debbie Harry.
Are we even spoilertagging for anyone's benefit?
I mean, 95% of us probably don't even watch Smackdown and the 5% that do read the spoilers anyways, right?
Oh, I missed this, great question.
No doubt I'd reverse Nash vs. Goldberg at Starrcade 1999. I'm not delusional enough that just the one match being changed could have changed history and save WCW, but it certainly wouldn't have killed it as quickly. If this loss never happened, Goldberg wouldn't have been killed death and the fingerpoke of doom wouldn't have happened either.
He's lucky he didn't die.Goldberg killed Goldberg when he had the brilliant idea to punch that car window
We should revisit this post now, I feel.
.Oh the ADR Kalisto rematch will be on Smackdown. So we could get a 50/50 by the end of today thank you based VKM for the 50/50 booking
*Reads Smackdown spoiler
You have SERIOUSLY!?I heard WWE loved Kalisto and were looking to make him a big star...and now this? Fucking hell.
So i guess after a last man standing there is no way they enter the RR right ? I guess you need matches before it but it's always a little weird to not have you two current biggest midcarder in a rumble where everything can happen.
It works if a legit feud comes out of it that builds to Mania but I doubt WWE will make it happen/work.
It protects them from being jobbed out to Reigns.
Since Reigns is the Champion, I'm guessing he'll enter at number 1 and the higher up people are on the card (In WWE's mind) the later they'll come out to make it harder and harder for him.
If Reigns wins though...
It works if a legit feud comes out of it that builds to Mania but I doubt WWE will make it happen/work.
They didn't need to have Del Rio win the belt back so soon. They didn't have to make Kalisto's win a fluke. All of that is detrimental to whatever conclusion this feud has. Literally everyone loses.
They had Kalisto win on Smackdown last week, they should have kept the two wrestlers away from each other and build to a match at their Pay-Per-View Event (that as of today has the Rumble match and one other match booked).
But hey, I'm just a smark and JBL would tell me I don't know what I'm talking about anyways.
This Dragon Quest conference is what I might imagine the video game equivalent of a Sheamus press conference would be like
Lol this gif.
Lots of people freshly upset about Gone Home, I guess because it released on PS4? Consoleros. Gone Home is a treasure.
Lots of people freshly upset about Gone Home, I guess because it released on PS4? Consoleros. Gone Home is a treasure.
People who are STILL upset about Gone Home can stay behind in 2013.Lots of people freshly upset about Gone Home, I guess because it released on PS4? Consoleros. Gone Home is a treasure.