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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

LOL @ this response

Ratings always go up a little bit after the holiday season is over. That has nothing to do with Roman as champ. Since we're getting close to WWE's 2 biggest shows of the year, plus the end of the NFL season, ratings are going to steadily increase.

What if they gave Roman the title at this time to make it look like his push is working a la how Hogan would return to Nitro after basketball season or whatever to take credit for the ratings bump.


it was down to 3M not so long ago, so it did go back up with Roman as a champ


Friends: I have received notification of my interview to progress onto a Teacher Training course. It's on the 28th of this month and I've got to study an essay and do a five-minute presentation on it. As well as that, I have to give an eight-minute mock-lesson on one subject of my choice.

I was thinking of something simple like how to work out if a work is a work or if it's somebody working themselves into a shoot.
Welcome to the results of the 4th Annual Carnies, WrassleGAF's end of the year extravaganza! Complaints were made, but so were votes. So, here's the results.

Best New Gimmick

It appears the idea of looking like you came out of Mortal Kombat mixed with an affinity to snapping arms has really brought people toward Pentagon Jr's gimmick. I'm sad Dalton Castle placed last, but with so many even votes cast, it speaks to the strength of the gimmicks named. Macho Mandow fuckin' sucked though.

Comeback of the Year

Well, well, well, what a hotly contested category! Sting did his best, but I have to say his injury at the end of his two matches was a bummer and probably kept him from winning. Nobody expected the Dudleyz to be fun to watch together again, but they were. However, Undertaker ekes out a win in this category, and deservedly so. I voted for him, and that was obviously the tiebreaker, so you're welcome, Taker fans. Him returning to what felt like a full time schedule was really appreciated by many.

The Cesaro Award (Most Underutilized)

Another year, another Cesaro win. I think we should change the name next year. I voted for Titus. He deserved it. Great guy.

The King Kong Bundy Wrestlemania 2 to 3 Fall From Grace Award

Surprisingly, Hulk Hogan's racism didn't take the top spot. I think it's because we assumed he probably was a racist piece of trash. Rusev went from the highest high this year to being paired in a feud with Dolph Ziggler, which is almost as low as you can go. Bless you Rusev, you made it watchable.

Most Improved

Naito gets his due! A lot of us were worried his trip to Mexico didn't do much, but he really turned shit up around the G1 and was incredibly compelling to watch. He's added another facet to his character and god dammit, it's a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Worst On-Screen Performer

Hmm, I wonder why Eva Marie won?

Best Angle

It's no real surprise, the John Cena Open Challenge for the summertime has been fantastic, resulting in a lot of surprise performances by Cena himself against an array of great opponents who stood to gain a heck of a lot from wrestling the man himself. From beginning to end, we loved it, and we were sad to see it go. Rest easy, John. You're a legend.

Best Face

Some people may get upset about this. "What? Bayley? Best face? Hell no! She's not the best face!" Well, you're wrong. She played it straight and everyone got invested, even the people who love to cheer for heels. Bayley's got that future face. The face of future.

Best Heel

Crazy how the more you see of yourself in someone, the more you hate them. Owens is the winner. And let's not just pin it down to an obvious thing like that, he's been a heck of a shitty dude to a lot of people, and that cements him as Cunt of the Year. I mean Heel.

Best WWE Show of 2015

It was a great show, hands down the winner. Takeover: Brooklyn proves America's still on top.

Best Non-WWE Show of 2015

Praise be, Wrestle Kingdom 9 is still the biggest event outside of Wrestlemania, and despite being one of the first (if not THE first) big event every year, it sticks in peoples' minds which is very hard for a show in January to do. Number 2 is Lucha Underground's Ultima Lucha, which was fucking FANTASTIC. If you still haven't seen LU, get to it. It's #2 for a reason.

Legit Shook Moment of the Year

This one I just don't get - I don't know why people were so surprised, unless they felt that John Cena was finally, somehow, getting shit on? I don't get it at all. You all have failed me. Anyone who feels like "fuck Cena!" needs to get their shit together. Cena gave Owens this gift. Foolishness. The real winner, to me, was the crowd booing Rock at the Rumble. That was definitely something I looked around next to me and went "Whoa, shit" - because whoa, shit.

Best Non-WWE Promotion

Shoutout to the people who felt NXT was non-WWE and entered it as "other" - real good move, folks. Lucha Underground wins by a landslide, thanks to availability and actually being pretty goddamned good. I voted PROGRESS, along with some other good souls, but it fit my taste and was exciting every damn time I watched. LU deserves this, though, and came out of the gate aggressively and with good reason--they had a lot to prove and they proved it.

Best Non-WWE Tag Team

Inexplicably, the Young Bucks win this despite having 0 good matches this year. I voted for the Sumerian Death Squad, but they simply don't have the kind of exposure you need to be Tag Team of the Year. They're really great, and I encourage everyone who has never heard of them or never seen their work to give it a try. They're dope.

Best WWE Tag Team

Congratulations to the New Day, just crushing the competition. I don't believe that people would have believed this possible a year ago, but look at how far things have come! What a great team, and it helps that their matches are really fucking fun, too.

Best Women's Wrestler

It was sort of a down year for international women's wrestlers. While there was a lot of great stuff being done across the board, there was a certain amount of thunder taken away from it when you looked at WWE, promoting their women's division (in NXT mainly) as their next big thing, and it was. Sasha Banks destroyed all others, and is delightful to watch. She's the total package at this point.

WWE Men's Wrestler of the Year

Well well well, keep talking bad about ol' Seth Rollins all you like, naysayers. He won. He fucking did it. One of the best MITB cash-ins of all time at a great spot. A hilariously terrible record that didn't actually matter. You proved em wrong, Seth!

Non-WWE Men's Wrestler of the Year

The bottom line here is that a lot of you need to broaden your horizons. Congratulations to Pentagon Jr. I voted for Will Ospreay! He's really fantastic, friends.

WWE Match of the Year

Bayley vs Sasha Banks at Takeover: Brooklyn was pretty impressive. It had great pacing, and tons of fantastic work by both sides. I ended up voting for the Triple Threat at the Royal Rumble that was incredibly exciting. I loved it just a LITTLE bit more.

Non-WWE Match of the Year

Kota Ibushi wins! Kota Ibushi wins! So does King Nakamura! Great match by these two at the start of the year, and it's really worth tracking down. Don't worry, Grave Consequences. You're still my favorite.

And that's it, those are your 2015 Carnies. Thanks to all that voted, even if FallingEdge tried to vote six times to give BOLA some votes as the event of the year.

I had meant to comment on this at the time, and I've only just remembered.

Best New Gimmick
When I was thinking about this category in December, my short list had New Day, Mil Muertes, Son of Havoc, Tetsuya Naito, and Dicktaker. If Muertes had been on the list, I probably would have voted for him; he's come a long way from Judas Mesias. Ingobernables Naito has a lot of potential. Son of Havoc used to be Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross, which pretty much says it all. I think I ended up voting for New Day, even though their shtick was getting overexposed by the time the polling started.

Comeback of the Year
My short list had Matt Sydal, Rey Mysterio Jr., Emma, and Chris Hero. Sydal's really revived his career after his injuries and release from WWE, but it's still not like he's headlining indy shows that often. Rey also came back from injuries and release from WWE, and he is headlining shows in Mexico. He was one of the core three before Del Rio and Mystico fucked off. Emma's heel turn and partnership with Dana Brooke have done wonders for her. Chris Hero, despite the jokes about his weight, had a really good year in the indies and in NOAH. That KES vs. Big in America match at the end of the year was better than solid, while he had good to great matches against Pentagon Jr., Timothy Thatcher, and Sabre Jr. in 2015. If he had been on the list, I probably would have voted for Hero.

The Cesaro Award (Most Underutilized)
My short list had Cesaro, Neville, All Japan's Kento Miyahara, and NOAH's Mitsuhiro Kitamiya. Cesaro winning makes sense.

The King Kong Bundy Wrestlemania 2 to 3 Fall From Grace Award
My short list had Jericho, Ambrose, and Rusev. Rusev winning makes sense, but at least that cursed Ziggler feud is over.

Most Improved
I had Kofi Kingston, Mil Muertes, Michael Elgin, and Roman Reigns. Reigns does deserve credit for getting better, but he has a lot of things going against him. Elgin probably would fit better in Comeback of the Year, but he's been confident and very good in New Japan. I doubted him when he was announced for the G1 last year, but I had to eat my words. Corbin's gotten better, but not as much as Muertes (who, again, was dogshit as Judas Mesias) or Elgin. Naito's gimmick change is an improvement, but I don't know if he's improved as a wrestler. His matches still feel a little too much like his old matches.

Worst On-Screen Performer
I would have nominated Brie Bella and the Premier Athlete Brand, but no one gives a shit about the PAB. Brie Bella is consistently awful, and she's placed in a prominent position.

Best Angle
I'm surprised Lucha Underground's Gift of the Gods story wasn't included; it was the key to the whole season. Cena's Open Challenge was a good time, but it might have been the cause of his injuries.

Best Face
I had Angelico and Honma (before the domestic assault allegations) as well as Bayley. Is Tanahashi even a face? He played heel in DDT, and he played heel a little at Wrestle Kingdom 9. Bayley is the best face though.

Best Heel
I had Owens, Pentagon, Muertes, Minoru Suzuki, Shingo Takagi, and Sasha Banks on my list. The Suzuki-gun invasion of NOAH didn't really do much for NOAH, but Suzuki had some very good matches in 2015 as the lead invader. His staredown with Kobashi was great, even if there was no practical payoff. Muertes as Lucha Underground's resident scary monster deserved more attention. Shingo Takagi as the strong heel champion in Dragon Gate should also get more attention; his eventual defeat should hopefully elevate the next face for Dragon Gate.

Best WWE Show of 2015
I think I enjoyed TakeOver: Respect more than TakeOver: Brooklyn, but it's a toss-up. Seeing TakeOver: Brooklyn live was awesome though.

Best Non-WWE Show of 2015
Some of y'all need to watch stuff other than WWE. There's so much good stuff out there, and it's all fairly easily accessible now. Wrestle Kingdom 9 was very good; I'm sure Wrestle Kingdom 10 will dominate Carnies 5 as well. BOLA 2015 was probably the hottest show of the year in the US; I seriously thought about flying out to see it. Ultima Lucha was good as well. However, could we have included LU All Night Long with that Johnny Mundo vs. Puma match?

Legit Shook Moment of the Year
I think I voted for The Rock getting booed. The gif says it all:

Best Non-WWE Promotion
Again, some of y'all really need to sample the other stuff out there. My short list had Lucha Underground, Evolve, PWG, PROGRESS, and ICW. ICW deserves credit for having some big shows in the UK in 2015, while PROGRESS brought the show quality. Lucha Underground became a must-watch, while I had a good time at the Evolve shows I attended. Every PWG show in 2015 seemed hot and full of good matches, which is not something I could say for NJPW. I wonder how many Big Japan votes garnered based on the Big Japan Hoss Division.

Best Non-WWE Tag Team
And there's our Strong BJ love and a surprising number of votes for the Sumerian Death Squad. I think I voted for reDRagon.

Best WWE Tag Team
Kidd/Cesaro was unfortunately forgotten due to Kidd's injury. I need to know who voted for The Ascension or the Dudley Boyz. Jordan and Gable seem like they're poised for great things at TakeOver: Dallas.

Best Women's Wrestler
Data already covered some of the joshi candidates. I had Kimber Lee and Nicole Matthews on my shortlist. Asuka probably didn't have the body of work yet, but she was great from her debut on. Sasha Banks is the obvious answer though.

WWE Men's Wrestler of the Year
That curb stomp into an RKO from WrestleMania 31 really was awesome.

Non-WWE Men's Wrestler of the Year
This was the hardest category when I was making my own list. I think I ended up with Shingo Takagi, A.J. Styles, Chris Hero, Timothy Thatcher, Daisuke Sekimoto, and Pentagon Jr. on my version of the list. I think I voted for Pentagon Jr. here. Ospreay is one to watch for though. I hope he doesn't get trapped in TNA.

WWE Match of the Year
On my list, Banks vs. Bayley at Brooklyn or Banks vs. Bayley at Respect were neck and neck. Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns at Fastlane is a forgotten match from 2015. The stakes weren't high enough, but that Corbin/Rhyno vs. Jordan/Gable match from TakeOver: Respect was really, really good.

Non-WWE Match of the Year
Kota Ibushi vs. Shinsuke Nakamura was one of my top 5 matches from 2015. Grave Consequences also got a lot of love, which I enjoy. The Shingo Takagi vs. Masaaki Mochizuki Open the Dream Gate championship match from November 1, 2015 was also on my shortlist. Ethan Carter III vs. Rockstar Spud was probably TNA's sole highlight of 2015.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People need to not sleep on Keira in 2016.


Just put her in STARDOM in a team with Starfire a la Miracle Violence Connection and I'd start watching Stardom again.
Though these categories were not included, I had these in mind as well:

Worst New Gimmick
King of Darkness EVIL - really, you need to get rid of that plastic scythe

"I'm Marking Out, Bro" (which I always thought was the more positive version of Legit Shook Moment)
WrestleMania 31 - Rollins cashes in MITB
TakeOver: Brooklyn - Bayley's poisoned frankensteiner on Sasha Banks
TakeOver: Respect - Sasha Banks takes Izzy's headband, taunts the crowd, makes her cry, and throws it into the crowd

Worst Angle
Ziggler/Lana/Rusev/Summer Rae

Gif of the Year
Brock and Taker laughing, SummerSlam 2015
Curbstomp into RKO, WrestleMania 31
Rollins swinging the belt at the end of WrestleMania 31
The Rock getting shook at being booed, Royal Rumble 2015
King Shinsuke Nakamura's entrance, Wrestle Kingdom 9
Kalisto's Salida del sol off a ladder, TLC 2015
Sasha Banks made Izzy cry, TakeOver: Respect
Kenny Omega slaps Ryosuke Taguchi
Kazuchika Okada loses, cries, Wrestle Kingdom 9
Hiroshi Tanahashi snaps the flag pole, G1 Climax


Problem is you'd see how basically half the arena is empty any time the camera has to turn away from the side of the arena the hard camera is facing towards.

and the half that has people in it is constantly waving trying to get their friends to notice them on TV instead of watching the match.

I'm okay with dimming the audience.
Evolve's iPPV deal is pretty good deal. Buy Evolve 53, Evolve 54, and Evolve 55 (the upcoming tag team championship tournament shows), and you get any two past Evolve, DGUSA, or WWN shows for free. But you have to email the Paypal receipts to their line.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Jericho is the worst thing about Raw and I don't understand for even half a second why Jericho and the Usos were there over, say, Enzo and Cass.
look at these guys trying to find a reason to discredit WWE from pretty much selling out WM32 already

People wanna see Roman, it's over friends, we don't mean shit and never will
Oh Bask we Mania usually sells eell due to the sheer spectacle of it. No one will miss the biggest freak show of the yesr featuring big Hollywood star Dwayne The Rock Johnson 😝. Nah but with the way things are turning out, I start to wonder are people second guessing their purchases and are so holding back until the last minute. At the same time I go back to my statement about it being the spectacle itself that brings people to it.
I've checked a couple times on tickets just to see if I can find anything better than I have currently. You can find a couple expensive single seats, very few pairs, and nothing with 3 or more seats together.
I think they want those expensive ones gone first before they start churning those cheaper ones out towards the end maybe.


Oh Bask we Mania usually sells eell due to the sheer spectacle of it. No one will miss the biggest freak show of the yesr featuring big Hollywood star Dwayne The Rock Johnson ��

😂😂😂 that kid who wore a The Rock t-shirt at school 😂😂😂
😂😂😂 that kid who wore a The Rock t-shirt at school 😂😂😂
That kid who wore that shirt probably made the entire school fork out money just to watch it on their tv screens or go to the event.

"Wait, The Rock is back? Says Mr. Richards who was a teen during the Attitude era.

"Jimmy, I'm going to order the ppv just to see it. If you smelllllll, what Mr. Richards...... Is cooking. "

Jimmy was shocked that his teacher knew of wrestling. Jimmy also just got the shirt from a rack because it said boots to asses, he figured he'd be esgy.

Even though he probably didn't have any fucking idea who he was 😎



Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.

Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.

After Rusev




Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.




Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.

He got one big problem, he is Black.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.
Next Sunday. 9.99 on the WWE NETWORK.

Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.

He has a good look for it, although I wonder if he has aspirations beyond comedy.

If he'll ever get a shot? One on One? Not anytime soon.

Will Big E ever get a shot at the WHC? He's got the charisma to be a champ. He's got the look to be a champ. In-ring, I'm not sure haven't seen any of his singles stuff but tag is acceptable. He's definitely got the promo skills. He seems to be a very smart, level headed guy and would be a great face of the company.

One can dream I guess.
Cena endorsed Big E but usually guys Cena endorse never get what they should,see Zack Ryder and The Cesaro footnote.

Big E is awesome, very good on the microphone and he's well in the ring too. And most importantly, the man has the muscle build that Vince loves. I recall after he broke away from Dolph they were going to give him a big push but the ic title doesn't do much pushing nowadays.

Big E can be the next Rock if they allowed him to. 😁
he's samoan, not the same

in WWE, being black overrides everything negatively, but being samoan overrides everything the other way
Pretty much. Even though his father is black meaning that's what he is predominantly, the Samoan factor overrides it in WWE. They sometimes cringe to mention that.


Poll question for 2016

will RAW dip below 3.00?

of course it will

barring a miracle shit will just continue to go down from here, especially with all of these injuries. what happens after mania when there's nothing to build toward, all the part timers are no longer involved AND cena, rollins, bryan and everyone else are still out due to injury?

sub 3.00 is happening and they will blame it on styles and nakamura
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