Yep. Someone has smartly coached her to roll with the go-away heat she was getting.I don't know, I feel like her "character" is just a direct response to her getting legit X-Pac Heat.
Yep. Someone has smartly coached her to roll with the go-away heat she was getting.I don't know, I feel like her "character" is just a direct response to her getting legit X-Pac Heat.
Yeah, she definitely looks like she's thinking through what to do as she's doing it. But that's why she's in developmental, she's developing her skills.It will take at least a year or two until she ever looks legit comfortable in the ring. When she does moves I feel like I'm watching someone practice in one of the training rings.
Nothing wrong with that. If this is the Reality Era or whatever, why not use reality as a character inspiration?I don't know, I feel like her "character" is just a direct response to her getting legit X-Pac Heat.
Eva has a good thing going character-wise. She just needs to work on her ring work and she'll be a real threat still pushing the Bullet Club
The irony is that if she's good in the ring she won't have the heat.
tanahashi like brilliance
the ace of nxt
It'll be Balor Club for sure even if they could have the original name.Funny to me how they are continuing to shove specifically "Bullet Club" down our throats....can't see NJPW letting go of that and selling it.
Developmental for the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet. As a worker in the ring there is a clear difference between her and everyone else in NXT and Full Sail. But yeah, she's there to learn and she's legit trying to get better. Already quite a difference from where she was at the start. Hope they give her enough time down there to keep learning.Yeah, she definitely looks like she's thinking through what to do as she's doing it. But that's why she's in developmental, she's developing her skills.
Lol his Tweets read like someone who's so sick of everyone's stupid shit.Meltzer has been a ton of fun on Twitter lately, exposing mark ass marks (like myself, I am a mark)
Got this earlier on the Tweeters from Smylie. I think this program would be very helpful in fixing Wrasslegaf's myriad of issues.
Lol his Tweets read like someone who's so sick of everyone's stupid shit.
Funny to me how they are continuing to shove specifically "Bullet Club" down our throats....can't see NJPW letting go of that and selling it.
Got this earlier on the Tweeters from Smylie. I think this program would be very helpful in fixing Wrasslegaf's myriad of issues.
the most millennial of office tools. avoid talking to other humans at all costs.
the most millennial of office tools. avoid talking to other humans at all costs.
Not buying this excuse. They have like 70 people in developmental, less than 30 actually appear on TV. The rest are either too green or too new, so they only appear at house shows, or not at all.Yeah, she definitely looks like she's thinking through what to do as she's doing it. But that's why she's in developmental, she's developing her skills.
I use Slack for a non-work project and enjoy it. Only thing I dislike is the dang better not be trashing slack friend, that will not sit well with the WrassleGAF tech illuminati
I need to watch that show, heard a lot of good things about it, but I no longer have HBO so that makes it tough to catch up on some of that stuff.You ever see Silicon Valley? Some moment in Season 2 where the Tres Commas guy was talking to his son about needing to go to bed or else "she will be angry" and it was a female voice in a speaker. I found that hilariously perfect - be friends with your kid and create something to channel all of his anger and fear towards, but not the dad! Goddamn that's a good show.
Oh wow they're getting Jim to talk about the music he made! I heard he doesn't like being in front of the camera.
Electrifying The Rocks entrance music: WWE Behind the Theme
I really hope he goes into the Hall Of Fame someday soon.
That's why I said, if Lemmy goes in they better put in my boy Jimmy this year.Well, one of Warrior's last wish was for an award to be given to the backstage workers. I still think that's a pretty awesome idea.
That moment when you realize that Bret The Hitman Hart's finishing move is..... The Sharpshooter. That shit blew my damn mind, I never thought of it that way.
Ice Train's Hoss BunsMy daughter refers to hot cross buns as "hoss buns". I'm not going to ever correct her.
I want to say shut up but lol, this os funny.But did you know that Cesaro's finisher is called the Neutralizer because he is Swiss and Switzerland is famous for staying neutral in World War II?
Or that Dean Ambrose's finisher is called Dirty Deeds because he only showers once a week and enjoys buying land?
Or that Brock Lesnar's finisher is called the F5 because that is how far he gets in the alphabet and counting, respectively?
Or that Neville's impressively aerial Red Arrow is named after the Royal Air Force's version of the USAF's Thunderbird's or the Navy's Blue Angels?
Or that Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver is named after the granite and marble markers placed at the head of a grave, which real life undertakers prepare dead bodies to be placed in?
Or that Roman Reigns' finisher is called the Spear because he can't reliably do any moves that require a moderate amount of strength or dexterity on his part?
Thank you for lifting my spirits. The Eva Marie "praise" was starting to get to me.
Is advertising "American Style Professional Wrestling" in the UK going to draw heel heat?
Still sounds optimistic though? Didn't someone mention 700 for yesterday's event?nah, draws the family mate
In today's 5 Star news, the show has been moved from Sheffield Arena to the Hall in the same building. Still holds 4k, NXT ran it in December.
Holy shit Cesaro
Still sounds optimistic though? Didn't someone mention 700 for yesterday's event?
Not buying this excuse. They have like 70 people in developmental, less than 30 actually appear on TV. The rest are either too green or too new, so they only appear at house shows, or not at all.
Eva Marie is on TV, but Athena is not? How's that right?
Not buying this excuse. They have like 70 people in developmental, less than 30 actually appear on TV. The rest are either too green or too new, so they only appear at house shows, or not at all.
Eva Marie is on TV, but Athena is not? How's that right?
Ah yes. That's Maffew's patch, oop north isn't it?yeah, they're still not making 4k. Maffew guessed 700, and it didn't look far off.
Not buying this excuse. They have like 70 people in developmental, less than 30 actually appear on TV. The rest are either too green or too new, so they only appear at house shows, or not at all.
Eva Marie is on TV, but Athena is not? How's that right?
so any truth to those Daniel Bryan rumours? havent been keeping up, I apologize