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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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God I miss good intros.

Even more current product look good in an intro like that https://youtu.be/FRJOVQLM5Qg?t=36s

Today's WWE needs a better intro to their shows. It makes the crowd bumped, and loud right away, which is a great part of the excitement of a show like this.

Though you need to follow it with something good to not let them down after it... yeah, now that I think about it, maybe that's why they just don't care for it.


Good Art™
Like... Isn't Owens the #1 heel right now that is an actual wrestler

Why can't he face Brock or taker exactly? Who is the alternative? Do they really think sheamus is a bigger star than Owens at this point?

Sheamus IS a bigger star than Owens, as are Del Rio, or even Rusev. Simply cause they've been there for longer and had more championship, and important feuds.

As much as i love Owens, and i'm really (i think it's obvious in my posts) super obsessional and monogamous in term of wrestling, cause that's the way i enjoy it, following a guy's career... I think people are super impatient with him cause he's who he is and the debut was super high.. but he's been there for what, 7 months ? I'd say kayfabe wise the crowd barely knows him. He's feuding with Ambrose who had 3 years of pretty solid push and lots of memorable ppv.

So yeah.. i can get that they can't give him the moon just now, even if i would love that. But if they have nothing for Lesnar (i think Sheamus will be goo enough for them..) that would be awesome, for sure. And it works perfectly. Just have Owens destroy him with some accessories in a RAW, then say he needed a statement to show the world he's ready for the next level. Then Lesnar will be pissed. Hardcore match at Mania.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

great jiff usage. I love it maggle.
Uhh, Owens would look like a fucking joke wrestling Brock, and I like Owens. I'm all for talent trumping look, but there is a logical limit.

Now, Owens vs. Undertaker, I could see, assuming that it's Face 'Taker, not Dick Kicker 'Taker, that they go with. For Brock, I would assume either Wyatt (because he has three giants and a ton of smoke and mirrors that cover up the size discrepancy) or Sheamus (because it would be a fucking slobberknocker). If Orton is indeed good to go as he said on Instagram, I'd guess him for Brock.


Some NXT news:

They must have plans with him. Corey Graves was basically slobbering all over him during his match on NXT.

Ciampa had the only really intense match at NXT Milwaukee, with Zayn, and Zayn put him over in the promo afterward, too. It didn't see like "hometown pandering." I'm not sure if that's a sign, but he got the marquee position.

Kevin Owens is on record as loving Milwaukee's small hipster venue, so who showed up to interrupt? Owens. Amazing.

Additionally, they were all at the Gold's Gym I use, Drake Wuertz was really nice for a few minutes while we all waited around after a fire alarm got pulled, and I think the NXT stars hold up better in person than main roster stars. Peyton Royce, Carmella, and even Baron Corbin have an aura (even in workout clothes) in-person that, like, the Usos in person don't.


One thing I really do like about Brock in the Rumble is that we'll get to see him interact with a lot of guys we've never seen him with before. He's only been in televised matches with a total of about five or six guys since he's been back.

While I would like to agree, I can't.
Brock will not really "interact", he will ragdoll jobbers for the most part and bounce between Big Show, Roman Reigns, Sheamus, probably Kane and possibly some Wyatt family (which could be interesting depending on who) .

I like Brock's energy and the hype when he appears but to be honest I am getting to the point that once he is in the ring it is downhill.
I wish he would at least pick up one or two more moves.


This is something that has been worming its way through my brain space for a few years now, but I guess it's time to put it down in this thread and see what you all think.

Bobby Flay is Food Network's John Cena.

You may be asking yourself why is Man God talking about Food Network again, or why this is interesting in any possible way and I'll explain it to you as best I can.

Bobby Flay is instantly unlikable despite having all of the traits of a likable food personality, good looks, good voice, great skills at messaging a product that can be quite technical at times. But due to being over exposed, oozing big city charm, and being pushed down people's throats for nearly 20 years. Now without looking it up I'd wager he's been the star of 20 or so shows on the network, a great deal of which are perfectly acceptable modern Southwestern fusion straight cooking shows. Now to further this comparison his very first show was a two chef bbq show that portrayed him as a city slicker who used a gas grill and was the butt of the amiable but less talented southern chef and his charcoal rig. But his bread and butter since appearing on the original Iron Chef show was competition format shows.

The first of these was actually quite the big deal where he traveled over to Japan and...experienced a bunch of odd technical glitches on the way to his eventual loss. This is kinda like the booking for the worst year of John Cena's life in that he comes across as a bit of a whiner, though the better wrestling comparison is early heel Bret Hart just returning from his hiatus after WM XII. He does get his heat back by winning the return match in NYC a year later, and someone at the Food Network came up with an idea. Well, two ideas, but one of them isn't all that important to this discussion (Iron Chef America, which Bobby Flay starred on for the early seasons, was largely played straight with none of the drama of the Japanese version) the idea that they came up with was this; Let's cast Bobby Flay as a well meaning but cocky heel cooking champion who challenges local specialists at their own best dish, come into their establishment under false pretenses and have a cooking competition. Judged by a panel of three local judges and despite work shopping the dish beforehand with two likable female assistants Bobby Flay would lose a bit more than he won on these events because the home cooking was just too strong to overcome. Most weeks were basically Money in the Bank 2011 to bring it into context.

Now we come to the real meat of this discussion, that show was Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Note the title. He's the one doing the challenging. He's the one scouting the dish and location out. He's the cocky visitor going in over his head yet overcoming the odds a decent amount of the time. Now more recently someone decided to trot out this idea again, only remixed into Beat Bobby Flay. This time he has the home field advantage...and that's about it. It's basically the John Cena UNITED STATES Open Challenge. Two of Bobby's "friends" sample dishes from two genuine up and comer or established chefs who fight for the right to beat Bobby Flay. These friends make well intended ribs on Bobby Flay but try their best to get the crowd to root for the other guys, generally acting as two heel commentators. The person who wins the qualifier, i.e. the one best positioned to beat Bobby Flay then gets to spring the dish of her or his choice on the chef and they get an hour to cook it. The actual judging of this round is not done by the heel commentators but by three expert judges on the food in question. The competitor is usually the arrogant one this time around and the crowd is always in Cena sucks mode, with the competitor usually throwing smack talk at Bobby and him just taking it.

The interesting thing about Throwdown is though...Bobby Flay almost ALWAYS wins.

Never liked Flay.
I do not like his food choices pretty much every time in food contests, and do not like the way he comes off in appearances.
He may be a nice guy, but not a fan.
I agree with feeding him to Brock.


So Stone Cold said he's going to be at Mania in some sort of capacity (sounds like he's still deciding on that part).

The Rock as special referee for Reigns Vs HHH, with Stone Cold doing a run in at some point, possibly stunning an interfering Vince? If you're pulling all the stops to get that match over, that's the move that nets you a positive reaction no matter what.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The thing about face Brock Lesnar is that he is the ultimate Hulk Hogan style WWF champion.

Think about it.

Pops ratings. Only wrestles a few big matches every year. It's unthinkable that anyone will beat him in a fair fight. Can actually sell in peril (not as well as Hogan) Has a great comeback routine (better than Hogan's)

The big problem is...he's literally beaten the shit out of every single heel the WWE has access to that is a top attraction. Big Show isn't Andre (though he's actually a much better wrestler in this stage of his career, Big Show was never the man his daddy was in terms of drawing) and Brock beat him in his prime and destroyed him lately. Same with Undertaker. Hell even the special attraction Goldberg wouldn't be a good fight. Kane, in 2016, I love him but nooooo. Heel John Cena, I guess. Even the independents are overflowing with great...face talent. The only good heels are too small to put up against him. The only people he has heat with in the company right now are Reigns, a babyface who they won't turn heel, and Rollins, who will be face by the time he's back. Special Attraction and top heel, HHH, has bad matches with him. You're really down to a very small list. Bray doesn't work, Taker beat him and Brock beat Taker. Owens is maybe the only person who could pull it off, or Samoa Joe, I suppose. They're still pretty small compared to Brock, but so is almost anyone else.

If Orton wasn't on the shelf that might work, but it'd be hard to get him to turn heel in time for Mania even if he returned soonish. The best bet might be to just put him in interesting face/face matches for awhile.
Pretty excited. Packing my bags and flying to Orlabdo tomorrow. Going to see friends and then do next weekend's evolve shows then enjoy my first Rumble live.


The only 'young' guy who makes sense for an Undertaker match for 'Mania is Strowman. They can play up the Wyatt connection and it gives Roman another heel to go up against at a PPV in the future, like SummerSlam. Problem is, they haven't really built him up yet as a singles guy or featured him as much (note: I don't watch this stuff every week; last time I noticed him was his main event against Tommy Dreamer). If they don't do that, then what's his purpose other than big dude who doesn't get knocked over or beaten in a 4-man stable? Kurgan 2.0?


I don't understand why WWE hires top named talent when they don't know how to book and no wrestler is willing to say enough is enough to this 50/50 bullshit.

Nakamura and Styles will be nothing to most people in 2 years.

Name recognition alone doesn't instantly fix the shit WWE product.


I don't understand why WWE hires top named talent when they don't know how to book and no wrestler is willing to say enough is enough to this 50/50 bullshit.

Nakamura and Styles will be nothing to most people in 2 years.

Name recognition alone doesn't instantly fix the shit WWE product.

They don't have enough people doing their homework, despite having so many
I don't understand why WWE hires top named talent when they don't know how to book and no wrestler is willing to say enough is enough to this 50/50 bullshit.

Nakamura and Styles will be nothing to most people in 2 years.

Name recognition alone doesn't instantly fix the shit WWE product.

WWE hires them because they are "experienced" and competent enough to not kill someone in the ring. They have exhausted the current roster no one really cares for them much anymore, they'll probably fire some of them this year. They need new people to put over "young" talent they believe in like Roman Reigns. Nakamura and Styles can carry Reigns into quality matches. They don't want to appeal to the "die-hard fans" they already have them. They want to get people like Roman Reigns over because they believe that will get the casual fans who they actually want. Nakamura and Styles aren't coming over to be the main stars of the company, they'll be on the "Main Event" picture MAYBE but they'll never be THEE GUY.


So uh, Balor was teasing some stuff at the house show last night


Don't comment on the bulge you are better than that!


Catching up with NXT and it's nice to see some focus given to the midcard women, both by having them give promos and by not having them all job out before the bigger names in the battle royale.

Definitely wouldn't mind seeing some more in-ring work soon from Peyton Royce.
Tanahashi on Nakamura leaving;


Dave thinks they might do Okada/Tanahashi again at Invasion Attack. I just can't see it - I know the roster's depleted at present, but it's too damn soon. However, there's a chance of Suzuki-gun returning at New Beginning - wouldn't be at all averse to Sugiura or Suzuki or, hell, even Shelton taking on Okada at Invasion Attacks. Put K.E.S. back into the tag division, or have them & Iizuka go after the NEVER trios belts, plus Taichi & TAKA can slot back into the Jr. tag scene.
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