You know those aren't audio headphones on the baby, right?
Becky Vs Brie was really quick at least, but they really need to stop with putting her against the likes of Becky/Sasha/Charlotte. She effectively makes them look worse, since in every match against them Brie HAS to get her shit in, and they all have to sell for her insanely awful looking offense with her twig-like arms.
I remember when both of them did Punk's gimmick better than Punk while Punk got more airtime but then claimed they got the better angle because Punk.
Except Brie isn't booked as fodder like she should be.Main roster women are down pretty massively due to injuries:
all out until who knows when. Natalya's freshly back from injury. Leaves us with...
as possible fodder for Becky and Charlotte. Makes the constant Brie matches make a little more sense.
I'd say she's nowhere close. In fact, I'd say the only reason she gets any kind of credit is because of the constant callbacks to Flair for people like liquidsnake who can't get over praising nearly everything related to Flair.
I'd say Nikki improved based on her own merits not on her partner's
Brie reminds me a bit of Eva Marie in that she looks like she is counting steps or running down the match in her head as she works. Everything is just a bit too calculated looking, in a rough way.
I don't understand why WWE decided to make the little jimmy thing an invisible child. That R Truth heel character was actually really good. Then they just turned him crazy and oh wait little jimmy is an invisible child now! That crazy R Truth! Why?
It's already better. I hope they keep this momentum but I know something will probably get in the way. WWE doesn't like when things naturally take form.
She's doing a near perfect job with the booking they've assigned to her. That's how booking in wrestling is supposed to work. Put your talent in situations that best suits their abilities and set them up to succeed.Eva is in developmental and making an effort to improve, if not for anything else, give her credit for that fact.
I kind of noticed that as well. The piped in crowd doesn't sound bad when paired with with Ranallo's commentary.His commentary plus the piped in crowd noises...kinda actually works really well.
In my NXT catchup I finally got to AllRedEverything meeting with Regal. I sense greatness.
LolTiny Worf probably could have helped hold it in place too
She's doing a near perfect job with the booking they've assigned to her. That's how booking in wrestling is supposed to work. Put your talent in situations that best suits their abilities and set them up to succeed.
Vince's obsession with hanging talent out to dry and watching them flounder has seriously damaged the main roster for years now.
How is she doing a perfect job...? Like I legit don't understand it. Her acting is horrible and her wrestling is horrible. Those are like, the only two requirements for being good at professional wrestling.
I mean, she fumbles all of her wrestling to the point she's so bad at that aspect they didn't even let her beat up the jobbers in the Battle Royal.
How is she doing a perfect job...? Like I legit don't understand it. She walks out to X-Pac Heat and then very poorly acts her way through claiming she doesn't care (which is literally every heel ever).
Not to mention she fumbles all of her wrestling to the point she's so bad at that aspect they didn't even let her beat up the jobbers in the Battle Royal.
Her acting is horrible and her wrestling is horrible. Those are like, the only two requirements for being good at professional wrestling.
rayo de jalisco jr must be the mexican miz
what a fucking idiot
They're booking her where she barely wrestles now and highlight her diva superstar/anti-NXT personality. It works. The Attitude Era and original ECW did a lot of this.How is she doing a perfect job...? Like I legit don't understand it. She walks out to X-Pac Heat and then very poorly acts her way through claiming she doesn't care (which is literally every heel ever).
Not to mention she fumbles all of her wrestling to the point she's so bad at that aspect they didn't even let her beat up the jobbers in the Battle Royal.
Her acting is horrible and her wrestling is horrible. Those are like, the only two requirements for being good at professional wrestling.
X-Pac Heat is the wrestling equivalent of the Friend Zone Myth, by the way. Heat is heat, it's just how the person uses it/is booked. The real problem with X to the P-A-C was that he was drug addled, injured, and never changed up his moveset to evolve with the times. What was revolutionary in 1993 was dated in 2000.
No but that's why you don't book her as a face.If Eva Marie ran out to the ring to save Bayley from a dastardly heel attack, do you think she would have been cheered?
If Eva Marie ran out to the ring to save Bayley from a dastardly heel attack, do you think she would have been cheered?
If Eva Marie ran out to the ring to save Bayley from a dastardly heel attack, do you think she would have been cheered?
Lol I don't think I would go that far. I know I wouldn't buy that in a million years and I don't think many others would either with people's current exposure to Eva.if done right absolutely.
it would need to be a slow burn and Bayley needs to have a match/moment where you go "Damn I can respect her"
You know those aren't audio headphones on the baby, right?
Tiny Worf probably could have helped hold it in place too
I love Mexico.nice try but it's actually chuckie
It sounds a lot like the answer is "no," unless Eva Marie magically sprouted the wrestling and acting ability for the audience to respect her and Bayley to credibly give her a rub.if done right absolutely.
it would need to be a slow burn and Bayley needs to have a match/moment where you go "Damn I can respect her"
He just gives a shit now, TNA has a certain effect on people.Finally caught up on NXT, I agree with those who say that Joe has come a long way on the mic.
It still strikes me as crazy how much NXT is such a better product all around
It sounds a lot like the answer is "no," unless Eva Marie magically sprouted the wrestling and acting ability for the audience to respect her and Bayley to credibly give her a rub.
It's a different world in so many ways. That does not work today.Not necessary. Virgil couldn't wrestle any better than the Red Queen and he got mega over by turning on the Million Dollar Man. Anyone heinous enough to beat down the ultra mega baby face Bayley in a serious manner is on that level, and turning on them to help even out the odds would get her over with those marks at Full Sail in a nanosecond. People love face turns.
Not necessary. Virgil couldn't wrestle any better than the Red Queen and he got mega over by turning on the Million Dollar Man. Anyone heinous enough to beat down the ultra mega baby face Bayley in a serious manner is on that level, and turning on them to help even out the odds would get her over with those marks at Full Sail in a nanosecond. People love face turns.
It's a different world in so many ways. That does not work today.
People weren't fully cognizant to Virigil sucking shit as a talent.
Lol nope.Bayley's mic level is just a notch above Eva's, The Red Queen is coming.
How long did that last? What happened when he tried to work as a face on his own in NXT?A-Ry then, in the much worse booked WWE a few years ago briefly became the hottest face in the company by turning on the Miz. Eva is at least really, REALLY good looking while A-Ry has nothing except ultra creepy gifs and douche chills. He couldn't wrestle either.
When you have someone as powerful as heel champ Miz or Ultra face Bayley the crowd will eat it up when the tables flip one way or another. This is fundamental and hasn't changed. People love it when the worm done turned.
Lol nope.
Bayley stumbles over her words but it works as part of her character and comes off as sincere.
Eva on the mic sounds like stilted lines being read word for word from a script while not being sure what she should be conveying. It's entertaining to me in a different way.
Her software is still glitchy, you'll see the improvements after the next stability update.
Best Wrestling Fan Fiction of the Year?Setup.
Eva Marie participates with Bayley and Alexa Bliss in the first ever Women's ladder match. The story line is about how Eva used her "corporate" connections to get herself in the match but she makes statements to a Authority figure that she wants to earn the belt.
In the match Eva takes a huge bump (doesn't need to be a dangerous bump but one you wouldn't normally see and Alexa plays dirty to attempt to win the belt but Bayley wins.
Later a scene with a sad Eva in the back as she knew she lost the match. WHen she asks a manager he told her she doesn't care if she won or lost because she drew money as a sex object. She leaves looking miffed but Bayley who overhears the conversation tells Eva she earned her spot as a competitor and that she shouldn't take garbage talk like that.
Later more, Bayley comes out in wrapped in bandages and ice to say thank you to the fans that helped her then Alexa comes from behind and hits her with a chair. Fans are shocked by the chair hit on a woman when suddenly Eva comes down for the save.
Crowd worked
Face Eva reigns begins
Best Wrestling Fan Fiction of the Year?