Who's that on the far right?
Hideo Itami from NXT. He on the list of the many shoulder injuries that happened. He is close to returning though.
Who's that on the far right?
It was a women's developmental battle royale bro, I dunno what you were expecting.
Not saying that another method of determining a contender would be a good shout but I guess they needed a title match for the tapings at UCF.
No Dana Brooke either but I believe she's still recovering from injury.Wasn't it every single person on the NXT Women's roster minus Nia Jix plus a few jobbers to get thrown out?
Is Wade Barrett actually injured right now? Does he just exist in a state wherein he is both injured and well at all times
Wasn't it every single person on the NXT Women's roster minus Nia Jix plus a few jobbers to get thrown out?
They put him on TV to pretend he's not injured which is the latest thing WWE is big on. Whatever his issue it doesn't effect his ability to walk out and stand next to the ring,Is Wade Barrett actually injured right now? Does he just exist in a state wherein he is both injured and well at all times
Holy fuck lol. I need to save this.He was born in the interstice, the layer of existence between the physical world and the Astral world. In the Interstice, creatures of dream and nightmare are alive, born by the subconscious will of humans. Here also reside the elves and elementals of ancient times as well as humans who have gained further knowledge of the nature of the universe (such as witches and wizards). Humans who have a firm hold on the physical realm cannot interact or even sense the beings in the Interstice.
Sounds like the royal rumble tbh
That's an extremely minor difference.Traditionally, the Royal Rumble is open to everyone. It's meant to be a free for all.
This battle royale was for the number one contendership. You put a bunch of nobodies in there to pad the ranks, the contendership doesn't mean much.
Traditionally, the Royal Rumble is open to everyone. It's meant to be a free for all.
This battle royale was for the number one contendership. You put a bunch of nobodies in there to pad the ranks, the contendership doesn't mean much.
Maybe it's splitting hairs, but I think it's dumb to suggest Cameron, rookie wrestlers #1-#5, and Eva Marie should be allowed to compete for a shot at the title until they've won a match or at least made sure the people know who they are.
That's an extremely minor difference.
I think you're lending more credibility to the Rumble than it deserves.
Not lending any credibility to the Rumble.
You're not going to get 30 top-tier wrestlers for the Rumble.
But that's not the point. If NXT wants its women's championship to mean something, you shouldn't be able to earn a number one contendership five minutes after you walk through the door.
Well, nobody did.
Again, irrelevant. And you know what I meant.
I do too, even though Lesnar cursed it. Booker was the only one to break the curse but everyone else suffers from it mI hope Barrett recovers in time for the rumble so he can achieve nothing of note and probably get injured going over the top rope.
Still bitter that I believed in a KING OF THE RING push.
So I ordered from the PWG winter sale and have not heard anything from them or gotten anything outside of a paypal receipt. Is this pretty much par for the course with them or should I be concerned?
Those who are on the sideline have it good now. Just wait for the injury bug to hit everyone then BAM you're so in there.There is a chance that Tyler Breeze could be our new WHC by the end of the month.
Compared to the NXT Women's Battle Royal that is the height of absurdity
Goldberg. Follow the money
Eva Marie participates with Bayley and Alexa Bliss in the first ever Women's ladder match. The story line is about how Eva used her "corporate" connections to get herself in the match but she makes statements to a Authority figure that she wants to earn the belt.
In the match Eva takes a huge bump (doesn't need to be a dangerous bump but one you wouldn't normally see and Alexa plays dirty to attempt to win the belt but Bayley wins.
Later a scene with a sad Eva in the back as she knew she lost the match. WHen she asks a manager he told her she doesn't care if she won or lost because she drew money as a sex object. She leaves looking miffed but Bayley who overhears the conversation tells Eva she earned her spot as a competitor and that she shouldn't take garbage talk like that.
Later more, Bayley comes out in wrapped in bandages and ice to say thank you to the fans that helped her then Alexa comes from behind and hits her with a chair. Fans are shocked by the chair hit on a woman when suddenly Eva comes down for the save.
Crowd worked
Face Eva reign begins
Someone got a boner from flower girl though.
Eva would cripple someone in a ladder match if not kill them.
Also, an old NSFW favourite; http://i.imgur.com/MBuwq11.gif
Also, an old NSFW favourite; http://i.imgur.com/MBuwq11.gif
That was so much more gross than any deathmatch GIF could ever be.
Also, an old NSFW favourite; http://i.imgur.com/MBuwq11.gif
That's unicorn juiceThat was so much more gross than any deathmatch GIF could ever be.
Also, an old NSFW favourite; http://i.imgur.com/MBuwq11.gif
Is this your actual true favorite? You always go back to it.
Eva only cripples hearts because she is so fine!
That was so much more gross than any deathmatch GIF could ever be.
Also, an old NSFW favourite; http://i.imgur.com/MBuwq11.gif
Yes! Let me set my dvrHey guys.
Total Divas returns on the 19th.
Get hyped.
We getting another match a WM, aren't we?
Can't argue that she is fit as hell.
Can't argue that she is fit as hell.
Ehh. Not my type. Not in a 2/10, would not bang, fedora kind of way, she's obviously an attractive woman, just not my type.
It's kinda sad that Alexa is actually competent and talented as clearly the way to be is suck as much as possible to get heat.
I want Alexa doing everything Eva is doing right now
I guess Alexa has had stuff to do but WAAAAAHHHH
Well I don't want to blow my opinion of her out of proportion, but we can all agree on this no?
Eva is miles better than when she first debut with the WWE, She is very entertaining in her current role, and is almost unrecognizable as a talent compared to Total Diva days.
I mean she is busting her ass, and I give her credit for it. Its pretty obvious she is busting her ass.
She is not Brett Hart, and she never will be; but she is trying, she is owning her character, and doing these little mannerisms that are pretty damn good. Its obvious HHH or someone is really helping her.
Eva is the most talked about diva in this entire section. She should consider herself lucky.