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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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I wonder if WWE is trying to discredit Meltzer for whatever reason recently with all the injured wrestlers going out of their way to toss something his way on social media denying said injures.

If it was one wrestler I would get it but Rusev, Orton and Sasha have done it.

Personally I think companies should do more to work the internet at large.
Bill Demott:

“One day I did a move wrong and stood up. He came over and grabbed my pinky and bent it backwards. I go, ‘Well. Are you gonna break it, or are you gonna actually let me do this move right and teach me right?'”

While he did admit that he was an awesome coach, he further stated that he did have some bullying incidents.

“He once said, if you don’t come out to drink with us, I’m gonna kick your a–.”

Bob Holly:

“I would show up, and he would bump me all over the place; and I would continue taking it. And he has the audacity to write negatively in his book. I really looked up to the guy, and I [looked at what we wrote about me]. At the end of the day, he’s gonna go out of this world, when he dies, for being a loser and an idiot. You try to write a book to put people down for the money, it’s pretty sad; pretty low.”

Kurt Angle:

“After I kicked his butt, he could have done at lot with it. He could have said “you caught me”, he could have made a feud out of it. He could have taken me under his wing and said, “Hey kid. I’m gonna make you the best wrestler in the world. But, instead, they got nervous and didn’t want to play.”

When asked what Kurt Angle said to him after the impromptu pin from the referee, Puder stated, “I remember him saying that you can’t use submissions. [Angle said], ‘You can’t do that! You can’t do submissions in here!’ I was thinking to myself, when I walked in, the ref said anything goes, but no striking.”

Puder also commented on whether the particular segment was planned or not.

“We didn’t know. When they were having us run sprints in the back, and feeding us pasta and milk, we didn’t even know that they were going to have us go to the ring afterwards.”

Big Show:

“He slammed me into a locker plenty of times. I didn’t know it was coming. It was the first time when we walked into the guy’s locker room. They set it up for the guys to be in there. Big Show looked at me and he says, ‘You bowing up? You bowing up, boy?’ And I was like, you know, I stand with good posture. He comes over and just launches me over to a locker, and takes my head and tosses me out the room.”
I was rooting for Miz to win but I thought puder was going to be a damn beast with hia background. Seems like he just couldn't keep himself grounded. It's just like being in a new job, even if you've done the work before, don't come off as arrogant or you'll be viewed as that guy.

That's kinda low on what he said about Bob.

Oh well. Holly will go down as having a better career than him. So I guess that makes him a winner compared to puder.
Nothing I've ever read or heard has made Sparky Plug soind like anything but a shithead.
The sad but true part of his career. You'd think after all those years, he'd have a friend or two but nope. I remember when he left, a report said that no one even reached out to him.


I was rooting for Miz to win but I thought puder was going to be a damn beast with hia background. Seems like he just couldn't keep himself grounded. It's just like being in a new job, even if you've done the work before, don't come off as arrogant or you'll be viewed as that guy.

That's kinda low on what he said about Bob.

Oh well. Holly will go down as having a better career than him. So I guess that makes him a winner compared to puder.

No one in any profession should allow themselves to be bullied. Fuck "paying your dues" and all that old school bullshit. If someone stiffs me and I know they did it on purpose, they can expect to get popped in the mouth.
Who'd he injure?

The business

I don't think so. But for me, I would want DDP or Paul Heyman give a TED talk.

Wow I can't believe I didn't think of Heyman straight away. Dude is dripping with information to impart, hell I'd listen to a podcast series by him. Despite the mountain of stuff I've read/watched with him I always learn a ton.

DDP is tapped out for me I think, I've followed him through the yoga stuff for a while though so I've consumed a ton of his output

Personally I think companies should do more to work the internet at large.

Agree 100%. The Rusev tweets worked it great, leverage it to help portray the character.
Hey guys, remember Cody Rhodes? He was a pretty good promo, whatever happened to him?


Stardust was pretty cool as well, he said he was going to go and beat up all the old timers like Big Show, Kane and Goldust because they were old and taking up spots young guys should have. Now he feuds with celebrities and loses every single week.


Fuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk this booking.
Every time I hear Cody speak the only thing I can focus on his how hard he's fighting to hold back his lisp.
That recurring rumour of WWE wanting to introduce a Sister Abigail character must be haunting the NXT women's locker room.

Whoever gets picked for that gimmick is screwed for life.

Still find it kind of funny that Orphan Black has its own "Seestra Abigail" now.

Anyway, IMO if they do end up bringing someone in for it she can't be Bray's age or younger. Spare an "up and comer" and hire Daffney for it even though she can't wrestle anymore and might be a tad too well known to anyone who isn't the markiest of WWE marks.
No one in any profession should allow themselves to be bullied. Fuck "paying your dues" and all that old school bullshit. If someone stiffs me and I know they did it on purpose, they can expect to get popped in the mouth.
I think the backbreaking point of puder was when he did that to Angle. After that, everyone took shots at him.


According to Pwtorch WWE outbid ROH to get AJ Styles. He is supposedly making 6 figures for this contract. This makes sense because he was make that much in TNA before he left.

If he is getting 6 figures he going straight to the main roster. He better be in the Rumble because everyone expects him to be in it. It would be stupid not to put him in it. If he is not in it then the rumble is going to be heel again for the third straight year.

edit: If he is in it he better have a good theme and not a failure like Samoa Joe's theme when he debuted in NXT.


According to Pwtorch WWE outbid ROH to get AJ Styles. He is supposedly making 6 figures for this contract. This makes sense because he was make that much in TNA before he left.

If he is getting 6 figures he going straight to the main roster. He better be in the Rumble because everyone expects him to be in it. It would be stupid not to put him in it. If he is not in it then the rumble is going to be heel again for the third straight year.

edit: If he is in it he better have a good theme and not a failure like Samoa Joe's theme when he debuted in NXT.

They should just licence Evil Ways and not acknowledge where it came from.
According to Pwtorch WWE outbid ROH to get AJ Styles. He is supposedly making 6 figures for this contract. This makes sense because he was make that much in TNA before he left.

If he is getting 6 figures he going straight to the main roster. He better be in the Rumble because everyone expects him to be in it. It would be stupid not to put him in it. If he is not in it then the rumble is going to be heel again for the third straight year.

edit: If he is in it he better have a good theme and not a failure like Samoa Joe's theme when he debuted in NXT.

Styles hasn't exactly had a history of great themes.
I honestly can't picture Styles debuting in the Rumble. Yes, the Rumble tends to have a smark crowd, but the announcers would have to put him over HUGE which is something I can't see the current team doing. At least if he were to debut in NXT, then they could build him up.
Who's that jumping out the sky A.J Styles....here we go
when the hair flips, the giris they pass out
the gay community just black out better tap out


According to Pwtorch WWE outbid ROH to get AJ Styles. He is supposedly making 6 figures for this contract. This makes sense because he was make that much in TNA before he left.

If he is getting 6 figures he going straight to the main roster. He better be in the Rumble because everyone expects him to be in it. It would be stupid not to put him in it. If he is not in it then the rumble is going to be heel again for the third straight year.

edit: If he is in it he better have a good theme and not a failure like Samoa Joe's theme when he debuted in NXT.

Balor is making six figures in NXT right now. A short run is definently possible.


I honestly can't picture Styles debuting in the Rumble. Yes, the Rumble tends to have a smark crowd, but the announcers would have to put him over HUGE which is something I can't see the current team doing. At least if he were to debut in NXT, then they could build him up.

Bring him, Bullet Club, and Balor in. Sell it as pandemonium like its an invasion and lots of "Oh my God that AJ STYLES and The Bullet Club! Finn Balor ran with these men in Japan! Balor has called in his own personal army!"

Then just have them run a train on the rumble, and then have them step over the ropes one at a time till its just their leader in the ring.
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