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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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Unconfirmed Member
Besides the social outcasts, I think my favorite guys for cutting promos are Del Rio and Rusev. I love their intensity and the random shit they spit out at 100 mph in non-english. WWE could use more intense guys like that. Guys on the level of Macho Man, Sid, or later Steiner that sounded like they were insane.

I second this motion. Last night Rusev was hilarious during his school trip rant.





So not worth it
Missed that, what happened?

-oh, saw the edit. Owens was not amused, though it might just have been an in-character thing.


If you don't want to be called a jobber by your peers then don't let yourself get booked like a fucking jobber on TV. Or don't start a faction with 3 other guys who've done nothing but job.


So not worth it
So according to the dirtsheets, Kevin Owens is worked-shoot angry and two jobbers are shoot angry that a jabroni used the term jobber and now the jabroni has heat with the boys in the locker room because the boys are protecting their tenuous spots?

Since Owens blocked him on Twitter, I'm going to go with shoot angry for KO.

And to be fair to the rest. No matter what job you're in, if you come into a new company and immediately talk down to people who put in several years of work and are ahead of you, you'll likely end up getting some shit from the rest of the people there.


So not worth it


Oh, since I mentioned NXT.

NXT Green Bay was legitimately the most fun I've ever had at a live wrestling event. All of the matches were really good. Crowd was super into it the whole night, the only match where the crowd quieted down a bit was Bull Dempsey vs Elias Sampson, which is understandable since Sampson sucks. They opened the show with Enzo and Cass vs Dash and Dawson, Bailey vs Alexa Bliss was the midway point of the show, the main event of the night was Sami Zayn vs Finn Balor (which the crowd was super hot for).

I have a feeling a Finn Balor heel turn might be incoming. He was really playing up the Bullet Club gestures and was acting rather heelish during the early portions of the match while Zayn was playing the never-give-up face. I bet they're doing a trial run for heel Balor.


Holy shit at that Mark Henry botch. Dropping Breeze and completely missing the catch from Tyson.

Why the hell is that fat fuck still on the roster? Every time he comes out, you can hear the collective sigh from around the world. Hes horrible.


She had to have been wearing some decently impressive heels if she went from 5'9" to what looks like 6'1" or 6'2", that is, assuming Jericho's actually 6 feet tall which I question.

That's his billed carny height by WWE, not his legit height. They usually add at least a couple inches for the male wrestlers.

For instance, Tom Pestock, NFL offensive guard was listed as 6-6. Baron Corbin, NXT superstar is billed at 6-8


You know why Mark Henry botched it?

because he's fucking trash and always was. I still don't understand why you people love him so much

I would argue that he's just as bad as Big Show


I like how the Usos are no longer allowed to take their shirts off to wrestle. And when did they change Roman's eye color? The hazel contacts they're using now look a lot less distracting than those creepy blue ones.

I'd love to hear their justification for giving him contacts recorded on tape.
Henry was great at selling feuds on the mic and getting people hyped for matches that they otherwise would've expected to be terrible (even though they still were)

on that note, remember that time he turned heel on Big Show? that lasted like, a month


I don't like you guys anymore. I'm a Jericho fan.

I used to love Jericho, for years and years he was a favourite. But holy shit he's lost his touch. He's mostly been wretched since 2013 and he's just getting worse. He even killed a segment with Heyman, I didn't know it was possible to do that.
Since we're talking alternatives to WWE, there's TNA tonight, I guess:

Last Man Standing match for TNA title: Ethan Carter III (c) vs. Matt Hardy (Hardy must lose TNA if he loses)
Knockouts title match: Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong
Jeff Hardy vs. Tyrus
Beer Money vs. Eli Drake & Jesse Godderz
Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis vs. Pepper Parks

Oh boy, I can't wait for a Stephen Amell vs. Stardust rematch at WrestleMania.

Austin talking about how great it would have been to wrestle Punk just makes me sad.


If you walk into a new job and start calling tenured employees...whatever...3 months in, you're getting canned.

This guy got off easy.

not like those guys were doing great before he showed up.

If Cody Rhodes didn't have a family connection and a short wife that they use for interview segments he'd be out on the street.

Dude can't draw for shit.


It only hurts because you know in your heart of hearts that its true.

If there were 2011 or 2013, I would fight you in real life. But... man. It's 2016. He's so far down now.

not like those guys were doing great before he showed up.

If Cody Rhodes didn't have a family connection and a short wife that they use for interview segments he'd be out on the street.

Dude can't draw for shit.

He's not even good enough for the #SocialJobbers.


But Roman got over in Philadelphia that one night. We must all ADORE him now because we hate the Authority so much.
I suppose we'll find out on Sunday when the most hardcore crowd outside of WrestleMania greets him during the Rumble match.

Yeah. They will sour on him quick. He seems to do okay in short spurts, on random recent Raws when opposing McMahon. And McMahon wont be in RR, and Roman will be in there for 30+ min, if not more, against geeks. They will boo him out of the building.

But like you said, its not even just WWE anymore, even fans are making excuses for him, which is really sad. "Roman had a great year you guys, they didnt boo him in Philly!"
I used to love Jericho, for years and years he was a favourite. But holy shit he's lost his touch. He's mostly been wretched since 2013 and he's just getting worse. He even killed a segment with Heyman, I didn't know it was possible to do that.

Last time Jericho was good was his feud with HBK. That was what, 08?
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