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January Wrasslin' |OT| It's a New Year, Yes It Is!

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Jamie OD

Probably, but then are WWE fans the only fans that hate the very thing they're a fan of? Most rational people go: "I hate this, I'm not a fan" and then don't watch it any more, but not WWE fans.

Perhaps WWE has become a social experiment where, at this point, they're just trying to see how much their fans are willing to put up with?

It's like following your sports team. You swear them off whenever things go bad (and sometimes that can last a long time) but stick around hoping success is right around the corner.
My Rumble prediction is Roman Reigns wins it from number 1. Beats his record of eliminations again AND beats Reys record for longest time in a single Royal Rumble match.

Then RAW after rumble opens with Stephanie and / or Triple H giving a promo about how THEY WONT STAND FOR THIS!

And also No AJ Styles until Raw after mania.


My Rumble predictions were well off the mark last year...

  1. Bo Dallas to wrestle for 10 minutes with mic in hand, wishing everyone the best of luck before throwing them out, CM Punk style
  2. Shenanigans at the end potentially leading to a triple threat at WM (well I nailed that sort of)
  3. Papa Shango finally returns
  4. RVD returns


Foundations of Burden
Damn it, they had to spoil Royal Rumble with this whole storyline. Unless Reigns gets thrown over the rope within the first ten minutes, what's the point of having a spectacle match with a lack of real surprise to the fans interested.


Damn it, they had to spoil Royal Rumble with this whole storyline. Unless Reigns gets thrown over the rope within the first ten minutes, what's the point of having a spectacle match with a lack of real surprise to the fans interested.
Telegraphing obvious match finishes is just what the WWE likes to do.
If we wanted suspense, we'd watch something else. Like that NFL game on Saturday night.


Something just did not click at the main event. First spear produced no reaction, zero. Second produced a reaction, boos for Roman.

It was a mess.

I think they operated from the idea that Brock is a heel, so it should technically work, but he is not. They built a whole night of Brock, and first thing he does is gets speared.

Maybe should have him suplex the Nation geeks first, then get speared? Even that, you are operating from the idea that fans like Roman more than Brock, nae nae!


Maybe should have him suplex the Nation geeks first, then get speared? Even that, you are operating from the idea that fans like Roman more than Brock, nae nae!
But Roman got over in Philadelphia that one night. We must all ADORE him now because we hate the Authority so much.
I suppose we'll find out on Sunday when the most hardcore crowd outside of WrestleMania greets him during the Rumble match.


He hit his peak back in WCW. I still liked him when he debuted in the WWF but nothing can top what he did in WCW when he was Cruiserweight Champion. Ralphus, Master of 1004 Moves, Gillberg, his tirades whenever he lost, his wild hairstyles...

Just watch those clips whenever Jericho is on nowadays.

Well to be fair, that was all Jericho at that point, WCW didn't give no fucks about their Cruiserweights.

I understand WWE bring WWE, they'll shoot down many of his ideas.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Well to be fair, that was all Jericho at that point, WCW didn't give no fucks about their Cruiserweights.

I understand WWE bring WWE, they'll shoot down many of his ideas.

I'm sorry, but this is completely false.


WCW wrestling legend Konnan


Great OT. Amazing what you can do with a product with some decent cohesive planning and writing.


Foundations of Burden
Telegraphing obvious match finishes is just what the WWE likes to do.
If we wanted suspense, we'd watch something else. Like that NFL game on Saturday night.

I don't want suspense, I want surprise.

A Royal Rumble should have five realistic winners to build a storyline and tension, then throw in ten to fifteen jobbers to resolve their own storylines and to do things like situational partnerships and such, stuff that would never happen outside of a Royal Rumble. Then fill the rest with guests, reveals and such.

Imagine if the titantron announced "the next five drawn entrants are NXT stars" halfway through the rumble, or "the next five drawn entrants are ECW legends". I want that, not "Hey, this one guy will survive 29 other wrestlers in a display of forced storyline fuckery".
I don't want suspense, I want surprise.

A Royal Rumble should have five realistic winners to build a storyline and tension, then throw in ten to fifteen jobbers to resolve their own storylines and to do things like situational partnerships and such, stuff that would never happen outside of a Royal Rumble. Then fill the rest with guests, reveals and such.

Imagine if the titantron announced "the next five drawn entrants are NXT stars" halfway through the rumble, or "the next five drawn entrants are ECW legends". I want that, not "Hey, this one guy will survive 29 other wrestlers in a display of forced storyline fuckery".

That's been a big problem with the Royal Rumble through most of its existance, I haven't looked to exactly remember them but it seems like more have had predictable outcomes than not especially in the last 5, 10(?) years? Hell 20 years even. It doesn't help that there's no one outside the obvious we can even see winning because no one is built up enough to make them a legitimate, believable chance of winning. It's basically existed to push a single, obvious story line.


So not worth it
Great OT. Amazing what you can do with a product with some decent cohesive planning and writing.

Seriously, I was amazed at how much set-up was done.

And I didn't even include the whole basement monster storyline, since I'm not sure if they're doing anything with it in S2 and it didn't have that much of an effect on the in-ring stuff in S1, either.


I feel weird in that I mostly enjoyed RAW last night. Jericho rambled a little too long as always, and #MakeRomanLookStrong was trending worldwide, but I actually liked that there was actually some promo/storytelling that looked to be building something instead of just being a throwaway (though, again, why wait until the last week before a PPV to do it), and I only fast-forwarded through one match!

That's progress!


Seriously, I was amazed at how much set-up was done.

And I didn't even include the whole basement monster storyline, since I'm not sure if they're doing anything with it in S2 and it didn't have that much of an effect on the in-ring stuff in S1, either.

It was actually something pretty big for me, as I was, and still am, curious as fuck to see what that's all about. It was handled very well and I really hope it delivers.


The only thing about LU S2 is that I actively dislike superhero stuff (a la MCU) so hearing that they are going more in the supernatural/entertainment direction has me thinking maybe I won't dig it quite as much. I'm one of those sad people that quite the whole wrasslin-as-a-sport presentation thing and LU is the total opposite to that right now.

I'm honestly not that worried though, the quality of the non-wrestling stuff last season was high enough for me to ignore some of the goofier things (Cueto's brother mainly) and there was a lot of wrestling so cutting back on that is probably fine.


You will respect the Beck.
You willlllll!!

Of course I respect her. I was number 1 on the Becky train here in this thread (sort of).

My dream is that Becky wins at Rumble and then finally gets to be the one to beat Steph at Mania. That promo last night was a brass ring grabbing moment!

That is never going to happen :((((((((((


Becky Lynch is my new fab five.

Also, the New Day interview with Rich Brennan is great.


And, sadly, the WWE announcers stumbled over a hurried eulogy for "Iron" Mike Sharpe during Raw:


The announcers are just pathetic.
I can tolerate Cole, but JBL has just become ...I do not even know what to call it.
It is like if you took the worst aspects of a bad mockery of Harry Caray and John Madden, but who have no real understanding of what is going on just spout of random names and trivia and sound drunk and stupid doing it while the shill dial is cranked to max.
It is intolerable.
Of course I respect her. I was number 1 on the Becky train here in this thread (sort of).

My dream is that Becky wins at Rumble and then finally gets to be the one to beat Steph at Mania. That promo last night was a brass ring grabbing moment!

That is never going to happen :((((((((((

She uses an arm bar...Rousey uses an arm bar....hmm.....
Nah unfortunately I expect the Diva's division to go full carny again soon.
Not like it used to be, but still carny.


WWE is fine as long as you watch the PPVs and maybe skim through the RAWs (if you watch them at all). I'm actually taking how bad last nights RAW sounds as a good thing, because it probably means they were busy putting effort into planning the Rumble instead.
Becky/Charlotte is the only match that has good built up and Ambrose/Owens can't even get mic time against each other.

Though Ric never backing down... He did have a stable behind him a lot of the time.


WWE is fine as long as you watch the PPVs and maybe skim through the RAWs (if you watch them at all). I'm actually taking how bad last nights RAW sounds as a good thing, because it probably means they were busy putting effort into planning the Rumble instead.

Bwahahaha. You actually believe that?


Good Art™
RAW was fucking horrible. It's like they really want to self destroy right.. They are actually trying to 50/50 everything so they go into rumble with the less hype possible.

All their ideas, i can see the logic but it's sooo counter productive in the end lol.

Like that ending,, it was like they thought "Wait maybe it's not so good to build a rumble around just 1 guy, or even 2.. But we did that for the last weeks.. Why wouldn't we qualify that by having a random stable nobody gives a shit anymore destroy both of them just before the rumble!!"
And let's not use our top heel faction we created for that, cause it's way more fun to have them be useless tools.

And the Ambrose segment was so bad to. Let's not have them fight just before the rumble (cause they fought at every SD in the last 3 weeks), so there is zero tension going in.

Also i really don't see how the bullet club could debut in the rumble with zero build nor tease, nor even any Balor interaction in RAW ever. Let's not forget Balor doesn't exist, kayfabe wise in RAW for now. He's not been mentioned at any single point.

In the end we all know the Rumble will be : Heel stables dominating like kings until Reigns and Lesnar destroy them to finally face each other..
I watched raw "highlights" to see if it's worth getting the rumble.

god what an awful go-home show that was.

So will reigns win and fight part-timer hhh at mania?
or will reigns win and fight part-timer brock at mania?
or will part-timer brock win and fight reigns at mania?
or will part-timer hhh win and fight reigns at mania?

There are so many ways they can go!!!! #teamstyles
I watched raw "highlights" to see if it's worth getting the rumble.

god what an awful go-home show that was.

So will reigns win and fight part-timer hhh at mania?
or will reigns win and fight part-timer brock at mania?
or will part-timer brock win and fight reigns at mania?
or will part-timer hhh win and fight reigns at mania?

There are so many ways they can go!!!! #teamstyles

It any event needed a legitimate upset it's the Roman Rumble.

This shit is looking predictable as fuck right now. What's even more frustrating is that the WWE has lost the ability to spin off multiple stories from a Rumble match, which has been evident the past few years. Curtis Axel never getting eliminated could have been something more but it's played off as a joke that we keep getting reminded of.


Besides the social outcasts, I think my favorite guys for cutting promos are Del Rio and Rusev. I love their intensity and the random shit they spit out at 100 mph in non-english. WWE could use more intense guys like that. Guys on the level of Macho Man, Sid, or later Steiner that sounded like they were insane.


I think that they did exactly what they needed to do with this RAW.
The end at least gave the impression that it would not be the cake walk and the Brock vs Reigns show with speed bumps that pretty much everyone has broken the Rumble down to being.
It also helped (at least for a moment or two) to pull the Wyatts out of the job squad pile and give them some heat again.
(And at the same time pretty much jobbing out Sheamus/Del Rio/Rusev/Barrett)


I love Kayfabe News.

7 Things You Didn't Know About Sting

7. After performing for years as a blond, spikey-haired surfer-style babyface, Sting adopted in the late-1990s a darker and more sinister persona inspired by comic book character Catwoman.

6. Sting had a brief but unremarkable tenure in WCW, during which he notoriously threw the WWF Women’s Championship in the trash.

5. Sting should not be confused with a British rock singer and bassist who rose to fame in the 1970s, Lemmy.

4. Sting wrestled for several months in WWE as a patriotic masked man, Mr. America, and was later revealed to be Hornswoggle’s father.

3. The peak of Sting’s career was his tenure with Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling, during which it became the world’s dominant pro wrestling promotion — a distinction it still holds to this day.

2. Sting was once in a tag team with the Ultimate Warrior. At the time, Sting was known as Ax, the Ultimate Warrior was known as Smash, and they were collectively known as “Strike Force.”

1. Sting’s record in WWE is extraordinary, having only lost two matches since his debut.
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