People are watching TNA?
"All the people I like win all the time and all the people I don't like get fired or disappear!"
Also, belts changing hands on free TV started the downfall of the business. A belt changing hands with the people watching it paying for it is worthless and only devalues the belt.
Simpsons is fucking trash and for the uneducated. Mental poors.
TNA just don't get it do they? They have an opportunity to change it up for a potential new audience and what do we get? Dixie fuckin Carter opening up the show yapping. Change your ugly ass logo. Change the impact wrestling font. Change your color scheme. Everything about the product looks cheap, and has for 15 years. You have a title called the King of the Mountain title????? Get the fuck out of here jesus christ. I could vent all day on this company but why bother.
Look at WCW from mid 96 to early 98 formula and copy it verbatim. Boom, you instantly have a watchable product.
Everything about the product looks cheap, and has for 15 years. You have a title called the King of the Mountain title?????
So the way to have a watchable product is a 220 man roster, a 25 million dollar budget and the support of the largest cable network. Glad to know.
So the way to have a watchable product is a 220 man roster, a 25 million dollar budget and the support of the largest cable network. Glad to know.
I love how that's pretty much their go-to defining characteristic for every face they're trying to push.
Then, they go on to talk about their collegiate career and shit they did for a living before wrestling... like play football. As if anyone cares.
I don't how you guys haven't learned by now. TNA will never change. They will always be who they are. No matter what network, no matter what roster. Tonight's show was a chance to do something new, and they opened it with all the bad shit that brought their product down to where it is. Bad authority figures, run-ins on top of run-ins, and chaos for the sake of chaos. Also Josh Matthews and the Pope are fucking garbage announcers and the fact that they didn't change them out tells you all you need to know.
Yes because that's what made it an exciting product to watch when the bell rang...
How do you think they hired the best roster known to man for both exciting matches in the undercard and named talents from the early 80's and 90's to sell tickets? A gigantic budget. One-Three hours on one of the best nights for television. Another program when things were going really well. A merchandise line. A successful touring brand.
Takes money to make money.
You're not wrong though, they had the budget to do this in the Spike years.
Him being in the World Title tournament a few months back should have been a big clue that he was a protected project.The push is real. From Smackdown:
The Mecca just got enough fuel for the Monday Night Wars for the next 5 years
Vacant title tournament final is Matt Hardy vs EC3. After all that, they could genuinely still give Matt Hardy the world title again
So when you have Styles and the others potentially come over how do you start them off, do you start them off separately, or put them together as a stable because League of Nations can fuck off and suck so bad, maybe a new stable would be better with them being heels (Aj and the others I mean)
I know this is the least remarkable comment ever made, but Kurt Angle really looks bad. I haven't watch TNAnything in a while and can't believe how rough he looks.
Here's what you missed in the last year:
Recovered from a torn MCL
Won the world title again (DA thought literal ex-Marine Bobby Lashley wasn't patriotic enough to hold the belt in their first few televised title defenses, so they asked for Angle to have the belt)
Lost it 6 months later
Took a couple weeks off and had surgery to get rid of a tumor he had in his neck for over a year (kept wrestling until it started to press on a nerve, at which point they booked him to drop the belt)
Announced January would be his last match in TNA
Is expected to have at least one fight in Bellator after leaving, either against Ken Shamrock or Tito Ortiz
They've done it before with the Nexus, I think they could do this again with Balor/Bullet Club. They just need to not have it be so god damn hokey. Have it have a slight edge to it ala NWO or Shield.
, just hope vince and creative dont fuck it up.
They could also literally bring them in as Vince's New World Order.
Every single post you have made in here has been worse than the last.
Seriously, troll account much?
And that word hipster, I do not think it means what you think that it means.
They could also literally bring them in as Vince's New World Order.
Would you face Tana again?
Okada "Definitely. I realized anew just how strong he was. It's all on him, though." #njpwworld
Why is Impact Wrestling windowboxed on my TV? Why did I even turn this on? LOL