Smackdown spoilers are hilarious
Open spoiler: Nothing happens.
People really had big expectations despite wwe not promoting anything other than mauro
Looking into his eyes I see sadness and regret.
I expected it to be the same show but with a perfunctory attempt to pretend stuff will actually happen now, like having a midcard title change on the first episode or something. But they didn't even do that, you could probably swap this week and last week's episode on SyFy without issue.
"Nothing happens on Smackdown" is not a spoiler. It's a tagline.
Shitty excuse. Some people actually try to avoid spoilers and just watch the show. I'm not one of them, but I understand it. Even if it's just one person who sees it, spoiling it unnecessarily is a shitty thing to do.
I'm truly sorry about his damn luck. He's got the look of a man who first finds out that he's free of alimony payments and then BOOM - gets them again.
I was afraid when I clicked on this it wouldn't be Luis Miguel. I'm pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the case.
Mike Barton in Japan is amazing. I love to choose him every once in awhile to beat up some Japanese J-bro's, with the gut punch to power bomb combo.Japan loves shoots
I take it no slip up from Steph. Ah I miss Kaitlyn
If Nakamura comes into WWE and they still won't clear Bryan, or worse they finally let him out of his contract, only now Nakamura isn't in New Japan anymore, he's in the company Bryan just left, and he still can't get that dream match, he's probably going to snap and burn down Vince's house.
Using only fallen wood of course, it's not eco-friendly to fuel your revenge by cutting down trees.
People can like what they like.
Hell we have all kinds of oddities in here.
As someone not too familiar with Japanese crowd reactions, would the Japanese fans boo Nakamura now that he's basically a lame duck champion and is leaving the company? I don't think they would, especially considering the reaction to AJ at New Year's Dash, but I'm not certain.
It's somewhat understandable. They've been programmed into thinking only the WWE matters and that everywhere else is shit so they perceive it to be a betrayal that someone would dare leave paradise to go spread their wings where there are no glass ceilings, Cenas or Romans.Nah, Japanese fans won't be bothered. Honestly, I think only WWE fans boo you if they know you're leaving
It'll be good this year I just know it.Spoiler: you're not going to like the Rumble
AJ and Balor would be both be fine starting off as singles. AJ's probably the most known guy out there who hasn't been in WWE (outside of a couple squash matches he lost) and will be over at a midcard level.
Nakamura would need to be booked right and you'd need to let him do his thing, hype him up as a champion and the "best wrestler in Japan". Unless he starts in NXT it'd be easier to just stick him in the "Balor Club" group for the main run of the stable.
Anderson/Gallows would be backup and the muscle. They shouldn't appear until the stable gets formed.
Think you need at least one other big hoss guy (Corbin?) and another potential upper-midcarder type (Joe? Turn someone from the main roster?) on top of those five to make a group that would be a threat to the Cenas and Reigns of the world given how they've been booked.
Implying the Wyatt Family would win a feud.I can't wait for the "Balor Club" to job to the Wyatt Family
when did Dean Ambrose start talking like Andrew Dice Clay?
They did seem to win the feud against the Old ECW Farts. That counts, right?Implying the Wyatt Family would win a feud.
NJPW talent acquisition is best news WWE has had in years.
Watch they fuck it up royally though.
They did seem to win the feud against the Old ECW Farts. That counts, right?
Granted, that's more due to the need to put Strowman over as Vince's monster of the month instead of the other 3 guys... but it counts.
is this Heath Slater and the Midcard Mafia thing for real?
That's an ugly dog
wait, did Vince of all people botch the shit out of the main event on RAW?
Looks like an 80s game showmade an avatar for friend Data