I'm going to wait and see if Sony's VR for the PS4 is going to amount to anything.
You dinguses, this isn't for the mainstream.
facebook isn't interested in the VR equivalent of indie wrestling fans
You dinguses, this isn't for the mainstream.
VR is almost certainly just going to be another fad like the Wii and motion controls were. Charging 599 US DOLLARS for the Rift is probably their way of saying "we're going to get every penny possible out of this while it's hot"
They're selling it at cost, not getting every penny out of it. There's a lot of implementations for VR that are fascinating and not baby Sony games.
I'm ambivalent to give VR shit since I've never tried a Rift or any device so I'll take the word of anyone who actually used one rather than someone just calling it a fad with nothing to base it off of.
Whoever this man is needs to get paid.
Well, Kevin Rose said so.!
It doesn't even need to take off for it to be worth it to me. I've tried it, it's amazing and worth MY time. It'd be dope if it succeeded and lots of people got into it, but it doesn't matter with me.
But lol.
I dig this sombre boss battle music.Alternate alternative version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrsqZVktbwo
You know it be true, the only way VR could truly breakout into the mainstream is if they kiosk the fuck out of it in malls and shopping outlets (aka malls)
Or if Apple gets into it for double the price cause ya know, Apple!
nobody goes to malls anymore duncan
Sounds like the Neo Geo console."This isn't for mainstream" - only ever said to try and justify something that everyone in the universe knows will fail
Sounds like the Neo Geo console.
Apple fans are like a large-scale TNAMecca
Vince owns the company, right?
Why doesn't he just strip Roman of the title?
Why didn't he strip Stone Cold of the title?
Why didn't he fire Daniel Bryan to stop him from wrestling for the title?
And the HD-DVD
Did that even last a year?
Close to two I think. And then WBs jumped ship to SONY and it was all over.
Those are the same people that swear that VR will be the next thing.Remember when people left Avatar and swore this time 3D was here to stay
It died once Sony unveiled their boxes.Close to two I think. And then WBs jumped ship to SONY and it was all over.
Looking through wrestling tweets and whatnot, it astounds me at how many actual marks that there are out there who genuinely believe that Nak or AJ could literally show up at the Rumble and win the title.
Just like that.
Even more who seriiously buy into storyline business.