the bolded part can easily be applied to Cena too, yet that didn't stop WWE from shoving him down the audience's throat as "the man"
Shit, this makes me pine for late 90s / early 00s WWF main event booking. HHH, Austin, Rock, Angle, B****, Taker, Kane, Foley, Jericho - all completely interchangeable at a moment's notice.
Zayn should be on the main roster, they already had him debut, that's dumb in itself.
Owens should be WWE champion. There's not a person on the roster with a better defined character and better promo ability right now, legit. This is a guy that can carry a program into Mania that people will care about. I'd want to see someone shut him up and take his title from him. I'd pay to see that. I give no shits about Reigns winning his title back over Triple H.
CM Punk's potential opponent
1-0 professionally and 2-0 as an amateur
Mickey Gall
I'm really confused by statements like this (not direct attack on you fyi). People complain that the WWE is bad with story telling and needs to push their main talent. Then there are people who make above statements and get hyped when these older guys come back. I know guys like Taker and Rock can still sell, but should we all be moved on from them by this point? What value does bringing any of these guys back do for the brand other than ratings and ticket sales?
Superman punch is fucking horrible I mean fucking horrible. His whole look fucking sucks, stop giving these shitty one liner jokes for promos, make him a more silent type. Change his gear and his music all that shit.
I disagree. He has a limited moveset, but also often surprises by suddenly pulling out a new move.
And while he purposely has a lack of selling, he doesn't have a lack of charisma. He's great on the mic and he's extremely quickwitted, as evidenced by any TV interview he's ever done and his ability to quickly reacted to a crowd and turn their reactions in the direction he wants to.
Say what you will about Cena, but he's one charismatic guy.
I'm really confused by statements like this (not direct attack on you fyi). People complain that the WWE is bad with story telling and needs to push their main talent. Then there are people who make above statements and get hyped when these older guys come back. I know guys like Taker and Rock can still sell, but should we all be moved on from them by this point? What value does bringing any of these guys back do for the brand other than ratings and ticket sales?
I just watched the Beast of the East event and it made me realize that Kevin Owens is that legit heel they need. The guy who can say and work the crowd well, be a force in the ring and possibly get that Austin esque angle. I feel like they're afraid because he's too plain and not enough character.
I also really dig Balor's demon persona part of his character. I think it's the right amount of gimmick without going into the full blown WWE stylization of gimmicks. I know he might not be able to put seats in the arena right up front, but I definitely think he could carry the WWE if they just let him do his thing.
I know guys like Ambrose, Sheamus, Del Rio and so forth kind of have this feel but they just feel too schlocky and cartoony. Even Ambrose, this guy who is supposed to be CRAZY and WILD now just looks like a guy who is goofing it up with every sell.
I'm really confused by statements like this (not direct attack on you fyi). People complain that the WWE is bad with story telling and needs to push their main talent. Then there are people who make above statements and get hyped when these older guys come back. I know guys like Taker and Rock can still sell, but should we all be moved on from them by this point? What value does bringing any of these guys back do for the brand other than ratings and ticket sales?
Superman punch is fucking horrible I mean fucking horrible.
It's like a kid in little league jumping to catch a fly ball for no reason.
Right now, entertainment.
The reason we haven't moved on from those guys yet is because basically nobody in the era that succeeded them managed to get even remotely as over as people like Austin or Rock or prime HHH. And when anyone starts to get any kind of real momentum that could vault them to the next level (Punk, Bryan, Sandow, or even Zack Ryder or Ziggler a few years ago) WWE kills all of their momentum.
yea, remember when he pulled out that reverse springboard stunner, how cool it was?
that's why i said the bolded part. reading is hard
Is it really entertaining though? It's just on my mind because I recently watched a 2000 WCW PPV and it was just awful to watch some of those older guys wrestle.
On the Tokyo-Sports site Nakamura confirmed he's coming over to WWE.
English sources
Original source
Any variation of a punch as a finisher is lame. They should give Roman a suplex or something. Actually he looks like the kind of guy who could use a piledriver, but WWE being idiots won't allow that.
He was doing these in 1997.This. His moveset didn't get better till like early 2000s with the DDT and Spine buster etc....
Any variation of a punch as a finisher is lame. They should give Roman a suplex or something. Actually he looks like the kind of guy who could use a piledriver, but WWE being idiots won't allow that.
Honestly, I think Roman would look good using the Jackhammer
I like the spear as Roman's finisher better, at least you can perceive that move as a finisher.
If we were going to change it though, give him a sit-out powerbomb variation.
I do really wish Roman would stop doing the drive-by apron dropkick. It's as bad as Ambrose's rebound clothesline.
CM Punk's potential opponent
1-0 professionally and 2-0 as an amateur
Mickey Gall
The only time it's ever been a surprise to me is the first time he did it. Every time they do the spot now it's a painfully obvious setup. Same reason the 619 made me roll my eyes. Rey was usually much quicker to follow through though. When Roman does the drive-by the guy is just chilling there with his head over the apron for ages.I like it when it's a surprise. Looks like a concussion waiting to happen though
He was doing these in 1997.
I don't think Roman is strong enough to do a jackhammer
I don't think Roman is strong enough to do a jackhammer
Lol he looks half the age of Punk and probably is.CM Punk's potential opponent
1-0 professionally and 2-0 as an amateur
Mickey Gall
The only time it's ever been a surprise to me is the first time he did it. Every time they do the spot now it's a painfully obvious setup. Same reason the 619 made me roll my eyes. Rey was usually much quicker to follow through though. When Roman does the drive-by the guy is just chilling there with his head over the apron for ages.
Why do people care so much about a person's moveset? Just don't make moves look totally outlandish like the apron dropkick and its convoluted setup. Or if so, make it a very rare occurrence, like Shane or RVD doing the Van Terminator. Shawn Michaels had a running forearm, inverted atomic drop, top rope elbow drop, and a scoop slam. But none of that matters.
Cena's always tried to add more to his arsenal, all in while looking goofy as hell doing so. See him trying to apply an abdominal stretch or his fisherman suplex.
He was doing these in 1997.
Well it's a much larger problem of how WWE book matches now for sure. But spots like the drive-by is not helping the matter.I feel like this is par for the course with the roster.
A random match in 1997 (vs. Dude Love, coincidentally his first "Rock" showcase), he was doing the DDT, spinebuster, and the People's Elbow, although it was a mockery move at that point. Still in the Nation and has IC gold.Really don't remember it that much, was he using the sharpshooter then too?
It comes down to how you work a match and how it's booked. Vince doesn't believe in wrestling though.Wrestlers are just like fighting game characters. Each needs to be unique, and not everyone needs a billion fucking moves.
It's ok for some to be Paul Phoenix. Keep it simple.
All of the WM31 champs are out with injury.
Nikki Bella = Out.
Cesaro/Kidd = Both out.
John Cena = Out.
Daniel Bryan = Stretcher.gif
Seth Rollins = Out.
This really has been a terrible year for injuries in the WWE.