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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

WM 30 headlined by a F4W between Big E, Ziggler, Cesaro and Generico.

next day WWE announces it's up for sale due to massive losses.

Please. Big E has way too many muscles and is too close to John Cena to be in a Wresslegaf main event. Ziggler vs. Cesaro vs. Generico in a 60-minute Iron Man match while Bryan squashes John Cena in three seconds to start the show.
nah man apparently if you don't like The Rock you're a smark who knows nothing about the business

You can not like The Rock, but if you don't think the WWE should use the Rock at as many Wrestlemania's as possible, then yes, you're a smark who knows nothing about the business.
Please. Big E has way too many muscles and is too close to John Cena to be in a Wresslegaf main event. Ziggler vs. Cesaro vs. Generico in a 60-minute Iron Man match while Bryan squashes John Cena in three seconds to start the show.

i dunno, folks here seem to like Big E in general.
You can not like The Rock, but if you don't think the WWE should use the Rock at as many Wrestlemania's as possible, then yes, you're a smark who knows nothing about the business.

People are selfish, breh, plus most of us don't have any stake in the WWE's bottom line. I couldn't care less about the "business" part of This Business™.

I'd rather watch the WWE die putting on amazing shows that don't draw like the Terminator sinking in lava with a thumbs up than make money with what they've been passing off as "historic" recently. That's the truth of it, and it's why people complain about The Rock vs. John Cena.
naw, they gotta have ADR/Show vs. Orton/Kane. that's a money match right there
You can not like The Rock, but if you don't think the WWE should use the Rock at as many Wrestlemania's as possible, then yes, you're a smark who knows nothing about the business.
I'd just really prefer they didn't. at least if WWE went out, i'd have more time doing other things, like watching art-house movies and reading books
People are selfish, breh, plus most of us don't have any stake in the WWE's bottom line. I couldn't care less about the "business" part of This Business™.

I'd rather watch the WWE die putting on amazing shows that don't draw like the Terminator sinking in lava with a thumbs up than make money with what they've been passing off as "historic" recently. That's the truth of it, and it's why people complain about The Rock vs. John Cena.

I totally get that. If you want to say, "I don't care, I don't want to see Rock again," that's totally your call. But, when multiple say the WWE shouldn't have done Rock/Cena again or that Rock's been overexposed, those are simply false statements, if you're running the WWE.

I have zero issues with people not liking the WWE product or booking. But, business wise, there's a reason why it's 2014 and Vince stands alone.


So I'm working through the best of Raw and Smavkdown from 2011 4 disc boxset and it has taken me about 4 days to power through it with just about 30minutes left to go and I've already got about 4900 words as a review...I just can't bring myself to finish it and then cull the review into something more readable.

Basically Daniel Bryan was great throughout, Orton vs. Christian was an awesome feud, Punk is great with a mic at all times. Cody Rhodes is featured a lot in the set and we have some really obscure moments including 38 minute segment where everyone had walked out on Triple H as he was in charge.
I totally get that. If you want to say, "I don't care, I don't want to see Rock again," that's totally your call. But, when multiple say the WWE shouldn't have done Rock/Cena again or that Rock's been overexposed, those are simply false statements, if you're running the WWE.

I have zero issues with people not liking the WWE product or booking. But, business wise, there's a reason why it's 2014 and Vince stands alone.

Yeah, you right. I'd like to say I've never said Rocky was the wrong move for their earnings, which is obviously false, but in my numerous rants who knows what manner of nonsense I've spewed. At the end of the day, they're gonna do what makes them as much money as possible so that they can push their huge numbers all year long and make even more the next year. From their perspective I get it. It makes sense, and yes, that's why there's no "Rise & Fall of WWE" book (yet).

I'm still gonna complain though.


So not worth it
Quiet down you.

I haven't even been ranting about everything I should've been in the last few months. Don't make ol Stone Cold start stompin mud holes and walking em dry again gimmeahellyeah.


Wait, no, stop it! I won't fall for your tricks you negative Nancy!


If you don't like TLOU you're just a jaded smart mark. Do you know how much money that kind of game makes?
When was the last 2/3 Falls match? Seems like forever since there's been a good one in WWE - the last one I remember is Sheamus vs Bryan from 2012.
Every week* in NXT which is technically WWE.

* hyperbole
Yeah, you right. I'd like to say I've never said Rocky was the wrong move for their earnings, which is obviously false, but in my numerous rants who knows what manner of nonsense I've spewed. At the end of the day, they're gonna do what makes them as much money as possible so that they can push their huge numbers all year long and make even more the next year. From their perspective I get it. It makes sense, and yes, that's why there' no "Rise & Fall of WWE" book (yet).

I'm still gonna complain though.


You went and 3-month-ruled yourself and your rants?



Poster for the New Japan Cup;

Any predictions? I'm pretty sure Goto's getting a push this year, but not sure how it's going to happen. Either he wins the title from Okada next month, or gets another shot via the NJC, or more likely via the G1. However, I could also see Okada defeating Goto and then Naito wins the NJC to challenge Okada again, which is what Okada did last year to get the rematch with Tanahashi.

Zayn vs Cesaro on NXT. Yes NXT is considered WWE.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that - hopefully they can repeat the match on the main roster some day.

You went and 3-month-ruled yourself and your rants?


What rants? new year, new N_W. The only thing I care about in The E is seeing Brock conquer. He needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to the WWE Championship. And whenever he's not on screen, all the other wrestlers should be asking, "Where's Brock Lesnar?"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Biography channel had Hulk's on it, so I watched some of that. It was pretty good. Hulk pre-WWF was rough though. He was just 'heel guy' up until Thunderlips. It was also funny to see just how much bigger he was than all those dudes in the territories. You kind of forget that when you see him wrestling guys like Andre.

Then it got me thinking, people compare Cena to Hogan. But Hogan almost never got booed. Not noticeably. Even when he wrestled other faces, even when he wrestled 'serious fan favorites', Hogan always got pops. So what was it that made Hogan able to maintain that and what was it that makes Cena get booed? Was it because there was no internet? Eh, maybe. But people were cheering certain heels back in the 80s on less popular matches. I watched a bunch of promos, and I figured it out.

Hogan, the character, wasn't a fucking asshole. Hogan the character was one dimensional, but the dimension was completely over the top. His goals were clear--cut which made most people relate to him, you hurt the hulkamaniacs, you get the Hulk. It was a simple comic book hero, and it worked. I watched a bunch of 80s era Hogan promos. Not once did he call a woman fatty mchamburgers, not once did he Ted Dibiase's car for no reason other than him having a title, not once did he call Virgil a poor dude man slave and imply homosexuality.

Hulk Hogan might be a hot dog(yeah, you're a hotdogger, hogan), and he DEFINITELY has the jealous eyes, but he was a simple character written perfectly as a simple character. Cena is like super-man written by some edgy 90s writer who thinks he needs more spunk, and it just backfires. He's Superboy. Cena might be a better person out of the ring, but that don't mean shit. Hogan was a better person, character-wise, in the ring. He also injured Inoki because he couldn't control the pythons, brother jack.


Hogan is a Real American.

He fights for the rights of every man.

Cena is a hat guy with 'attitude'.

I think we should make february hulk hogan month.
Then it got me thinking, people compare Cena to Hogan. But Hogan almost never got booed. Not noticeably. Even when he wrestled other faces, even when he wrestled 'serious fan favorites', Hogan always got pops. So what was it that made Hogan able to maintain that and what was it that makes Cena get booed? Was it because there was no internet? Eh, maybe. But people were cheering certain heels back in the 80s on less popular matches. I watched a bunch of promos, and I figured it out.

It was his initial run in WCW in the early 90s when he started to get booed, and certainly during his feud with The Dungeon of Doom. They even did a faux-Heel turn when he saved his mustache off and wore black for a week!
Not sure how much of the booing was due to him being from the WWF and beating Ric Flair though.


also The Rock started this whole kicking out of finisher shit and nobody cared about it cause you're all a bunch of Rock marks.

I think Hogan no-selling Vader's powerbomb is the first instance I can recall. It wasn't even just a regular hulkup after a beatdown, either. He laid there for maybe ten seconds, tops. Then he just stood up and started wailing away. Basically erased Vader's entire reputation in one shot.

Though, I'm in no way sticking up for Rock. One of my least favorites to watch, behind Road Dogg and not many others.

It was his initial run in WCW in the early 90s when he started to get booed, and certainly during his feud with The Dungeon of Doom. They even did a faux-Heel turn when he saved his mustache off and wore black for a week!
Not sure how much of the booing was due to him being from the WWF and beating Ric Flair though.

I don't have it handy so I can't be sure, but I feel like he got booed in 1993 WWF. Maybe not on RAW, but for sure at WMIX?


I think Hogan no-selling Vader's powerbomb is the first instance I can recall. It wasn't even just a regular hulkup after a beatdown, either. He laid there for maybe ten seconds, tops. Then he just stood up and started wailing away. Basically erased Vader's entire reputation in one shot.

Though, I'm in no way sticking up for Rock. One of my least favorites to watch, behind Road Dogg and not many others.

this is the first I heard of this. No one should comfortably walk away after a vader bomb. Not even Hogan.

MC Safety

this is the first I heard of this. No one should comfortably walk away after a vader bomb. Not even Hogan.

You have to remember Hulk Hogan followed the three demandments of Hulkamania, chief among them the prayers, the training, and the vitamins and was, thus, impervious to harm and moral decay.
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