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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


I think I have a good idea what Mistico has been up to in Mexico since being relieved of his botch duties.




WWE.COM: How did you feel once you stepped through the ropes?

JAKE: I appreciate CM Punk so much more now than I ever have. He kneeled down over at the side, got completely out of the picture and allowed me to have that moment. It was incredible. It shows people what a true professional he is. He really raised himself up on my list of people that I respect. He didn’t have to do that. I’m the old fart who screwed up what I had. To be allowed to come back to WWE is the greatest gift that’s ever been given to me. Back in the day, I never appreciated what WWE had given me, because I was in too much disarray and too confused about my own life. I let opportunities foolishly slip through my hands. To be given this opportunity to come back and grab a small piece of what was, that’s very special.

WWE.COM: What happened after you got backstage when Raw went off the air?

JAKE: The hands were out. The smiles were out. I can tell that some of them knew what I was feeling. They could see it in me. I know I was glowing, no doubt about that. For once in my life, I was at a loss of words. And I’ve never been at a loss of words. I was the guy that could talk. I couldn’t even say my name.

Please don't fuck this up, Jake. ;_;

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I would like the WWE Network to have a show that shows backstage production. Would love to see what goes on back there during a Raw or PPV.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Damien don't bite.

Trust me.

Trust you, Net_Wrecker that's what you want me to do? I'm gonna trust you? You've taught us not to trust you Yeah! You taught us that way. Yeah! The way that you are, the things that you say cause we already realized (yeah) that you get a rush (yeah) when the snake and the venom goes through my veins (yeah) that gives you a rush!

Listen, I am going to tell you something. You better not trust me. And I'm not gonna trust you. And we're gonna get into a situation where I'm standing on top of that turnbuckle(yeah) and POINT TO THE SKY and jump up off the turnbuckle (yeah). And I crush you with that elbow. The 1, 2, 3 count. Ya dig?! Net_Wrecker, trust me man, that's what's gonna happen. Yeah! And then I'm gonna get the rush. Yeah! Oh yeah, I'm gonna get the rush right there, yeah.


Trust you, Net_Wrecker that's what you want me to do? I'm gonna trust you? You've taught us not to trust you Yeah! You taught us that way. Yeah! The way that you are, the things that you say cause we already realized (yeah) that you get a rush (yeah) when the snake and the venom goes through my veins (yeah) that gives you a rush!

Listen, I am going to tell you something. You better not trust me. And I'm not gonna trust you. And we're gonna get into a situation where I'm standing on top of that turnbuckle(yeah) and POINT TO THE SKY and jump up off the turnbuckle (yeah). And I crush you with that elbow. The 1, 2, 3 count. Ya dig?! Net_Wrecker, trust me man, that's what's gonna happen. Yeah! And then I'm gonna get the rush. Yeah! Oh yeah, I'm gonna get the rush right there, yeah.

That's so weird to read this after I just finished watching their Tuesday in Texas match

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


TiT match was nothing special but the beatdown afterwards was great. All it really was was 3 DDTs but everyone sold it like Macho run over by car. It was a PG style beatdown but effective, in contrast to what it reminded me of when Orton kicked the shit out of Miz and no one cared. Not even his father.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That's because wrestling used to know how to protect finishers. It's funny because if you watch the Samoa Joe and Punk shoot they talk about how they're not just going to keep kicking out of finishers because it's dumb and ruins all the anticipation.

Then you look at Punk vs Cena kickout finisher fest. Honestly, Undertaker's 'god mode' is to blame for a lot of that shit. It's why Badass Taker is my favorite Taker. He didn't do it near as much.


Well, once kicking out finishers started it's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. People are gonna always try to one up and it'll eventually reach ridiculous levels, just how wrestling is. But people can still sell things better and put better emotion into it. The psychological game Jake was playing on Elizabeth (underrated in selling how serious the situation was with how concerned she can look) as he made her beg and plead to not bring out the snake was more effective than any physical pain he could've done. And Jake took his time in doing it all. Today, Randy would be thrown from one end to over the announcer's table with a flurry of punches.
Apparently W-1 are considering running their Sumo Hall show on March 2nd under UWF rules! Also, it may very well be an iPPV.

The Young Bucks hate is hilarious, you don't even need to post a gif any more, just mentioning them by name is enough to get some of you going. Really, though, you might not like their style, but it's pretty undeniable that they're just about the best in the world at what they do and what they do is pop crowds and make towns. It's like Bronson says;

Young Bucks go from 35k to 50 people
Still provide same amount of effort

Whether it's the Tokyo Dome or a bingo hall in the States, The Bucks will always try their damnedest to steal the show.


Orton does the top rope superplexes so well. The way he falls is perfectly at the right angle, and lands like he was falling back into a bed of feathers.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't see how people can watch so much tv. You gotta watch hours upon hours for each season. You can't do anything really while you watch, or I can't.

At least with wrestling I can kind of phase out until the person I care about is on, or I can just watch a 15 minute match.

I really hope they give him something building up to Wrestlemania. Pair him with Punk and have them feud with the Wyatts. It's an easy story (Punk respecting him for going straight, the Wyatts trying to recruit him, Jake wanting to help Bryan) and it builds to a Punk/Bryan Wrestlemania match, which is the best either of them could get at the moment since neither of them are in the title or Taker picture. Put Jake in Punks corner so he gets a couple of spots or do a tag match where he can easily be protected.
You know what finisher they protected pretty well for a long time. The WMD. It's a shitty finisher, but until Sheamus, I don't think anyone kicked out. Not even Cena.

If his finisher is just punching fuckers in the face, why isn't he just constantly swinging?


I didn't like The Last of Us. It just didn't grab me for some reason, only got about 3-5 hours out of it.

Also, The Rock sucks (except when he's heel).
Nah Rock is a good face. I think that's part of what made WM17 so damn good. You don't see two huge faces going at it that often.

And The Last of Us was good. Not my GOTY though.
whisper i was being sarcastic. last of us is everything gaming-side claims to hate then jizzes all over it

Have you seen GAF's top 10 most anticipated of 2014? TLoU is definitely not what the majority of Gaming-side hates. Despite the loud criticism, a ton of GAF actually loves AAA gaming.

Hell, go read the GOTY voting thread, and marvel at how many times you see AAA games everyone thinks GAF hates.


I need to watch the second half of The Last of Us on YouTube or something. Was really digging the story, but got bored of shooting things.
How you seen GAF's top 10 most anticipated of 2014? TLoU is definitely not what the majority of Gaming-side hates. Despite the loud criticism, a ton of GAF actually loves AAA gaming.

Hell, go read the GOTY voting thread, and marvel at how many times you see AAA games everyone thinks GAF hates.

AAA hating here is the very definition of loud minority.

the industry would be dead if they took charge.


nah man apparently if you don't like The Rock you're a smark who knows nothing about the business

whisper i was being sarcastic. last of us is everything gaming-side claims to hate then jizzes all over it

That's more like it!
I didn't like The Last of Us. It just didn't grab me for some reason, only got about 3-5 hours out of it.

Also, The Rock sucks (except when he's heel).

I knew you were a smart man boots!
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