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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

So does anyone think Vince panicked after all the D.Brine publicity?

I'm talking about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft21RbleCbQ


And unfortunately, the Wyatts had to pay the price for Vince scrapping his terrible angle that should have never been in the first place and hotshotting this. This whole thing ended up being so pointless.


They need to do something with the Wyatts FAST to give them their heat back.


That was a cool little moment, but I don't see the momentum being carried forward. I don't even understand what the feud is/was about or how they can raise the stakes from here.

Is this just going to lead to a Rumble spot where Bryan eliminates all 3 members? Is that the blow off?

Blow off? What's the build up? Bryan loses because Authority, Bryan gets targeted by Wyatts, gives in to them to get shot at victory then changes mind two weeks later apropos of nothing. You're right. There are some interesting moments here, but no story whatsoever. At least, nothing readily apparent. I like the Kane ideas being tossed around.


Junior Member
Kane is probably in on it, I'm not even ribbing Soulplaya with this one. It all (kinda) makes sense.

WHAT A FUCKING CROWD.... Best 3min of WWE TV in a long time.

Kane being in on it, and all of this being a ploy by Kane and Dbry to break their enemies from within seems too well thought out and planned, two things that don't fit into current WWE Creative. (Kane breaks Bryans Enemies, Dbry Breaks the Wyatts)

The pop Bryan got there reminded me of the Pop the Rock got at his peek back when Austin left and he returned at the end of that Raw, the crowd going ballistic.

Now lets just see how WWE can fuck this up again..
Well...the last two weeks have essentially been pointless. Daniel Wyatt was never the best idea, but it had some crazy potential. Sad to see it fizzle out like that, but pissed off, assertive Bryan is back, so that's a net win.

I don't know, I'd give them some credit. When Bryan was fighting against the authority he did the same thing every week and consistently had the shit beat out of his. He started doing the same things against the Wyatt's, accepting 3 on 1s and gauntlet matches in hopes of taking them all out. Over the last few weeks he was smart enough to infiltrate their ranks so that he'd be able to find a moment where he'd catch Bray alone, then he beat the shit out of him. I wouldn't call it fizzling out when it's developing their most over guy to be able to take out larger threats.

The crowd reaction was incredible though, especially given that they were dead for most of the night.
Lets just wait and see where this goes.

For all we know Bryan just got dumped from the Wyatts so they can face the shield. He could be facing Curtis Axel next week.


That better be the fucking blow off. I don't want to see Bryan involved with the Wyatts ever again. those guys can continue their feud with the usos, get Bryan back in the title picture please.

a guy doesn't go off the air on raw getting that reaction and not be involved in the title picture. do we know if he's in the rumble?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I thought Raw was pretty decent this week. Better job building storylines more than good matches. Ending made it pretty great though.

Can't wait for Batista next week!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
WHAT A FUCKING CROWD.... Best 3min of WWE TV in a long time.

Kane being in on it, and all of this being a ploy by Kane and Dbry to break their enemies from within seems too well thought out and planned, two things that don't fit into current WWE Creative. (Kane breaks Bryans Enemies, Dbry Breaks the Wyatts)

The pop Bryan got there reminded me of the Pop the Rock got at his peek back when Austin left and he returned at the end of that Raw, the crowd going ballistic.

Now lets just see how WWE can fuck this up again..

Normally I'd agree but they went out of their way to put a decent amount of focus on Kane.
Yeah obviously Vince had to change plans and the Bryan camp in WWE won out after Michigan St. doing the yes chant.

Now after the Maxim cover with AJ lee, he may actually push more actual female wrestlers. Emma's appearance is a good start.


Junior Member
Normally I'd agree but they went out of their way to put a decent amount of focus on Kane.

Yeah, as soon as I heard he would be keeping the keys to the cage, the spider sense started tingling, but I thought no way they would pull the trigger so fast.

Maybe they have something up their sleeve that will tie all of this up for RR.
Who gets to job to Taker?

I hope Batista comes back in a pink popped collar polo and poo poos on the entire roster while talking about how amazing his new Hollywood friends are.

Then casually mentions that, yeah, he kinda wants another title run because y'know whatever, let's get back to talking about GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, BAYBAY!



The Heel Turn of Jerry Lawler

The Heel Turn of Jerry Lawler

This is about an hour long chronicle of King's heel turn in Memphis. Most people are probably more familiar with him as a heel, but he was a Cena-esque face for over 10 years in Memphis. He recently lost his title to the Soultaker (Papa Shango) and is pretty upset about it.

Chapter 1

We're shown footage of the match. It appeared to be a lumberjack match. Nate the Rat, Soul's manager, interfered anyway. Dutch Mantel accidentally hit King with Rat's cane and Soultaker got the win. Dutch tried to apologize and King wouldn't have any of it. King says that once upon a time, people were fined for running in in matches. Perhaps if the rules were enforced again, King would still have his belt. Dutch comes out to apologize again. As they argue, Bill Dundee comes out to calm things down. King is getting pissed. Dutch and Dundee both say they're friends with King. King says that isn't the case and Dutch isn't half as sorry as King is. King fought for 15 years and now has nothing to show for it. King tells both of them to stay out of his damn business no matter what happens.


Chapter 2

We're again shown clips of how King lost the title. We're then shown clips of the rematch. We also get to see King's reaction while watching. The ref stopped him from using punches and then there was a ref bump. The ref wasn't up to make the count for King twice. The Dirty White Boy would hit the ring and double team King with Soultaker. Dutch came out to try to save King again. When the ref came to, he saw Dutch in the ring and called for a DQ. King asks for Dutch to come out. Dutch obliges. King could have sworn about a week ago he was standing in the same spot telling Dutch to stay out of his business. Dutch thinks King is trying to embarrass him. Dutch said that they were trying to kill King and he wasn't playing with the Dirty White Boy. King implies that Dutch is trying to win the CWA Championship and is stealing King's moves and mannerisms. King thinks that Dutch cost him the title because he knows the bookers don't like to book face vs face matches and he won't get a title shot if King has the belt. Dutch is sick and tired of King's attitude and would like to slap him right now. King says Dutch having never been the World Champion is eating him up. Dutch says no help will be given either way going forward.


Chapter 3

Highlights of King vs Soultaker in a cage match. King would regain the title. Soultaker would attack after the match. The Dirty White Boy would join in. Dutch hit the ring to fight with DWB, as they had a big feud going at the time. King left the cage, leaving Dutch to be double teamed. Other faces would run the heels off. Dutch then came out to ringside and calls King out. King comes out. Dutch stayed out until the conclusion of the match, just like King said, but King wouldn't save Dutch. King didn't care. He tells a story about a man plowing a field when his donkey stopped, so the man hit the donkey with a 2x4 to get his attention. King didn't want Dutch's help, didn't ask for it, and doesn't care about Dutch anymore. The fans in the studio are getting heated. King asked for the cage match to keep Dutch out. "I want you to make like your head and bring this to a point." Dutch says that King is lucky and has been spoon fed since the beginning. King is sick of Dutch trying to make it seem like they're good friends. King says they are acquaintances and slaps Dutch. The two dive over the table and start brawling until other wrestlers pull them apart.


Chapter 4

We're shown clips of Soultaker's rematch, again in a cage. The Dirty White Boy would hit the ring once again. This time, Bill Dundee made the save, but he was also attacked. Lawler also refused to help Dundee. Dutch comes out to talk about it. King isn't there today because he's afraid of facing Dutch or Dundee. Dutch is going to settle this soon.

Chapter 5

King cuts a promo on the fans that have turned on him and tells Dundee to stay out of his business. He also hypes a no time limit match between he and Dutch.

Chapter 6

King breaks the news that Dutch isn't really from Texas. When they have their Texas death match, King is going to leave Dutch unable to walk for a week.

Chapter 7

Dutch does a studio promo. He gives a physics lesson and says King is going to have to put up or shut up.

Chapter 8

King does a studio promo. He gets a mixed reaction. He brings an article from Pro Wrestling Illustrated Weekly. The article says that bad blood between Dutch and King have forced fans to take sides...and they're siding with Mantel. Dutch and Dundee can't stay out of King's business because King has the belt. The fans don't win you titles. King heels on Texas, saying that's where the enema would be stuck if the country were to get one.

Chapter 9

Dutch talks with Dave Brown after winning a match. We're shown footage of Dundee vs King. King would do a piledriver on the floor while the ref was down and won by count out. Dutch and King got into it after the match before the Soultaker attacked Dutch. King strolls out. King again says he told Dutch to stay out of his way, but he also says that Soultaker was kicking Dutch's ass well before they had their issues. Dutch brings up that King hasn't been defending his title as much since his change of heart. He goes on to say he can't believe how stupid the fans are for not seeing what Dutch is trying to do. Dutch wants a match. He also has a partner to have a match with King and Soultaker. Dutch runs tape of his partner: The Master of Pain (The Undertaker)! A music video set to Dirty Deeds with The Undertaker wrecking fools.


I recommend watching all of this as King's transition from Cena style face to cocky dick head was very well executed. He was also in the right for his heel turn, as he repeatedly told Dutch and Dundee to stay out of his business, but they wouldn't listen.
I hope Batista comes back in a pink popped collar polo and poo poos on the entire roster while talking about how amazing his new Hollywood friends are.

And casually mention that, yeah, he kinda wants another title run because y'know whatever, let's get back to talking about GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, BABAY!

Batista not appearing until the Rumble where he comes out in the pink popped collar polo, is instantly eliminated by somebody like Santino and then cuts a half hour promo as the match goes on along those lines would be the best.
I hope, in a year, there's a CM Punk/D. Bry program where Kane is the centerpiece of the story (Bryan is Kane's friend, but Punk hates Kane). That was a fun ending of Raw.

It sucks that when Kofi won against Randy Orton, all I can do is laugh. I shouldn't be laughing when anyone beats a champion clean. I love you and hate you WWE.


more money than God
I hope, in a year, there's a CM Punk/D. Bry program where Kane is the centerpiece of the story (Bryan is Kane's friend, but Punk hates Kane). That was a fun ending of Raw.

It sucks that when Kofi won against Randy Orton, all I can do is laugh. I shouldn't be laughing when anyone beats a champion clean. I love you and hate you WWE.
I like the way you think.
Is it too much to hope for the best for this theoretical storyline eventually ending with Bryan and Kane triumphant over the Authority and Wyatts as they put on the world title and mask respectively, ending the show with hugs and thunderous Yes chants?


Is it too much to hope for the best for this theoretical storyline eventually ending with Bryan and Kane triumphant over the Authority and Wyatts as they put on the world title and mask respectively, ending the show with hugs and thunderous Yes chants?

It does seem like they're pointing towards Kane and D.Bry infiltrating the Authority/Wyatts to destroy them from within now, doesn't it?

I mean, what else could it be?

Hot shotting the angle, yeah, lol
I hope, in a year, there's a CM Punk/D. Bry program where Kane is the centerpiece of the story (Bryan is Kane's friend, but Punk hates Kane). That was a fun ending of Raw.

I feel a good "retirement" point for Kane right now would be him coming out with the authority to screw Bryan during his Wrestlemania match and then turning on them

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I can't stop laughing at the mental image of Batista joining the Wyatt's with a fake O Brother Where Art Thou? beard.
I still want my damn Bryan V. Punk for the title in a 60 minute ironman match at WM 30. It will be similar to that of Bret and Shawn with Daniel finally getting his moment that was stolen from him. It also allows Punk to main event mania as he always wanted.

Taker V. Cena
Brock V. Rock

Well that's what I predicted last year but WWE fucked everything up.


Shield to break up now and Undertaker to face Ambrose for revenge after what happened last year and all the smack talk Ambrose was doing.
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