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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Some people think it happened because of the yes chant during that sport event.

Well, somewhat

I mean didn't turn Fandango face with the Fandangoing

I think they realized it was a dud.
Bryan wasn't getting cheered less.

He had that problem Punk had when he turned heel... people still liked him so they tried everything to make him seem evil and people still liked him.

As an aside, as much as I loved Bryan's "face turn", I feel like we should also note that the Usos won in the main event of Raw!

I remember a few years ago when they got like no type of reaction!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remind me why Portia Perez isn't signed and in NXT again? She seems like a natural fit on all levels.

Both of the ninjas should be signed. Portia's probably one of the best, if not the best, female heels when it comes to in-ring mannerisms.


Well, somewhat

I mean didn't turn Fandango face with the Fandangoing

I think they realized it was a dud.
Bryan wasn't getting cheered less.

He had that problem Punk had when he turned heel... people still liked him so they tried everything to make him seem evil and people still liked him.

As an aside, as much as I loved Bryan's "face turn", I feel like we should also note that the Usos won in the main event of Raw!

I remember a few years ago when they got like no type of reaction!

I really don't care why, I'm just glad it happened. They really need to realize that he is now a top guy whether they like it or not.

Also glad for the Usos. They are a totally fine tag team.


So not worth it
I don't think the Uso's ever got no reaction to be honest. With their entrance and the whole US-OH chant they have always been pretty good at getting the crowd invested. More so than most.

Now, they were going nowhere due to being the only one of three tag-teams at any given time in WWE, but that's another matter entirely.
At least Hogan went to help that loser Bret since he couldn't get it done.

Cena would have let Bret get the title from him then take it.

Pretty much. Hogan was a hotdog, but at least Yoko challenged him. Rey was fucking celebrating!

Yeah, that took any good that tournament had done out of most fan's minds pretty much for good.

Especially since that was when Miz was in some weird quasi face mode deal

Didn't Cena like...refuse to shake Mysterio's hand or something after that?

According to the internet October 28th.

Edit: Hope the unification thing is true. Having both of these titles is just dumb without a brand split.

I'd like to see it back to just the 2 belts for the company. Would make everything much more important.

If ant other belt is ever brought back I'd love the hardcore belt to be back.


I don't think the Uso's ever got no reaction to be honest. With their entrance and the whole US-OH chant they have always been pretty good at getting the crowd invested. More so than most.

Now, they were going nowhere due to being the only one of three tag-teams at any given time in WWE, but that's another matter entirely.

Wasn't the entrance something they added much later on?

It was them and Tamina at some point.

(And even with the entrance, sometimes the crowd just wouldn't respond)


And Yo, nothing was more bullshit than Mysterio winning and Cena IMMEDIATELY going "hay title shot dawg"

That's Cena's Moral Event Horizon for me. Like wtf

Didn't Cena like...refuse to shake Mysterio's hand or something after that?

Rey only accepted because he was drunk



Roman is gonna be a superstar. It wouldn't even matter if he couldn't talk or wrestler he has the look. He stands out so much next to those two vanilla midgets.

Plus he has some weird sexual energy
Ambrose isn't that small; should bulk up a bit though once he starts roaming as a singles guy. A guy who can speak as good as he does shouldn't be dwindling in midcard hell like Miz or Kofi.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sorry, but Reigns isn't going to have any longevity. Ambrose is versatile, and Rollins can play that Hardy market.

Reigns will be old news in under a year. Just like every other 'big guy'


So not worth it
Sorry, but Reigns isn't going to have any longevity. Ambrose is versatile, and Rollins can play that Hardy market.

Reigns will be old news in under a year. Just like every other 'big guy'

Not sure. While I agree that Ambrose and Rollins are both headed to great things, Reigns definitely has that it factor that'll get and keep him over for a while.
Sorry, but Reigns isn't going to have any longevity. Ambrose is versatile, and Rollins can play that Hardy market.

Reigns will be old news in under a year. Just like every other 'big guy'
He will be fed to Cena to complete the end of his Big Man cycle. Than become a joke character. Rollins and Ambrose are future world champs.


Party Pooper
Ryback is cracking me up

BREAKING NEWS: Ryback's Backstage Reaction to the Backstage Reaction on Ryback's Tweets: Who cares everybody Loves The Big Guy.

Dear internet I reach out to you. You guys seem to know it all. How do I become a better wrestler. Please stop holding this info from me.


So not worth it
Ryback's tweets would be funnier if he backed it by actually being an interesting character and a proper strongman wrestler.

But he's mediocre in every way, he's not even in the top 3 of strongmen in WWE right now, let alone overall.


"@Guilherme__123: @Ryback22 Do you read Wrestling Inc?"No judging by ur non athletic and super opinionated judgmental face u do though.

Ryback is shootin on the guy's GabeN avatar. Someone alert gaming side.


Even on Observer radio Meltzer and Alvarez sounded confused as to what is going on with Ryback.

Always talk about how the internet can get you over, but never really that about using it to get even more heat. I mean why not. Cutting heel promos on the web so far has been truly underutilized.


Always talk about how the internet can get you over, but never really that about using it to get even more heat. I mean why not. Cutting heel promos on the web so far has been truly underutilized.

Yeah, but if that ends up pissing off your employers at the same time you end up shooting yourself in the foot. It won't come off very original on screen, either. Without the direct back-and-forth its basically "Charlestown is populated by fat losers. I'm the Big Guy." delivered with Ryback's complete lack of speaking skills.
Yeah, but if that ends up pissing off your employers at the same time you end up shooting yourself in the foot. It won't come off very original on screen, either. Without the direct back-and-forth its basically "Charlestown is populated by fat losers. I'm the Big Guy." delivered with Ryback's complete lack of speaking skills.

Maybe Ryback should live tweet all of his promos in the ring and they can show them on the titan tron in real time.


WWE Conference Call starting....

Michael Weitz opened the call. He said last week that they made the announcement of the Network. Today we would be given more information. Handling the call are Vince McMahon and George Barrios. We will be given forward looking statements today, as well as other financial information. He then turned the call over to Vince.

He thanked everyone (the investors). for bearing with WWE as they come up with how to present the Network. He said they almost did a linear model, and then a premium one. Finally they came up with the RIGHT model and finally, the WWE Network is here.

Vince said that they are not advocating the cord with cable. He said that this is the best way for them to deliver THEIR Network. Smart thing to say as they have big cable deals coming up. Vince, in essence, said that this is the model that works for them. He emphasized that at $9.99 a month, it's affordable to all fans. He said that the content is great for lapsed fans from the Hogan and Austin era. He said he hoped he could make those new fans.

He said that the Network will drive traffic to USA, or whoever their TV partner is. He implied that the deal is not done yet.

He then turned it over to Barrios to talk about the financials of the Network.

More to come.

Can't wait for the always entertaining Q&A portion.


Hey I thought Bryan was buried.

Also, Rock will return and put over Roman Reigns like next year or something. He'll appear to plug something. Reigns will take him out, and then Rock has passed the torch and he can go away.

Half hoping for a Warrior shoot at HoF. If he starts quoting old blog posts about how HHH is a puffy twat, best moment ever.


More Conference Call....

Barrios talked about the features of the Network which we mentioned last week. He stated that the Network will also monitor usage and make suggestions based off of usage. He said that the time is right to go via the internet due to the fact that so many people, especially young folks, watch TV via the internet. WWE sees that continuing in the future. They also have taken into account the effect that online distributors (Netflix, MLB TV, Hulu, etc.) have had on TV watching.

The Network will have 24/7 programming, plus the massive library of On Demand content. He reiterated that the price is very consumer friendly. He noted that Netflix has passed Comcast in penetration. That says a lot. He cited that 62 million homes either have a current or lapsed WWE fan. That is the base they are targeting. He said the people they are going after are the folks that watch a lot of TV via the internet so learning how the Network works for them will be an easy process.

He then walked us through the Network, 24/7 programming plus the On Demand. He said we would be able to see every WWE, WCW an ECW PPV, as well as every Raw and Smackdown on demand. He said that original programming will be anchored by the PPVs. He mentioned new shows like The Monday Night War and WrestleMania Rewind. He believes that the PPVs will and original shows are great draws for subscribers. They believe it offers tremendous value, especially for PPV buyers. Amen George. He said there is also tremendous upside for non PPV buyers, which is true.

He then talked about the distribution strategy. We can subscribe at 9 a.m. on 2/24 at WWE.com. There will also be a free one week trial. It will also be available on the app (for most devices if not all). Other devices will follow. He said that they brought in MLB to deliver the content since they do a great job elsewhere.

He moved on to the financial impact of the Network. According to projections, they have the potential to generate 50 to 150 million dollars after expense. They feel they can ultimately attract two to three million subscribers on a steady basis. They expect to launch outside of the US at the end of 2014 or early 2015. They expect to get 750,000 to 1,500,000 subscribers when they do that roll out. They expect that to generate 25 to 85 million after expenses.

Barrios noted that will have more information on their projections for the year at the first quarter call, as he expects the TV deals to be done by then. He expected to double or triple OBITDA.

George then turned it over to callers.
So much for my 9-year-old son's theory of the Wyatt Family quickly absorbing all the WWE Superstars until only 3MB was left. And then 3MB would have a giant gauntlet match against the Super Wyatts for the future of the WWE at Wrestlemania.

I would have loved to see something like that happen, but, I'm totally happy with what they did last night.
Q&A for Vince

Aren't you worried with all of this access to the product from the 90's that people will notice how bad your current creative team is?



Yeah, the app is launching on PS3 and PS4 about the same time they said on the unveil.

Was 360 in the list? I know XBone was notably absent.

Q&A for Vince

Aren't you worried with all of this access to the product from the 90's that people will notice how bad your current creative team is?

Vince: "I agree and we are happy to announce that we have come to terms with re-hiring Vince Russo as head of creative with no oversight from me at all"


Yeah, the app is launching on PS3 and PS4 about the same time they said on the unveil.

Was 360 in the list?
I know XBone was notably absent.

Vince: "I agree and we are happy to announce that we have come to terms with re-hiring Vince Russo as head of creative with no oversight from me at all"

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