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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


I think we might actually see Punk vs HHH. The rumors are there and so are the seeds in his storyline. Or I could even see something happening with Kane after this RAW.
That match doesn't appeal to me, but I also think we will end up getting it. I just hope they mix it up. There are too many one on one matches these days, and some of them end up being mediocre because another match is booked to ridiculous extremes.

Cena vs. Taker, Batista vs. Lesnar, and Bryan vs. Triple H vs. CM Punk vs. Orton.

That's what I'm hoping for as the main matches on the card, but I also realise there's no chance in hell that will happen.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
My idea of Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. Orton vs. Triple H in an elimination four way just seems even better after last night. The match, the build up, and then it coming down to Bryan and Triple H as the final two after Bryan eliminates CM Punk would be good. Bryan would win, and then they could still save an eventual one on one match between Bryan and Triple H for Extreme Rules where Triple H puts him over again.

Maximum milking impact. I'm too good for this.

The match itself could be booked so well. Even if it was 30-40 minutes, it would be amazing. Just, please, someone give me a four way elimination match.

It's a fatal four way, that turns into a triple threat, that turns into a one on one. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

Triple H in a 40+ minute match in 2014?

No thanks.

Same old shit.
I wonder how the top guys feel when they see Daniel Bryan getting reactions like that despite (in spite?) of bad booking. Cena hasn't had a reaction like that probably since 2006. Orton has never had a reaction like that. HHH hasn't had one like that since the night he returned from his quad injury in 2002. Big Show has never had anything like that.
OId guys and jobbers are probably happy because they see the money he might end up bringing them. Upper mid-carders and post-AE main eventers are probably some combination of jealous and threatened.
I wonder if we will see some talent retire soon after WMXXX

Whenever there is a big landmark show like that some older talent takes it as a chance to bail out.
Starting to think about WM lineups and got wondering. Would Undertaker be as big of a legend as he is without the streak? Would he still be around today as a returning star or would he have called it quits years ago? Interesting to think how 7 or 8 seemingly random decisions in a row (his first 7 or 8 WM wins before the streak was acknowledged backstage) can change a career so much.


Desperado counters the Rainmaker and floors Okada with a tope con hilo;


This is the best. Desperado is so bueno

So im willing to start a RR lottery. I got some prizes ready, like PWG BOLA2013 both nights, and maybe some steam games. So sign ups are open?


Well this sure is...depressing. From Marty Janetty's FB page...

So what had happened was..my good friend Owen Hart..love him, love love Brett, love Dean, love the entire family...but this night in Madison Square Gardens, King of everything...its a blessing to be in that building performing..this night, it was me against Owen..match was going well(you boyz will appreciate this one),,shot him into the ropes, said Leap frog arm drag, get it it again(dont worry if yo dont understand that, the boyz do!! and this is Shady for them).....I shot him into the ropes, as he was coming off at like 100 mph, I leap frogged..evidently shouldent have..he thought I meant for HIM to leap frog...but only as a great pro like him could do, he made the adjustment in mid spot..tried running under me after the f' up..but..he hit my nuts..they swung around to the back and hit me in the head and knocked me out...he covered and won..but that was one of the rare times I was suppose to win..I love ya Owen..please reserve me a spot next to you..Im sick of this place...LOVE YA bruh...it wont be long!

Then he followed it up with this...

Hold up y'all I need to fix something from the last post..first let me say thank you all for the very nice and encouraging words, from all over the world. England, Ireland, Norway,India, Canada Australia..wow..thats special and makes me feel so much better during a rough time. now, that being said..please dont think I'd ever do anything to end my life..not a chance..yeah I know, I should have worded the end of that last post better..its just simply Im going through both physical and emotional pains at a same time and that is rough..as far as the physical, and why I said I'm sick of this, is Im still young(well mentally,lol)

My ankles have been an issue but are actually doing ok and will eventually get fixed..but, here recently, the thing no wrestler ever wants but many of us get in the older years>> a bad lower back pain..I knew the day was coming..hell Ive been bouncing around rings(and concrete floors) like a human superball in arenas around the planet now for 30 years..this day was definitely coming..and I accept it..

We (Shawn and I) were told by the veterans many years ago that if we didnt back off our style a little, we'd really hate the older years..we both accepted that..we both said, "f*ck it!! why bother at all if we aint gonna give it our all! we'll face the pain when we get older"..so..now we're older and>>here come the pain ...but if I (and Im sure Shawn would say the same) could hit a rewind button on life and do it over, would I back off the style so this pain never came??..NO!!..hell no!! It made sooo many people happy via entertainment that that makes me happy to have done that for so many..and I really dont know whats more important in life than serving good to others..Im blesssed to have been able to do that.. so please if I bitch , whine or complain every once in a while, just bare with me..I"ll get past it..I just kinda hate the fact that in a few more years I may be hurting more places, from head to toe..and that is not how ANYONE wants to live the rest of their life..but hey, I wanted the baby so I best put up with the labor pains!! Right??

ps...for that super nice out pouring of support on the last post..I owe you guys another road story..I'll think of one here soon..


Hogan is going to induct warrior

Calling it

Vince needs to do it. I'd love to see HHH do it and try to spin the introduction to sell himself in the process, like all "not many guys could beat me, let alone squash me, you might even say that in order to do it, you'd need to find a guy who was the ultimate." Then Warrior could snatch the mic and call him a dicklick or something.

But really, Vince needs to do it. HHH wasn't a top draw on the level of Austin or Rock, and his ego isn't on the level of Vince or (/v\).


Imagine Hogan was at Wrestlemania 30. Then he did a leg drop and ended up injured. Crazy I tell you.

What if he ends the streak, and in Undertaker's frozen disbelief, Brock comes out to defend UT's honor and he puts Hulk away forever with an F5? What IF? :eek:


So not worth it
Is Marty Jannetty saying he knocked himself out with his own balls?

His balls flung around his back all the way up to his head.

So he either has the largest nutsack in the world, or that is revisionist history even Hulk Hogan would be proud of.


So I have one question,

Will Strobogo's reviews go up or down in stock value after the Network makes a lot of what he reviewed available to watch?


So not worth it
So I have one question,

Will Strobogo's reviews go up or down in stock value after the Network makes a lot of what he reviewed available to watch?

I'm more worried about how much it will break Strob. The guy is on the brink of self destruction as it is and now he's getting all this content without having to torrent it in one click to go.

It's gonna be pandemonium!


I still don't get how some of you guys think the E has little faith in Bryan, it boggles my mind.

He's been regularly main eventing Raw since last summer, is in the most prominent story line on the show, and has been booked as the biggest underdog since Hell No's split. Whaaaatever.

edit: also after Show's wink-punch, I want to nominate him as most gif-able superstar. [ever]
Oh man, I found a DVD with every single Piper's Pit segment in full. I LOVE YOU, INTERNET!!!

So im willing to start a RR lottery. I got some prizes ready, like PWG BOLA2013 both nights, and maybe some steam games. So sign ups are open?

Awesome! How d'you want to do it? Should we PM you, or just post here if we want to enter?


I remember when Piper got "fired" from Prime Time Wrestling for "attacking" Heenan when he said Santa Claus was not real.

At my age, it was a pretty Holy Shit moment.

reposting for new page:

Hey Lambda, here's that RINGS show;

International Center, Fukuoka
5,050 Fans


01. Mitsuya Nagai vs Gigitedze Bkouri
02. Ilioukhine Mikhail vs Nikolai Zouev
03. Bitsadze Ameran vs Yoshihisa Yamamoto
04. Hans Nyman vs Buzariashvili Ramaz
05. Grom Zaza vs Andrei Kopylev
06. Volk Han vs Pieter Oele
07. Dimitri Petkov vs Bitsadze Tariel
08. Akira Maeda vs Dick Vrij

this is amazing proto-MMA, mid 90s shoot-style wrestling in the vein of UWFi.

stro, if you dig old Shamrock matches this is right up your alley.


This is the best. Desperado is so bueno

So im willing to start a RR lottery. I got some prizes ready, like PWG BOLA2013 both nights, and maybe some steam games. So sign ups are open?

Can someone explain to me how the lottery works?
My idea of Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. Orton vs. Triple H in an elimination four way just seems even better after last night. The match, the build up, and then it coming down to Bryan and Triple H as the final two after Bryan eliminates CM Punk would be good. Bryan would win, and then they could still save an eventual one on one match between Bryan and Triple H for Extreme Rules where Triple H puts him over again.

Maximum milking impact. I'm too good for this.

The match itself could be booked so well. Even if it was 30-40 minutes, it would be amazing. Just, please, someone give me a four way elimination match.

It's a fatal four way, that turns into a triple threat, that turns into a one on one. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

No combination of Bryan vs. Orton/HHH, or Punk vs. Orton/HHH would get me excited, but a Fatal 4 Way Elimination match would be pretty incredible between those guys.

Actually, a combination of numerous rumored matches would get me much more excited than all the 1v1 possibilities people are throwing around. Let's just have a bunch of flustercluck tag and multi man matches like a New Japan B show. Infinitely more entertaining than Cena, Orton, HHH, or The Rock in singles matches.
The Boss Man pointed out that we haven't got any Rumble themed avatars this year, so I made some quick templates for you to stick on your avatars - they're all 100px width by default, so just resize it to fit yours (or ask someone to do it);

Old School;


Attitude Era;




Also, tm24 has volunteered to run the WrassleGAF Rumble Lottery this year, so post in the thread if you want to be entered. Rules are simple - just for fun, anyone can enter, no limit on number of entrants and everyone who enters will be assigned a random number to root for in the Rumble match.

Lastly, re-reposting for the new page;

reposting for new page:

Hey Lambda, here's that RINGS show;

International Center, Fukuoka
5,050 Fans


01. Mitsuya Nagai vs Gigitedze Bkouri
02. Ilioukhine Mikhail vs Nikolai Zouev
03. Bitsadze Ameran vs Yoshihisa Yamamoto
04. Hans Nyman vs Buzariashvili Ramaz
05. Grom Zaza vs Andrei Kopylev
06. Volk Han vs Pieter Oele
07. Dimitri Petkov vs Bitsadze Tariel
08. Akira Maeda vs Dick Vrij

this is amazing proto-MMA, mid 90s shoot-style wrestling in the vein of UWFi.

stro, if you dig old Shamrock matches this is right up your alley.
I'd only be interested in Punk vs Bryan with Punk playing antagonist. Punk is pretty boring when he's not the villain against guys smaller than him/his size.
Samoa Joe shoots on Vince Russo and the kidnapping angle:

"You want me to break the silence on that? I don't like getting in verbal spats with people who I don't think are worth my time or my effort and a dude in particular is Vince Russo. This cat, I don't have a problem with Vince Russo. When he left I just told him, it is what it is. He always had 22 million reasons for making the decisions that he made. But when Hogan and Bischoff came in they said, 'Oh we have this great idea. We are going to do this thing and take you off of TV and re-brand you. Do all this other stuff. We do this kidnapping thing and you come back as a psychopath.' I was cool with it.

I sat at home for 3 months on a bitching ass vacation. I had one of the best vacations in the history of vacations. Paid vacation. Getting ready so I call them back week after week, 'What do you guys need me to do'. They would say 'We are still coming up with something'. Vince Russo with his infinite ridiculousness just said, we are short on babyfaces. So I get a call saying, 'Joe we need to bring you back to TV.'

So I asked him, how is it that you are going to bring me back. He said, I don't know how just yet but we need to bring you in. So the dude couldn't write his way out of a kidnapping. The only reason why I bring this up is because he has the audacity to blame all of his silliness on other people. And by the way wrestlers, pro wrestlers all over the world and people in the business, stop whoring yourself out to shoot interviews. This man couldn't write his way out of a kidnapping. That's how much respect he had for the product, how much respect he had for the fans and that is indicative of his style of what he did. He was the head writer at the time and this is the way he felt that was admissible. Now I know this little bitch is going to go back on a shoot and talk all of this shit."


I went to one of the last TNA ppvs before Hogan came in and Samoe Joe still mattered.

(time wise it might not totally correct but it feels like it)
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