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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


I dig the ring setup for this "coronation."

Gotta say, this episode of Impact has flown by. Can't believe there are only 20 minutes left. That's usually a good sign. It's been a good show.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Kind of an awkward visual with Bully walking away with the lighter. He's playing the "I don't give a fuck" loner character. Need to see more of his work to see where he takes this and to see if it ends up working. So far, I'm intrigued.

He's AJ Styles


Dat heel heat for Magnus. The turn seems to have worked as planned. And LOL @ him actually sitting on the throne. Heeling it up nicely.

"Dixie, you truly are the wind beneath my massive wings."



Okay, so I'm assuming we see AJ, they have their "unification" match next week, and Gunner takes on Magnus the week after. I'd be down with that.


Holy shit. I'm SO impressed with Magnus right now. The belt seems to have given him a whole new confidence and believability.

Mic skills +4
Charisma +3
Heel heat +5

And AJ's doing a nice job of building up this match too. Just laying it all out.
Holy crap that ending segment was really well done. Having Magnus wanting to prove he's a real champion is a great reason to have this match. Overall a really good episode. Great way to start 2014.


The final 20 minutes of Impact were really good this week. Overall, a very impressive show storytelling-wise.

-AJ vs. Magnus set up for next week due to Magnus not wanting anyone to doubt him (good heel insecurity)
-Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim all set to have a title match, likely at Genesis in 2 weeks
-Angle/Roode set up a cage match in 2 weeks
-Sting and EC3 will lock up at Genesis as well...although I think it feels a little too soon. I would've liked to have seen EC3 duck Sting for at least another month or two in his heelish way
-Bully Ray and Ken Anderson spinning their tires a bit and getting ready for the next phase of their feud
-Samual Shaw is a pretty creepy and intriguing new character
-Sabin/Aries/Velvet was okay, but the X title needs way more of a spotlight. It's frustrating how unimportant that belt and division feel

A good first Impact for 2014.


Early on I didn't care for him but he's been lot better recently. Nice to see they're starting to use more younger guys.

Yeah, TNA needs to showcase their younger talent and start building for the future. They've already done so with Bromans and Magnus. Angle and co aren't as young as they used to be.

Enjoyed Impact a fair bit tonight. I'm going to be pretty bummed if AJ doesn't actually re-sign with TNA at this point.


still want hemme face gifs

Best you're gonna get tonight:
As for the second part, Steve Austin wasn't a huge dude either.

this is something i always found odd. it's not just you, mind, but this general notion that Steve Austin was a not a huge dude.

dude was as tall and had around the same mass as Goldberg before the neck injury. late WCW/Ringmaster-era was bigger than HHH.
bean breath, since I know you like weird statistics, and I can't go to sleep, I did some digging around for you. When it comes to off-topic communities and real pic avatars, I checked how common they were in a few communities.

LGBT-GAF had the highest concentration of real pic avatars. I was practically drowning in them as I scrolled through the page.

Anime-GAF was the fucking rock bottom when it came to real pic avatars. The one guy that had one looked about as I expected. I laughed.

Manga and Pop GAF were also similar in that regard. I laughed some more.

NBA and MMA GAF were actually much lower than expected. Not sure why.

Brit and Black GAF had a high concentration of real pic avatars. Perhaps ethnic and national groups feel more comfortable in sharing their true selves with each other?

WrassleGAF had a medium number of real pic avatars. I think we had more last year. Not sure why the change.

Anyways, I'm out.
this is something i always found odd. it's not just you, mind, but this general notion that Steve Austin was a not a huge dude.

dude was as tall and had around the same mass as Goldberg before the neck injury. late WCW/Ringmaster-era was bigger than HHH.

Yup, if Austin was around in the modern WWE in his late 90's shape, he'd be bigger than everybody than probably Cesaro, Triple H, Lesnar, and the monsters. He'd tower over Bryan, Punk, and the like.

He just seems small because he was feuding with jacked up Vince, 'Taker, Kane, The Rock, and other huge people.


Yup, if Austin was around in the modern WWE in his late 90's shape, he'd be bigger than everybody than probably Cesaro, Triple H, Lesnar, and the monsters. He'd tower over Bryan, Punk, and the like.

He just seems small because he was feuding with jacked up Vince, 'Taker, Kane, The Rock, and other huge people.
Everybody can tower over Punk and Bryan. Goldberg was taller and jacked. Lesnar isn't tall, but is almost 300 lbs. Now he wasn't Hogan's size or built like Ultimate Warrior but he wasn't this massive dude Vince would be putting shrines around just because he's a big dude. Austin wasn't a shrimp but there were several other big men in the company and it made him, and guys like Bret, stand out.

Bret-Austin's feud was one of the best things from the late 90's and none of it had anything to do with their size. Big difference though from that period was the company had a large variety of guys who were big, but in different ways. Bradshaw, Vader, Kane, 'Taker, Hawk and Animal, Shamrock, Kama/Godfather, Test, and that's just a few from WWF. Plenty of others in WCW. Now? You have Big Shoe and an old Kane.
I just wish the WWE big guys in developmental were any good. Mason Ryan is just too damn average, and The Ascension are just kinda shitty. I do like Alexander Rusev though, so there's one.
bean breath, since I know you like weird statistics, and I can't go to sleep, I did some digging around for you. When it comes to off-topic communities and real pic avatars, I checked how common they were in a few communities.

LGBT-GAF had the highest concentration of real pic avatars. I was practically drowning in them as I scrolled through the page.

Anime-GAF was the fucking rock bottom when it came to real pic avatars. The one guy that had one looked about as I expected. I laughed.

Manga and Pop GAF were also similar in that regard. I laughed some more.

NBA and MMA GAF were actually much lower than expected. Not sure why.

Brit and Black GAF had a high concentration of real pic avatars. Perhaps ethnic and national groups feel more comfortable in sharing their true selves with each other?

WrassleGAF had a medium number of real pic avatars. I think we had more last year. Not sure why the change.

Anyways, I'm out.
I enjoyed this.

I can't show my mug, that would be like Rey Mysterio showing his face.
Everybody can tower over Punk and Bryan. Goldberg was taller and jacked. Lesnar isn't tall, but is almost 300 lbs

Steve Austin, Lesnar, Golberg, Rock, HHH, they're all around the same height, 6'2/6'3.

even back in the 80s, Hogan aside, you had Warrior, Sting, Savage, Pipper, Perfect who were all between 6' and 6'3.

Shawn was a tall cruiser, same as Punk when he first debuted, Bret a small HW.

Bryan is legit short, 5'6 at best. Tyson Kidd was taller when they wrestled and Kidd is TINY.
So TNA is basically redoing The Summer of Punk angle.

Styles is Punk. Magnus is Cena. Dixie is Vince. EC3 is HHH. Rock Star Spud is Laurenaitis. Hardy is Mysterio. Gunner is Del Rio.

Who is Nash?


So not worth it

I clearly got a 141 and 2/3rd chance of beating all of y'all at Sacrifice!
Jumbo Tsuruta (c) vs Billy Robinson - (AWA 03/11/84)

Jumbo & Billy had a famous rivalry over the NWA United National title throughout the latter half of the 70's, but now Jumbo's AWA World Heavyweight Champion and, although Billy's somewhat worn down by the years, he's out to win the title and the crowd are firmly behind him. If you don't come away from this thinking Billy Robinson is awesome, you're not watching wrestling properly. Also, this is very subtly an AJPW match in AWA, complete with a fighting spirit spot that the crowd just loved. There's a good story here as well, with the veteran British grappler showing his younger opponent that he's still got the chops to go toe to toe with the best in the world.


So TNA is basically redoing The Summer of Punk angle.

Styles is Punk. Magnus is Cena. Dixie is Vince. EC3 is HHH. Rock Star Spud is Laurenaitis. Hardy is Mysterio. Gunner is Del Rio.

Who is Nash?

Well who's sting?

I'll tell you who he is.

He's Sting

I clearly got a 141 and 2/3rd chance of beating all of y'all at Sacrifice!

though I'm very fat and sitting down in a chair, struggling to breathe. I think I can take you.

I think that gives me....22 1/4 chance of winning. You can take that to the bank.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WWE Network needs to cough up the $ for licenced music. I'm watching KotR and Biketaker comes up to some generic PSX menu music.
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