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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

AJ Certainly looks different. It's a much better look though.


While we're on the subject of Vince wanting tall, muscular guys, why has "fat" apparently always worked as a substitution for "muscular"? I ccouldn't fall for Mabel as a serious competitor any more than I can believe Hornswoggle is one.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I totally forgot Angle beat Christian, Edge*, and Shane McMahon in a span of 3 hours

I bet Daniel Bryan and Angle could wrestle an ironman match for 2 hours.

*by beat I mean he had Edge beat until that running hug Shane did distracted him.


While we're on the subject of Vince wanting tall, muscular guys, why has "fat" apparently always worked as a substitution for "muscular"? I ccouldn't fall for Mabel as a serious competitor any more than I can believe Hornswoggle is one.

Mabel was a tall guy. That's the second requirement.
i think i posted the 1993 edition but never the 1991 one:

WCW/New Japan Supershow 1991

- Animal Hamaguchi, Kengo Kimura, Osamu Kido and Kantaro Hoshino vs Super Strong Machine, Hiro Saito, Tatsutoshi Goto and Norio Honaga
- Shiro Koshinaka, Kuniaki Kobayashi and Takayuki Iizuka vs Tim Horner, Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk
- Scott Norton vs The Equalizer
- Jushin Liger vs Akira Nogami for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
- Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs Masa Saito and Masahiro Chono
- The Steiner Brothers vs Hiroshi Hase and Kensuke Sasaki for the IWGP Tag Team Championship
- El Gigante vs Big Cat Hughes
- Big Van Vader and Crusher Bam Bam Bigelow vs Doom
- Riki Chōshū vs Tiger Jeet Singh
- The Great Muta vs Sting
- Tatsumi Fujinami vs Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship


2007 because #29 is Great Khali who throws out seven people and botches a spot with Shawn Michaels who has to point at the hard camera and yell "hard camera, hard camera" before Khali gets to turn to the camera and do his signature pose.



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 4

Bill Dundee vs. Sweet Brown Sugar 2/3 Falls Scaffold Match (6/21/82)

Sweet Brown Sugar is Koko B. Ware, who changed his name for some reason. The rules for this aren't normal scaffold match rules: There are two ways to lose. First, by being knocked off the scaffold twice. But if someone is knocked off and can't make it back up by a 20 count, they automatically lose. Lot of stalling from Koko. Dundee quickly gets knocked to his ass. He's also known as the the king of the scaffold matches. Dundee nearly falls off, but actually ends up monkeying down the ladder part, so it didn't count. Dundee spends a lot of time hanging and climbing and is eventually knocked off. Dundee was up before 20, so the match continues. Koko starts attacking before Dundee can get back up there. Koko barely avoids getting knocked off. Koko has a chain I think. Dundee takes a boot off to counteract it. Koko takes the second bump. He made it back before 20. Scaffold match is such a dumb gimmick match. You can't do anything on the scaffold and there is a good chance of someone getting hurt during the fall. Especially when you have to take two bumps. Koko is knocked off again and Dundee wins. As far as scaffold matches go, it was pretty enjoyable, but that isn't saying a whole lot.



Bobby Eaton/Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Dutch Mantell/King Cobra (7/19/82)

I'm not sure who King Cobra is. Dutch and Koko start the match. Dutch dominates and tags Cobra in, who also dominates, sending the heels packing with dropkicks. Dutch gets tagged in and Bobby runs away. Dutch accidentally hits Cobra. They get over their issues and throw Koko/Bobby into each other. Koko jump about 30 feet in the air. Bobby again runs away from Dutch. He finally comes in while Dutch is down. The heels do a version of the Decapitation Elbow. Great back suplex from Eaton. Lots of quick tags as Dutch plays FIP. King Cobra got the tag, but the ref didn't see it. He made the real tag a few moments later and Cobra exploded with dropkicks. Eaton went up top. Dutch went full Indiana Jones and wrapped his bullwhip around Eaton's neck and yanked him off the ropes. I believe the faces were disqualified for the whippings.



Bill Dundee vs. Bobby Eaton (7/24/82)

I swear Jimmy Hart has been the manager for every heel except for the Blonde Bombers, who were managed by Danny Davis, but then Jimmy took over as HTM's manager when Latham left the territory. Eaton and Jimmy did a promo before the match. I can't understand anything Eaton says. Well, I did hear him say, "jabroni". Dutch came out with his whip. Dundee asks Dutch to sit in his corner and when he wins the title, Dundee will give Dutch a title shot. Dundee throws some bombs at Bobby. Dutch keeps Jimmy in his seat. After a few hip tosses, they conk heads. Dundee stomps Bobby's face a few times and misses a Superfly Splash. Big elbow from Eaton. Excellent jab from Eaton. Powerslam. Jimmy got involved, so he got the whip. The second rope breaks during an Irish whip. Dundee wins with a cross body. New champion! Koko and King Cobra came out and a brawl ensued.



Jerry Lawler vs. Ric Flair (8/14/82)

Promo from Flair first. Contract signing for an NWA Championship match. Ric had the wrong impression of Memphis. He thought it was a podunk town, but they have a big air port and some Cadillacs. Lance is very impressed with Ric's watch. If Flair sticks around, the money that follows him will be able to get Lance a custom made suit. The contract was actually an open contract to face the Southern Heavyweight Champion whenever his schedule permits. King came out later to talk about winning the Southern Championship back with help from Jimmy Hart. As it turned out, he was just using Hart to help him win the belt back and has no intentions of joining the First Family. King just wants to shake hands with Ric. Ric pretends he doesn't know who King is and takes the time to hit pn women in the studio. King talks his way into a match with Ric by convincing Ric that beating the jobber wouldn't impress anyone, but beating Jerry Lawler will impress people in the area, even though no one is in Ric's caliber. "You wouldn't be putting a little country jive on me, would you?" Ric doesn't defend his title on local TV programs. He does agree to a title match, but only for the 10 minute TV time limit. This is the same technique King used to convince Tatanka to put all the heels' belts on the line in 1993 during the McMemphis angle.

They have a short amateur section which King wins. King proves he's on equal footing with the champ early on. King over powers Flair on a top wrist lock. King works a side headlock as Flair rolls up him over for pins.Big shoulder block from King. And a hip toss. Only 4 minutes left, so King better make his move. Chop from Flair. King kicks out of the knee drop and reverses a suplex with a sleeper. Flair gets out of it by dropping Lawler through the ropes. King took a hard bump to the floor. Flair hit some chops and knee drop. He went for a piledriver, which at this point is illegal in the area. Stalling suplex. Figure four with 30 seconds to go. The time limit runs out while King is in the figure four, but he didn't give up. Flair demands 5 more minutes. He immediately attacks King, which fires him up. The straps are down! Flair Flip. Second rope first drop. Flair rolls out of the ring so he can't be pinned. Flair grabs his belt and leaves. King wins by count out, but the title stays with Flair. Ric put King over huge and I know they would have a rematch at one of the arena shows. After a break, Lance talks to Eddie Marlin and things King should be the champion since Flair walked out of the match. This brought Flair back out who said he didn't sign a contract to defend his title on TV. He also had Jimmy Hart with him. Of course. Flair writes a check for $10K and wants Jimmy to bring him the blood and guts of Jerry Lawler. A good old fashioned bounty angle!


BONUS: Louisville Brawl (5/26/81)

Looks like this was Kevin Sullivan/Wayne Ferris vs Bill Dundee/Dream Machine. The closing moments of the match were shown. Jimmy Hart caused a DQ and the faces got a beat down. A cane was used extensively. Jerry Lawler ran down to make a save. There were two rings at this show. King got a hold of the cane and used it on everyone. The Nightmares hit the ring and attacked King. Dutch came out to even things up. They went into the crowd and then roped off areas. I think a cop pulled a gun on a fan and seconds later the fan was pulled out and taken to the back.

BONUS: Kamala + Jimmy Hart (8/28/82)

What the fuck. Jimmy comes out and says it is such a shame that Kamala has never had a watermelon. Also, he's never boned an American woman. But the watermelon thing is mentioned a few times. Jimmy talks about Bill Dundee and Eddie Marlin. And Dutch. Dutch came out. He will never rejoin Jimmy Hart. He also refuses to wrestle Kamala. King and Eddie Marlin would also come out. King says some questionable things, such as saying he was going to "wet his (Kamala's) lips and stick him to the wall". King then took Dutch's place in the match, but it wasn't really a match as Koko and Eaton hit the ring not even a minute in. Steve Keirn and Terry Taylor ran them off.


BONUS: Jim Cornette + Jerry Lawler + Bill Dundee (9/4/82)

Corny is so young. And skinny. And calm. He wants Dundee in his camp. But Dundee was actually his second choice. King was his first choice, but didn't want anything to do with Jim. King comes out and makes fun of Cornette for a while and tells him to start acting like a man instead of talking about his rich mother. Corny gets so upset he starts to whine and cry. He runs off in a huff.

Still to come: Lawler vs Bockwinkle series, Jackie Fargo vs Jimmy Hart, Randy Savage in ICW, The Mountie, and more.
2007 because #29 is Great Khali who throws out seven people and botches a spot with Shawn Michaels who has to point at the hard camera and yell "hard camera, hard camera" before Khali gets to turn to the camera and do his signature pose.

Chromecast loaded up. I wasn't watching the E at this time so this will be new to me.


Best of Memphis in the 80s Disc 2

Time stamped for your convenience. I recommend watching Dundee/King vs Onita/Fuchi, the Dutch/Lawler matches, Eaton/Koko vs Cobra/Dutch, Eaton vs Dundee, and Flair vs King. Maybe the Kamala segment for the crazy things King says, and the Cornette segment just to see how young and different he was than what you're used to.

StroMomo has a 3rd surgery today, so this will probably be the last wrasslin for today.


So TNA is basically redoing The Summer of Punk angle.

Styles is Punk. Magnus is Cena. Dixie is Vince. EC3 is HHH. Rock Star Spud is Laurenaitis. Hardy is Mysterio. Gunner is Del Rio.

Who is Nash?

They're doing the same angle, but they're actually doing the follow-through better!


So not worth it
They're doing the same angle, but they're actually doing the follow-through better!

Lol, if the follow-up involves the subject of the story actually not getting a new contract and leaving for another TV show, then sure, yeah, that's better.

The storyline is shit now that AJ Styles is not in TNA, what a waste to do the Summer of Punk and then have your Punk leave, lol.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Final ratings of 2013 for Raw and Smackdown:

Smackdown: 1.99

Christmas Raw: 2.68

New Years Raw with no Cena: 2.97

Whats the typical New Years Raw rating? Need some context. 2.97 seems pretty good, I figured a lot less people tune in around the holidays.


I haven't watched Smackdown in like years but don't they still say Smackdown is live from such and such arena to start every show?

Ah I think they do, I don't really notice as I know it's taped. But the live RAWs always have a WWELIVE logo on the screen. The taped ones don't!


I feel like this picture of a teary-eyed Triple H reminiscing would work perfectly as an overlay over completely unrelated and inappropriate other images.


I feel like this picture of a teary-eyed Triple H reminiscing would work perfectly as an overlay over completely unrelated and inappropriate other images.

unrelated images works yet I can't help but think Trips own ego would override all as well as reality.



Lol, if the follow-up involves the subject of the story actually not getting a new contract and leaving for another TV show, then sure, yeah, that's better.

The storyline is shit now that AJ Styles is not in TNA, what a waste to do the Summer of Punk and then have your Punk leave, lol.

Believe in the LONG CON, MAN!

:( :( :(

More on AJ's contract situation from a December 30th, 2013 report:

Over the weekend Ring of Honor announced the huge news that AJ Styles will be returning to the company after an absence of eight years, having not been seen since TNA and ROH discontinued their working relationship in 2006. The news has led to many questions being asked, such as will he have further appearances and is he truly done with TNA?

Dave Meltzer of the Observer reported the following in his newsletter:

AJ Styles really is no longer with TNA. The two sides were discussing details as early as last week but couldn’t agree terms. AJ’s agent contacted Ring of Honor about his return to work out a deal between the two sides as its the one place Styles really wanted to go due to his past history with the promotion. While a contract hasn’t been signed Styles is working under an open contract, which means he can appear on other promotions shows but can’t work for anyone with television which includes TNA while working for ROH.

Meanwhile, Mike Johnson of PWInsider has confirmed the same story, also stating that Styles would be a regular roster member in 2014:

In my interview with Styles last week in the Elite section, he noted that a return to ROH was on the table and noted that at one point, he almost left TNA for ROH when TNA forced him to choose one or the other and it was a hard decision not to remain with ROH at the time, but TNA was offering more dates per year.

With the addition of Styles and Chris Hero to the regulars on the ROH roster, that’s a pretty nice piece of momentum the company has picked up in the last few weeks.

AJ Styles returns to Ring of Honor, where he is a former ROH World Tag Team Champion and ROH Pure Champion on January 4, at TNA’s former home the Nashville Fairgrounds, otherwise known as The Asylum, where he will face The Decade’s Roderick Strong in a rematch from their 2005 Fate of an Angel meeting.

As a long time ROH fan I am pumped for this Saturday’s TV tapings. Not only will Styles be returning but also on the card is Kevin Steen vs. Chris Hero in Hero’s first official match back, Tommaso Ciampa defending his ROH World TV Championship against Silas Young but also an appearance from WWE legend “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.

More dates for Styles will be revealed in due course.


Apparently the whole AJ story was supposed to be TNA's take on how the Summer Of Punk should've been booked, which makes him leaving even better
Apparently the whole AJ story was supposed to be TNA's take on how the Summer Of Punk should've been booked, which makes him leaving even better
Not only that, there's also a bunch of other storylines taking place. Can anyone recall any other angles going into Summerslam '11? Aiii?

Yeah, didn't think so.
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