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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Hell I'd do it. I'd sell out faster than Bean Breath or Beef did.

I'd easily play 20 hours of NFS or Madden .....if I had a Xbone or PS4
I really don't understand why Kane wasn't the corporate champ and feuded with Bryan. He's by far one of the best actors and talkers in the company. And the character would have been amazing.

And it would have been a final blow off to the Team Hell No saga, missed opportunity, one more big red run!


Honestly im not bothered with the Emma stuff because they are trying to get the crowd used to the dance. Seriously only like 10% to 5% of the audience watches NXT right now its not widely available everywhere but Hulu. Look at the crowd around her at all her current appearances they don't know who she is let alone would do the dance. They have to be Emmatained first they probably wont do anything with her until the crowd somewhat starts doing the dance

This is true. RAW isn't NXT--intentionally being goofy and failing to skin a cat while standing next to the Total Divas cast isn't going to look like humor to the audience so much as standard operating procedure for the women's division. Having Emma show up like this is true to her character, slowly introduces the audience to that character and allows her to stand out. A couple of decent backstage promos, one good match and she'll be golden, barring the standard women's writing.

I think a guy as over as Bryan, who had been screwed out of the title twice in the last year, really needs a story line reason to not be in the Rumble. It makes no sense for him not to be in it unless he's prevented from entering the match by The Authority or an injury angle.

I think The Authority's made it clear that you're not supposed to be remembering anything from October or before. The Authority is Face. The Authority has always been Face. We have always been at war with Eurasia.


For the first time in months, I watched RAW live last night. Holy crap was that hard to do, I quit after 2 hours. A boring show didn't help either.


I think The Authority's made it clear that you're not supposed to be remembering anything from October or before. The Authority is Face. The Authority has always been Face. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

This is the face of the Two Minutes Hate.

I think I much preferred last week's random matches with a little made up booking for why they were happening. It was different, refreshing and sort of made sense despite being totally isolated from all current Raw storylines.


From pwinsider. It looks like they want to protect the winner because if he is in it and is eliminated the crowd probably will die out.

I'm already of the belief that Batista's return is shittier than Rock's return. At least Rock took Cena completely out of the title picture for a year. Batista is giving us Daniel Bryan out of the Rumble, ADR on Raw, and shitty Batista Bombs.


Man, fucking Nexus. ZERO plans for that after the first week. I'm sure that whole thing came about probably the weekend before Raw with no idea what to do the next week.


Yeah you made a mistake. That was one of the most boring Raw's I've seen in a while.

The first match was great though.

Yes it was, hell it felt like everything of importance just happened in the first hour. I don't even know why I watched beyond it. I did watch the third hour this morning, took less than 10 mins.


Nexus was so good, so of course they had to completely drop the ball

They didn't have the ball to begin with. It was pretty clear from the start that they had no real plans and were winging it every week. Remember Wade's promos of "It's all part of a grand plan/winds of change that I'll explain later". That's not exaggeration. He said things like that. And they were never explained because there was never a plan for an explanation to begin with. I imagine a junior writer just threw out the idea of the whole NXT group "invading" as a joke and someone above him took the idea seriously. Then they took it to Vince and he said "Well, god damn, pally" and power walked out of the room, leaving everyone to throw their hands up and go with it.
I'm already of the belief that Batista's return is shittier than Rock's return. At least Rock took Cena completely out of the title picture for a year. Batista is giving us Daniel Bryan out of the Rumble, ADR on Raw, and shitty Batista Bombs.
On top of this Batista is going to tarnish the good legacy he previously left us with going out on top as the super heel of duct tape defeat.

Nexus was so good, so of course they had to completely drop the ball
I loved it while it lasted though, one of the two things that made WWE in 2010 the best year since 2005, the other of course being Kane whupping Taker multiple times for the WHC.

Hey Taker never got revenge for Nexus burying him literally at Bragging Rights 2010, This Nexus reformation idea is leading into Barrett versus Taker at Wrestlemania.
Needs a moment where Taker gets a brutal group beatdown when the referee is down, Barrett going to cheese his way to streak ending only for a last second kickout, fans go bananarama and then Taker just wrecks everyone in furious rage to retain the streak, book it.


Lolling so hard about Gaming Side blowing their lid over endorsed videos.

How did they not know this was happening? Come on, it's 2014 and we've seen countless examples of this shit. :lol: Oh my, I do enjoy a good internet riot though.
Just when I think it really can't get worse, Gaming Side just does it again. And again. And again and again..
I really don't understand why Kane wasn't the corporate champ and feuded with Bryan. He's by far one of the best actors and talkers in the company. And the character would have been amazing.
He's working with Bryan tho! He locked the cage for him and stuff. FROM THE INSIDE


i fell asleep during the punk v billy gunn match.

how i think rr is going to go down because the wwe is stupid

cena beats orton
lesnar beats up show so he can go on hiatus until before wm
lesnar and cena will fight at the feb ppv for the title
orton will feud with batista after
punk/bryan will win the rumble for some reason i really think punk is going to win now. he's not going to win the title back, but he's going to win the rumble, somehow lose the right to wm match by losing to hhh. hhh gives orton/batista/whoever is the current lapdog of the "authority" the right, hell i wouldnt put it passed hhh to give it to himself

bryan is probably heading to ziggler mode of mid-card crap and feuding with the wyatts

what i want to happen
taker wins the rumble,
sheamus returns at 29 during the rumble, because everyone is forgetting he's coming back. taker is 30, and taker wins.

cena beats orton for the title
cena v taker at wm, taker wins and retires on top, for good, finally

punk and bryan eliminate each other in the rumble some goofy way, which leads to a match at wm.

lesnar feuds with sheamus and batista for a three way match. winner gets a title shot at ppv after wm. but no one gets it because taker retires and its left vacant til the ppv

dont care about orton. del rio comes back with a mask on, maybe have him become sin cara, both suck so why not eliminate one problem? rey mysterio and del rio/sin cara match

bring back mitb as a a match and get rid of the ppv.


Hey Taker never got revenge for Nexus burying him literally at Bragging Rights 2010, This Nexus reformation idea is leading into Barrett versus Taker at Wrestlemania.
Needs a moment where Taker gets a brutal group beatdown when the referee is down, Barrett going to cheese his way to streak ending only for a last second kickout, fans go bananarama and then Taker just wrecks everyone in furious rage to retain the streak, book it.

The best part about that angle is that there was literally no explanation for it, Barrett just said "we have our reasons" and we never found out what that reason was


I love how they've gone out of their way to destroy the mystique of the Rumble match this year all to protect Big Dave.

Can't have him go over Cena and make him look bad. Stick Cena in the title rematch with Orton.
Can't have D.Brine stealing his thunder. Have him wrestle a pointless grudge match against Bray.
Can't have Brock making Big Dave look small. Have him wrestle Baby New Year.
Can't have Punk looking weak before his big feud with Trips. Stick him in the #1 slot and have him get brutalized before Big Dave even shows up.

It's no wonder that the only guy earmarked for a push in the Rumble match itself at this point is Roman Reigns and he can be protected by getting "surprise" eliminated by Ambrose. And they still have 5 spots left over for whatever nostalgia/commentator/returning wrestler crap they want to trot out there...

Or Zack Ryder. <chuckles> Nah, Zack's not getting in that match even with this nonsense going on.


Raw was not good this week.

Baptista's return was awful, if he actually wins the Rumble it will be bad. Really bad.

It's hard to still have hope that Bryan will win the Rumble and go on to win the title at Mania. Just seems so unlikely at this point.

He is, by far, the most over face they have and they still don't seem to want to pull the trigger.

Punk on the other hand looks the worse he has ever looked and he doesn't seem to give a fuck. He just seems unmotivated. It's a far cry from the beginning of the year and the amazing heel work he was doing.

But, at the end of the day, Bryan winning the title is the only scenario that would make me happy right now, everything else just doesn't make much sense. Even Punk doing it would be underwhelming and I'm a huge Bryan mark.

This week's Raw was the opposite of last week's, it was boring and just more of the same. Nothing interesting happened and nothing advanced. Everything it's the same compared to last week except Baptista is back. It's just lazy, lazy writing.
The best part about that angle is that there was literally no explanation for it, Barrett just said "we have our reasons" and we never found out what that reason was

The more I think about it the more I figure they wanted to protect Taker from losing clean to Kane but they'd already used "he's not at 100%" at Night of Champions and "Bearer Swerve" at Hell in a Cell so having the heel faction beat him down made some semblance of sense simply because they are heels that are bad men who would bury someone for no reason.
And that's it, no master plan, just file it under Nexus "making a statement" as a smokescreen for no way does Taker lose clean.


I would love it if Bryan was eliminated by Batista in the Royal Rumble. It would just make it that much sweeter.

Also Brotista needs to grow some facial hair. He looks weird (deformed baby) without it. He should go back to the beard.


So not worth it
Don't get my hopes up!

I'm still recovering from the emotional rollercoaster that was the ending of SummerSlam, I can't get my heart broken again man!

That was the predictablest of predictable endings. Everything went exactly as everyone knew it would.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watching Owen and Yoko vs Headshrinkers from Yoko's fresh return. It's amazing how much it seemed like Owen was going to be THE heel of that company for a while. Yoko was one of the biggest 'monsters' in WWF history in that era, and he was freshly returned, and they came out to Owen's music. Owen got the reactions. I just wonder who fucked it up for Owen, coulda been HBK, coulda been Russo, coulda been Bret defecting, who knows. And god damn face Headshrinkers are just like the Usos. They have zero personality other than doing cheap 'YEAH' movements to the crowd. I can't believe how fat Rikishi got. I wonder how quickly WWF realized how out of ring shape Yoko was. He's sweating up a storm already, and Owen's been doing 90% of the match.
no cause Kofi actually matters



If Bryan isn't in the Rumble, I guess that would make Batista the automatic winner. Punk's obviously going to get screwed in the end.
Is that anything like the Year of Luigi?

"New" Super Kofi tights
A talk segment called Carlito's Kofi's Cabana
Air Bourne reunion title run, the "Dream Team" reunited.
Dr Kofi gimmick at the end of the year for some reason.

Yeah you could draw a few parallels I guess.

BHZ Mayor

That was the predictablest of predictable endings. Everything went exactly as everyone knew it would.

I've never seen a cash-in or match, but from everything I've heard over the years, the whole Money in the Bank concept just seems like the cheapest, most cop-outtiest thing ever.


I'm almost ready to believe they'll never do another #1 winner in the Rumble purely because they don't want to have to deal with the issue of Benoit's name. It's an awkward bit of trivia if they mention the names and if they don't.
I've never seen a cash-in or match, but from everything I've heard over the years, the whole Money in the Bank concept just seems like the cheapest, most cop-outtiest thing ever.
They had no idea what they were doing with it when they created the MITB match. Edge's cash-in is almost a regular match and was going to be literally a regular match at some point. Edge says it was his idea to cash it in on Cena after Cena's win in the Elimination Chamber match.

The idea of a surprise cash-in is cool as hell but people having the briefcase is 95% terrible.


&#12541;&#3900;&#3720;&#1604;&#860;&#3720;&#3901;&#65417; S O S&#12541;&#3900;&#3720;&#1604;&#860;&#3720;&#3901;&#65417;


Kofi to enter at 30th and winning the Rumble.

They will turn one of his Rumble spots into one that gives him the victory.

Then he offers his place at Mania to Cena because Cena deserves it more.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kofi Kingston
Marc Mero
shitty alliteration
shitty high flyer
guy who has to hype himself because no one else does
wild man.
wild cat

wake up, people
I'm almost ready to believe they'll never do another #1 winner in the Rumble purely because they don't want to have to deal with the issue of Benoit's name. It's an awkward bit of trivia if they mention the names and if they don't.

Benoit isn't the only no 1 winner though


Some of you all are too gullible. There are hardly any notable stars in the Rumble match as it is. Of course Bryan will be in it. Why wouldn't he be? More interesting situation in my eyes is whether Lesnar will be in it, along with the loser of the Cena and Orton match (unless that closes which I hope it doesn't). I want more notable names.

At a guess, they could not want him in because they want someone else to win, and anyone who would eliminate Bryan would get booed out of the building (and being a star, he'd have to be in the final four).

I assume they will put him in the Rumble without telling us all the same.


Kofi to enter at 30th and winning the Rumble.

They will turn one of his Rumble spots into one that gives him the victory.

Then he offers his place at Mania to Cena because Cena deserves it more.

I could see that happening.

Damn you Dragonzord I will not let you have a avatar of my waifu.

Kofi to enter at 30th and winning the Rumble.

They will turn one of his Rumble spots into one that gives him the victory.

Then he offers his place at Mania to Cena because Cena deserves it more.
That actually sounds like the sort of thing Kofi's vanilla face character would do.
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