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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

The all-important question is this... does D.Brine come out and get brogue kicked in the mush and eliminated in less than 18 seconds?

D.Brine is gonna come in at number 30 and get Brogue Kick eliminated in .5 seconds so he can take Santino's place in the Royal Rumble By the Numbers Promo. ;_;


Sheamus is good in the ring and his biggest failing has always been his disingenuous bullying babyface character. I say bring him back as a heel and let him be the new Paul Heyman Guy once Brock is done post-Mania. Paul could work wonders with Sheamus.


Main Event:

Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio is up next. There were a lot of crazy spots in this match. Cara's mask ended up coming off and Hunico's face was exposed. Del Rio gets the win via cross armbreaker. After the match, Del Rio cut a promo but Cara attacked him in the middle of it.

lol, thank god for editing.


Cara has to stop using mood lighting.

And like Stro mentioned, why does the mexicans keep fighting other mexicans? SO RACIST BOOKING!


It's segargist booking, the book should be thrown at WWE for their hateful ways.

Two black girls? Make them a tag team. Two black dudes? Make them a tag team. Two other black dudes? Make them a tag team. Two other black dudes? Make them a tag team, then split them up, then make another tag team with another black dude. Two Mexicans? Make them a tag team. One heel Mexican? Make him face the two face Mexicans exclusively for a month. Two Indian dudes? Make them a team/feud.


Heel Sheamus was awesome, bring him back



IT'S DAMIEN SANDOW! not really, it's Shamrock wearing some jarring bright pink shorts and sporting an awesome MacGyver style mullet.


i didn't gif every instance Ken threw a kick but his kicks are really... odd. not the smoothest in town for sure.


textbook side headlock takedown by Anjo.


jesus at the stiff ass knees. Anjo kicks Ken after he's down for good measure.


textbook front headlock takedown, once again by Anjo.


i wish gifs had sound so you could hear how stiff and loud these open plam strikes from Ken are. Anjo ate them all like a champ.


another shoot-style match from Ken, another AWESOME ending sequence. Dragon Suplex from Ken countered with a Fujiwara armbar from Anjo countered with a body scissors sleeper hold from Ken to give him the win. really deserves a good look, fantastic stuff.



black man gets into main event.

loses by DQ to push two white guys as main eventers again

Black dude pushed into the main event? Have him dress up as a Confederate soldier in the deep South. MLK day? Every black dude job. Asian dude? Have him fight over action figures and then vanish for 2 years. Samoan dudes? Find two that look alike and never differentiate which is which.
Put Sheamus in a giant leprechaun outfit and team him with Hornswaggle as his long lost son and let them get into hilarious hijinks each week. Then have Cole laugh uninterrupted for a solid 5 minutes and keep asking "Am I the only the one who finds this funny? Hahahahahah". Then have Fit Finlay come out to seemingly confront Sheamus and Horny about their portrayal of Irish people but SWERVE they all start jigging and throwing potatoes in the air like gold coins from a magical end of the rainbow pot.


I hated babyface Sheamus like any reasonable person but let's be honest, he was over. Not Daniel Bryan/CM Punk over, but over

Over to the bare minimum that his megapush would make him. There is an element to the audience of them liking someone because you told them to like them. So give someone a megapush and they will be over in some amount.

But he was no more over than most of the mid card faces, which is a majorly weak return on the investment. It's their own fault for their Super Face booking of course.


Black dude pushed into the main event? Have him dress up as a Confederate soldier in the deep South. MLK day? Every black dude job. Asian dude? Have him fight over action figures and then vanish for 2 years. Samoan dudes? Find two that look alike and never differentiate which is which.



i think there's a good chance scott hall shows up at the royal rumble. i just watched a ddp yoga video from hbo real sports and hall looks healthy enough to take a rumble bump and get a quick check. especially since his buddy hhh is running things right now.

edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkBM8D92yA8

thats from last september. so i imagine he's doing even better now.


For the Miz fans:

2. The Miz defeated Brodus Clay. Wade Barrett delivered live commentary of the match about how awful both men were. he got a bigger babyface reaction than Miz or Clay. Miz won in short order.

Man, the Miz has fallen badly.

Also, Sheamus booking led to his demise as well as that 18 second loss. After that a part of the fanbase blamed him for that. His last moment before he left for injury was getting booed when Cena asked if he should be his Summerslam opponent.


What's the best commentary team in pro wrestling right now? I actually have to go with Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino. Corino has at least five zingers for every fifty minute show.


Lol. They turned Brodus heel just to have him jobbing in short matches against Miz where someone tells the live audience how much both suck? Tremendous.


For the Miz fans:

Man, the Miz has fallen badly.

Also, Sheamus booking led to his demise as well as that 18 second loss. After that a part of the fanbase blamed him for that. His last moment before he left for injury was getting booed when Cena asked if he should be his Summerslam opponent.

Yeah, I blame the writing more than anything. Seamus was way too much of a dick to be a face. He has a great look and a great entrance theme. He just needs a more focused character.
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