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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

For the Miz fans:

Man, the Miz has fallen badly.

Best news yet



Backlash 1999. Shamrock is introduced as the World's Most Dangerous Man. JR immediately undermines it by calling him "Kenny Shamrock". lol.


Ken gets huge air as he is thrown into the corner by Taker.


Taker grew wings for this clothesline. big impact.


sunset flip by Ken with a transition into a kneebar. Jerry is droning about demons and satan and shit.


nice rolling kneebar by Ken, a move made popular in the USA wrestling scene by Goldberg.


Ken reverses Taker's top position, gets some ground and pound in before going for a straight armbar, which JR incorrectly calls a Fujiwara armbar. funny thing, Ken does the "ask him!" spot during submissions.


what the fuck? Taker goes for a Bow 'n Arrow. never saw do one before.


haha, Ken no sells the legdrop and just rolls for an ankle lock.


Frankensteiner/Hurricanrana/Head Scissors Takedown!!!


one of my favourite spots, the armbar counter to the chokeslam.


Taker counters Ken's slam attempt with a Tombstone Piledriver for the 3 count. entertaining little match this was. i wonder how watchable a shoot-style match featuring Taker would be.

Over to the bare minimum that his megapush would make him. There is an element to the audience of them liking someone because you told them to like them. So give someone a megapush and they will be over in some amount.

But he was no more over than most of the mid card faces, which is a majorly weak return on the investment. It's their own fault for their Super Face booking of course.
Yeah, I'll agree that the push-to-over ratio was off, but i feel like it's at least something.
For the Miz fans:

Man, the Miz has fallen badly.

Also, Sheamus booking led to his demise as well as that 18 second loss. After that a part of the fanbase blamed him for that. His last moment before he left for injury was getting booed when Cena asked if he should be his Summerslam opponent.
Miz has come a long way from jobbing to Brodus Clay in the pre-show of Over the Limit 2012


more money than God
Watching Raw now. CM Punk got boring in the ring.
I was just thinking again about how badly the WWE ruined the summer of punk. It's why I don't look forward to a WWE led by HHH. CM Punk was getting mainstream attention, and their means of capitalizing on this is by having get beaten by HHH's friend, and then lose to HHH.

No matter which superstar gets popular, HHH must get involved.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Playing GT6 tonight, ended up watching Summerslam like, 03? Something? Made this tonight. Sure felt weird.



Also, how bland has JBL got on commentary? The whole WWE commentary team has been weak, but JBL just yawns his way through episodes these days. Almost zero original content from him.


His corner running knee looks super slow, his suicide dive is sloppy, and his elbow drop has poor form. It's been this way since he returned against Jericho, whom I also don't want to see wrestle again.

CM Punk is injured so that's why he hasn't be in top form. If you want that he probably needs a good deal of time off but they need him so most likely you only get the best on the pay per views.

Also, his elbow drop has always been bad and has never been good.


CM Punk is injured so that's why he hasn't be in top form. If you want that he probably needs a good deal of time off but they need him so most likely you only get the best on the pay per views.

Also, his elbow drop has always been bad and has never been good.

If he's hurt...don't have him wrestle every week on Raw. It will be okay. There are 3 hours and a lot of guys that barely get used. Send Punk out for a promo. We don't need to see the main event guys wrestling every week. Let them rest up and not be so over exposed all the time.


* Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio kicks off SmackDown. Rey and Show get the win after Rey jumped off Show's shoulders with a splash. After the match, Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on Big Show about his match with Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble.

* The Miz vs. Brodus Clay is next. Bad News Barrett interrupts and starts doing commentary for the match from his podium, over the loud speaker. The Miz wins by pinfall and goes after Barrett. Our correspondent says, "Segment of the year. Barrett trolled the IWC."

* AJ Lee squashes Cameron.

* The Shield appear on the big screen and talk about the Royal Rumble match.

* Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Los Matadores.

* CM Punk cuts a promo on the Royal Rumble next. He talks about how The Authority hates him and is out to get him. Kane interrupts and talks about the odds of Punk winning since he's the #1 entrant.

* Erick Rowan and Luke Harper squash Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Bray Wyatt enters the ring after the match and hits Sister Abigail on Young. Bray cuts a promo about how he will not only defeat Daniel Bryan at the Rumble, he will hurt him. Daniel Bryan comes out to a massive pop and talks about how he fears nothing.

* Emma is shown in the crowd again.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Fandango.

* We get a preview for Randy Orton vs. John Cena.

* The Shield and The New Age Outlaws vs. Big E Langston, The Usos, Cody Rhodes and Goldust is up next. Seth Rollins does a crotch chop to get a pop. The match ends in a disqualification and everyone starts running out from the back. SmackDown ends with everyone brawling in the ring to hype the Royal Rumble match.

Hey you guys got the ending you wanted on Raw.


The Usos got a nice rub from Bryan this week. Next World Champs.

Also, why does John Cena get to show up for work 3 hours late?


Well Cena was shown just....walking towards the arena in his shorts, so perhaps he was late because he just walked from the last house show and took days to get there.
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