I fucking suck at Arkham Origins Online.
that junk is online?
I fucking suck at Arkham Origins Online.
that junk is online?
Sunny, maybe instead of trying to get Legitshook advertised, you should get advertising on the site.
I'm fine as Batman or Robin, but garbage as henchmen. I don't play shooters nor do I really every play anything online anyway.
Botchamania.What other "wrasslin" podcasts or video reviews are popular out there that may accept advertising? Colt wanted too much imho, I need something smaller.
What's all this brit hate? I get paid in goddamn cold hard AMERICAN DOLLARS.
that junk is online?
Why do you think it's junk? Did you not like Arkham City or Asylum either?
Bean pls
How can you not like the best superhero games of all time? Of all time!
WrestleMania 30
Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE World Title match
Taker vs. Sting
Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
HHH vs. CM Punk
John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
And other mid-card matches that they'll throw together two weeks before hand.
You're welcome, WWE.
How can you not like the best superhero games of all time? Of all time!
lol wut? Really?How can you not like the best superhero games of all time? Of all time!
Bean's negativity towards Legit Shook is sickening.
He constantly talks about how adorable he thinks she is, how sexy her accent is, how he keeps asking her out and she turns him down but her accent is so cute that he can't get mad. And then he was talking about DMing her on Twitter, but she never got back to him. Probably because he wears his letterman jacket despite being in his 30s and was the second to fucking Miz. It's really uncomfortable when Renee is on color with him, because not only does he hit on her, but also implies she wants to fuck every dude on the roster and sexts with Fandango.
Albert straight up burying him every chance he gets is awesome though. Does he do more than one show on commentary?
What's your favourite superhero game?lol wut? Really?
Not to me!
Online is too hard. How is anyone supposed to compete with guys who spend hundreds of hours on these games? The few times I ever go online with a game, I go to pretty die. Repeatedly.I love the Arkham games. I'm just terrible at the online shit, which I am terrible at on pretty much any game I've played online. Especially shooting stuff.
This is extremely creepy.He constantly talks about how adorable he thinks she is, how sexy her accent is, how he keeps asking her out and she turns him down but her accent is so cute that he can't get mad. And then he was talking about DMing her on Twitter, but she never got back to him. Probably because he wears his letterman jacket despite being in his 30s and was the second to fucking Miz. It's really uncomfortable when Renee is on color with him, because not only does he hit on her, but also implies she wants to fuck every dude on the roster and sexts with Fandango.
Albert straight up burying him every chance he gets is awesome though. Does he do more than one show on commentary?
You're a Brotista fan, so I forgive you.Arkham Origins is a desperate cash grab.
Arkham City annoyed me so much I didn't even bother looking at Origins.
How you gonna make an open world Batman game and then not base it on No Man's Land?
I love the Arkham games. I'm just terrible at the online shit, which I am terrible at on pretty much any game I've played online. Especially shooting stuff.
Sasha Banks is beautiful, but that clown lip stick has to go. Also, Alex Riley is so creepy when he talks about Emma.
What's your favourite superhero game?
Random but I was thinking about Gilberg and wondering what other spoof characters there have been in wrestling?
Obviously there was CP Munk as well and there must have been a skinny kid in goth clothes doing superkicks called the Indietaker but have there ever been any really obvious mocking characters in major Feds that I've just totally forgot about?
Lesner should be WWE champion and Daniel Bryan should make him tap for the title. This is of course, assuming Lesner wipes the floor with Big Show on Sunday.
browsed Straight Shooters for the first time. jesus, it's slow, lol. gonna change it to one review per page.
Arkham Origins is a desperate cash grab.
Vince, got a request: can you change the gif from my section to Barnett giving JLB a DVD? i feel it encapsulates perfectly my section.
Random but I was thinking about Gilberg and wondering what other spoof characters there have been in wrestling?
Obviously there was CP Munk as well and there must have been a skinny kid in goth clothes doing superkicks called the Indietaker but have there ever been any really obvious mocking characters in major Feds that I've just totally forgot about?
Look at all this wishing for Lesnar to tap. That's terrible. He should never tap. He still has a few more big matches in him, no need to make him look bitch made.
He's practically a regular now.Albert straight up burying him every chance he gets is awesome though. Does he do more than one show on commentary?
There was Oklahoma in WCW which was a shitty parody of Jim Ross.
Plus you had the billionaire ted and The Huckster and Nacho Man in mid 90's WWF, although I don't think they wrestled.
And there's also the "Macho Warrior Ric Hogan" in USWA, although he looked more like Dude Love than what his name implied.
There was also Virgil in WCW, where he was named Vincent and Shane. Not an exact parody but you know where they got the names from.
And let's not forget Charlie Haas' 2008 gimmick of him dressing up as different superstars like Bret "Hitman" Haas and Haas Hogan. Sadly, we never saw Hunter Haas Helmsley.
While a contract itself may not have been signed, and it is something that has been talked about for months, Sting in WWE is stronger than ever to the point concepts using the term "A Man Called Sting" are in discussion