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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

According to Bryan Alvarez, WWE and Sting are so close enough to a deal that they are already coming up with booking ideas for him. He is supposedly going to be referred to in WWE as "A Man Called Sting" sort of like Vader was referred to as "The Man They Call Vader".

But yeah, Sting better get into shape quickly if this is finally the run for him. He looks like shit right now in TNA. I can forgive the baldness because that's just age, but your ass will not be wrestling at WrestleMania in a t-shirt.



Could always go back to something like this. I also hope that someone tells him that it looks bad when you wear long tights over the top of your boots.
Really that was some bad acting lol. Also the production values have dropped a ton since Bischoff left. That was indie bad. How do you know someone is buying stock, but not know who they are? lol They really should have let Heyman have control back in 2011.

They should have never gotten rid of that six-sided ring. They shouldn't have shit all over the X-Division either. TNA can't compete with WWE directly, and they pissed away everything that made the show unique.
They should have never gotten rid of that six-sided ring. They shouldn't have shit all over the X-Division either. TNA can't compete with WWE directly, and they pissed away everything that made the show unique.

Both things thanks to Hogan and Bischoff. Fuck those guys. I believe if TNA survives they will come out a better company for all of this. Also badass promo for the wolves. They should have done that last week.
So TNA will no longer have to pay Hogan, Flair, Sting, and Bischoff. That has to be a big boon for the bottom line for them. I haven't watched much, is Jeff Hardy still there?
Awesome match between Angle and Roode. Holy shit for Kurt. Waaaay better than last weeks show. So for clarification, are the wolves in a match tonight?
Holy shit that was amazing. EC3 is great.
Sting leaves in typical TNA fashion. with a screwjob ending and a commercial break in the middle of his final match. These idiots know he's leaving and they don't even try to use it to put over Magnus. They just have a lack of understanding of even basic wrestling fundamentals.
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