Oooh. Is something cool supposed to happen in that match. Don't tell me what happens just a simple yes or no is good enough!Can't wait to see "the spot."
Oooh. Is something cool supposed to happen in that match. Don't tell me what happens just a simple yes or no is good enough!Can't wait to see "the spot."
Nah brahs Corey Graves is good. He has a unique look. Brah is going to be a star.
Oooh. Is something cool supposed to happen in that match. Don't tell me what happens just a simple yes or no is good enough!
Nice and ouch storm landed on his shoulder pretty bad there.Yes. Yes, it is. I'm psyched.
Really that was some bad acting lol. Also the production values have dropped a ton since Bischoff left. That was indie bad. How do you know someone is buying stock, but not know who they are? lol They really should have let Heyman have control back in 2011.
Guaranteed Sting is in better ring shape than Taker.
I'll agree to that.
Taker is 2fat4me
They should have never gotten rid of that six-sided ring. They shouldn't have shit all over the X-Division either. TNA can't compete with WWE directly, and they pissed away everything that made the show unique.
I think HHH has big hopes for Luke Harper. I can see him near the top of the cards by the end of the year.
Awesome match between Angle and Roode. Holy shit for Kurt. Waaaay better than last weeks show. So for clarification, are the wolves in a match tonight?
I think HHH has big hopes for Luke Harper. I can see him near the top of the cards by the end of the year.
When TNA goes bust you know some of the crew will get toghter and try and start another fed.
I wonder who. Maybe Angle?
Fuck Sags. And fuck Knobs. Fuck the Nasty Boys.
Badass Joe is back? Could it be?