here we are. holy shit, this fight was huge. to give an idea of much of a draw Sapp was, this fight had
54 MILLION VIEWERS live. Bob Sapp, man. fuck. Akebono is fat. former sumo champion. the japanese treated this like the most epic of matches, the production values made Wrestlemania look bush league. look at that stage.
this was Sapp at his best. look at that robe, that entrance. it's the same theme as Flair. what a showman. a fuckin STAR, a true one, not like these schmucks on the WWE right now.
it doesn't stop, it never does. fuckin
STEVIE WONDER shows and plays the USA anthem on a harmonica. not fuckin Kid Rock, not shitty Limp Bizkit,
STEVIE WONDER. legend. the fight hasn't even started and this is already the most epic thing in the world.
Rickson Gracie, the greatest Brazilian Ju Jitsu practioner of all time, shows up and hands flower to both Akebono and Sapp. another legend. all i see is legends.
Akebono's family at ringside. i wonder how sex with Akebono was like. such a small lady. picture an elephant on top of a kitten. ouch.
best part about Sapp in Japan? his fighting style was always listed as NFL. bless Japan.
the fight begins. Sapp slowly approaches Akebono who throws a couple of punches and shows his strenght by shoving Sapp with ease.
Sapp training with Sam Greco paid off, as he shows some good quality low kicks.
more low kicks. as Akebono closes the distance, Sapp counter with a right hand and shook all the fat in Akebono's body. the former Sumotori didn't like that at all.
2 minutes and both men are visibly gassed. Sapp let's his fists fly. right hand connects!!! Akebono goes down for the count!!! the crowd is losing their minds over this!!
Akebono gets back on his feet!! his wife looks on, holding her children's hands, a gaze of concern in her face. can Akebono withstand Sapp's power?
Sapp moves in, his intentions clear. Akebono is tired. Sapp throws a 1-2 combination... IT'S DONE!!! Akebono falls face first into the canvas and this fight is over. Sapp is the winner!!!!
Sapp celebrates by holding a giant check into the sky. glorious fight, glorious event, glorious everything. i miss this, i miss this so much.