Sheamus vs BFD Daniel Bryan is a match I didn't know I wanted at Wrestlemania until just now.
Sure! I would watch that.
Some tidbits:Really great interview with Punk by Ariel helwani
No joke, adding Kofi to that potential match up could only improve it.
I remember that they did Batista vs Orton before, the chemistry level was like below zero.
Only the Wildcat can add enough "BOOM" to that mix.
Only if we get a Dixie On A Pole match.
Match wise, Bryan vs Sheamus would be great. Plot wise, there would be a lot of history involved, but unless it's a heel Sheamus backed by Triple H as his guy, it will feel way too much like a side-story, when Bryan should be in a major match at WM given his role in the last year.
Match wise, Bryan vs Sheamus would be great. Plot wise, there would be a lot of history involved, but unless it's a heel Sheamus backed by Triple H as his guy, it will feel way too much like a side-story, when Bryan should be in a major match at WM given his role in the last year.
Some tidbits:
-Punk doesn't care about his appearance
-His contract is up in 6 months, undecided on returning
-Has a direct line to Vince, says they text each other at 4am
-Wants to induct Ultimate Warrior dropped his name in the "hat" says Hogan likely will induct Warrior
-Says the WWE schedules been rough on him, other guys have had off for longer than he has at times
-Doesn't think guys should return if they're just going to be part time or take someone elses spot such as Rock in WM
-Thinks Brock wants to go back to UFC
Is it bad if I said I wouldn't miss Punk?
Is it bad if I said I wouldn't miss Punk?
Some tidbits:
-His contract is up in 6 months, undecided on returning
Match wise, Bryan vs Sheamus would be great. Plot wise, there would be a lot of history involved, but unless it's a heel Sheamus backed by Triple H as his guy, it will feel way too much like a side-story, when Bryan should be in a major match at WM given his role in the last year.
Some actual and serious time out (think: years) could do a lot for him. I don't know if he can fight out of his hole. It might be easier to leave for a while.
They fumbled the Bryan v. Authority angle so bad post-SummerSlam.
If you wanted a Triple H v Bryan at Wrestlemania match, they'd have to have Triple H win the title at Elimination Chamber and that also makes no sense. In fact Hunter needs to stop wrestling completely - unfortunately he won't and that dulls everything.
Batista really screws this stuff up. You could have Sheamus become HHH's new corporate guy, beat Orton for the title at EC and face Rumble winner Bryan at WM, with Punk/HHH, Brock/Undertaker and Cena/someone who will lose to Cena too as your four main events.
Batista is gonna stink up one of those main events instead.
I was gonna do something decent, but it's Kofi Kingston so nahhhh
Sheamus coming back in the RR to be the guy who eliminates Daniel Bryan near the end with help from The Authority would pretty much set the entire thing up.
I will do everything I can to get a Daniel Bryan chant going in the superdome during the title match if he isn't in it.
The more I think about this the more I like it (unless we can get Bryan in the title match... then give me that please).
Some actual and serious time out (think: years) could do a lot for him. I don't know if he can fight out of his hole. It might be easier to leave for a while.
Batista really screws this stuff up. You could have Sheamus become HHH's new corporate guy, beat Orton for the title at EC and face Rumble winner Bryan at WM, with Punk/HHH, Brock/Undertaker and Cena/someone who will lose to Cena too as your four main events.
Batista is gonna stink up one of those main events instead.
Reigns ain't ready for a Batista feud imho. He's still pretty green, even though he's been improving an amazing amount - he'll need a COMFORTABLE veteran to work with for his first solo program.
Reigns ain't ready for a Batista feud imho. He's still pretty green, even though he's been improving an amazing amount - he'll need a COMFORTABLE veteran to work with for his first solo program.
Yeah I wouldn't miss him for a couple of years. He did his best work pre money in the bank 2011 and when he was a heel during his title run.
I also never really noticed how sloppy his ring work is. He's not bad, but he's not very athletic (for an athlete).
I always noticed Punk was uncoordinated. Same with big Dave and Vince. Some guys are just not athletes. That is why I never liked Punk as champion because I'm pretty sure I can take him in a fight. He has no size, speed, or coordination.
Wade Barrett confirmed he won't be in the Royal Rumble on Twitter. The Godfather or Papa Shango is taking his place in some sort of tie to the joke Barrett made on Twitter about how he wouldn't have done his Old School Raw segment if Papa Shango had been there, while the Godfather was on stage.
That or there's someone else with a voodoo connection or it's the Ultimate Warrior.
Are people really excited for I'd rather watch Pat Patterson paint a room than watch do anything.
Say what you want, but he's a big guy who can work, and he has a very distinctive look. It's just his character that needs adjustment.
I agree. He has potential and talent.