Wade Barrett confirmed he won't be in the Royal Rumble on Twitter. The Godfather or Papa Shango is taking his place in some sort of tie to the joke Barrett made on Twitter about how he wouldn't have done his Old School Raw segment if Papa Shango had been there, while the Godfather was on stage.
That or there's someone else with a voodoo connection or it's the Ultimate Warrior.
I don't know how you fight but even if that was true his job isn't to be a good fighter. It's to be a good wrestler and entertaining to watch. He is both.
When he was champion he had some of the best matches of the year and that's his job.
Punk always says it on his doc, he isn't an natural athlete but he has plenty of other qualities as a wrestler and worked to overcome his shortcomings on that aspect.
This is pretty close to the longest running thing Rumble history RE: Barrett claiming The Godfather/Papa Sango is taking his place![]()
Say what you want, but he's a big guy who can work, and he has a very distinctive look. It's just his character that needs adjustment.
Oh, I didn't even consider it could be a joke since he already seemed to have been removed from the match.
He is a good performer no doubt. Just a terrible athlete. I know wrestling is fake and shit, but that dude looks like he can't even throw a football much less beat athletes like Brock or Angle.
Angle vs Roode was the only thing of interest on Impact. Cool match, even if not very original.
The ending was the same as last week, I was actually expecting a lengthy match between the two but I guess not.
The rest was very bland, that's the best word to describe Impact these days. Bland.
To be fair though stro this is the third face leaving the company booked like superman in a row. It took the entire heel roster to beat Sting/AJ/Jeff Hardy.
I never felt he was out of place against Brock and he is a freak of nature. He isn't booked like an equal to those big guys, it's as believable as wrestling is.
But I do agree, he isn't very athletic but his storytelling is top notch and easily compensates for that.
But, if WWE wanted to be believable, Big Show wouldn't lose since he can throw KO punches like nothing. Tons of stuff aren't realistic, him not being very athletic isn't a big issue for me.
Sheamus is ten times the wrestler Roman Reigns is.
And when they turn Roman face, guess what? He's going to be doing the same shtick Sheamus did.
With everyone gone, Daniels supposedly now has one of the largest contracts in the company. The reports are his deal expires in April.
Some of you have terrible ideas. Sheamus and Bryan for the title in the main event. What is this? Sunday Night Heat?
Punk's been in some of the - if not the greatest matches - in recent WWE history; against Cena, against Undertaker, against Lesnar. I think that speaks for itself.
More seasoned, less green? Sure. But Reigns has oodles more charisma , athleticism, and natural ability.
Angle hasn't had an interesting match in years to me. The Angle/Anderson cage match from a few years ago, but only because Kurt didn't just do his formula.
A: 2 Grand Prizes: The Grand Prize Winner from each Age Group will receive a visit to their school from WWE Superstar , on a date agreed to by WWE and the Grand Prize Winners school. Approximate retail value (ARV) of Grand Prize: $0.
Charisma's hard to define, but how do you figure on the later two?
I've seen Sheamus go for 30 minutes with great matches. I've seen Sheamus have great matches with Big Show. The only guy I've seen Sheamus have a BAD match with is Orton. I've seen him have a great match with Cesaro while letting Cesaro hurl him around instead of 'worrying about looking weak.' That dude busts his ass every time they give him a big match.
All I've seen Roman Reigns do is a spear and a superman punch and SCREAMING A LOT
Sheamus is awesome in the ring. Fuckers can't separate the character from the ring work.
Sheamus is awesome in the ring. Fuckers can't separate the character from the ring work.
Reigns has wen protected well by being teamed up with 2 great workers . Guy has the presence now jus needs to work on singles matches. Give him the Goldberg 3 minute squashes and work up from their.
Boom instant star
Guys in here talking about that Sheamus is some unathletic oaf who only got pushed because HHH liked him, completely discounting that he was one of the best workers in the company in 2012. Fucking marks taking 18 seconds personally.
Guys in here talking about that Sheamus is some unathletic oaf who only got pushed because HHH liked him, completely discounting that he was one of the best workers in the company in 2012. Fucking marks taking 18 seconds personally.
Guys in here talking about that Sheamus is some unathletic oaf who only got pushed because HHH liked him, completely discounting that he was one of the best workers in the company in 2012. Fucking marks taking 18 seconds personally.
Guys in here talking about that Sheamus is some unathletic oaf who only got pushed because HHH liked him, completely discounting that he was one of the best workers in the company in 2012. Fucking marks taking 18 seconds personally.
Stro keep your wolf tickets, fella. Not buying them.
New episode Grantland's Cheap Heat Podcast is up. Royal Rumble preview and a short & sweet interview with Jesus Reigns himself.
Guys in here talking about that Sheamus is some unathletic oaf who only got pushed because HHH liked him, completely discounting that he was one of the best workers in the company in 2012. Fucking marks taking 18 seconds personally.