Doubt it. The best wrestling games didn't use mo-cap anyway, so I'd wish they just did away with it.
Everything is mo-capped these days, it is what it is.
Doubt it. The best wrestling games didn't use mo-cap anyway, so I'd wish they just did away with it.
what a mark
speaking of which, if I can get an av of this, it would be great
only salvation for pro-wrasslin games is if NJPW gets big enough to get one. maybe Sega can get the license and base it of this:
Just like your mom towards me
Meltzer said that Orton is good for ratings. I seriously doubt that. Who gives a shit about this boring guy?
only salvation for pro-wrasslin games is if NJPW gets big enough to get one. maybe Sega can get the license and base it of this:
Here's my drawing of Archibald Peck.
Meltzer said that Orton is good for ratings. I seriously doubt that. Who gives a shit about this boring guy?
Yuke's problem isn't themselves, it's their budget. It's been cut, I believe. SvR2007 was a great game with good graphics, and a really good grappling system that seemed like a great evolution. Then, when they switched to the new "WWE" games, their animations got much worse and graphics suffered, as well. Seriously. If you have a 360, go play the demo of SvR2007 that's on there. It was much better.
Here's my drawing of Archibald Peck.
Maybe!Do you do commissions?
I could always try!Laser, you could draw Kanyon giving Axl a Kanyon Cutter?
For sure. SvR, SvR2006, and SvR2007 are the highlights of the series. Everyone talks about HCTP, but it's the same wonky engine all the other games had, it just had a great roster with it.
only salvation for pro-wrasslin games is if NJPW gets big enough to get one. maybe Sega can get the license and base it of this:
Should New Japan get a good one on PS4 I will totally import it.
That being said, wasn't the last NJPW game made by Yukes as well?
Fixed. And Big Dave won't point at the logo. He'll just stare menacingly at the camera with it in the background. He's above pointing.![]()
From Punk's twitter. Get your index fingers ready Dave/Bryan/Punk!
Imagine the same old engine on PS4 and Xbox One.
I guess JR was a Raw commentator at the 2003 Royal Rumble where all of these things happened or had happened to the Smackdown match between Lesnar and Big Show?Part time superstar and full time badass Brock Lesnar has to get on a roll to monetize his obvious upside so I've got Lesnar beating Big Show. Brock using a fan favorite finisher, the 'F5,' on the near 500 pounder would be impressive. Something tells me that if Lesnar wasn't aligned with the masterful Paul Heyman that the former Golden Gopher would be a MAJOR fan favorite in WWE. What is there to detest? Exactly....Heyman! (That's a compliment by the way.)
Rumble Lottery!
1. Gurudyne
Who do you guys think entry no. 2 is? I'm going with Reigns.
I should have put this in the other thread.
#11 means I have no chance! It ain't no "Alex Wright #9"
Aw shit I forgot all about the rumble lottery.![]()
Yay. We can be disappointed together!You can share my number #2.
That guy in the OT claiming Austin is a bad wrestler while praising the Miz
is grinding my gears
Yay. We can be disappointed together!
That guy in the OT claiming Austin is a bad wrestler while praising the Miz
is grinding my gears
That guy in the OT claiming Austin is a bad wrestler is grinding my gears
Firepro wrestling is still the best wrestling series ever. You could create any wrestler ever and the gameplay was the best I ever played. I dumped 100s of hours into that game doing criticals to people, but then continually picking them off the mat and destroying their limp lifeless bodies for much longer before the ref could call the match. Honorable mention goes to Giant Gram 2000 for dreamcast.
No hope in #3