Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
Cleveland ;(Where is RAW tomorrow?
Cleveland ;(Where is RAW tomorrow?
ecIII ‏@EthanCarterTNA 54m
But.... As long as you stay the course, stay in the game, WORK AND BELIEVE your talents will truly be recognized! Success is best revenge!
ecIII ‏@EthanCarterTNA 56m
Like the literal worst, people who have no right being in positions they are in. Insane to comprehend almost! Mind boggling!
ecIII ‏@EthanCarterTNA 58m
There are a lot of scum bags in that industry who will do anything to sabotage the most talented with the most heart for unbeknownst reasons
Can't I do both?
Hardcore wrestling fans love it when the WWE fucks them over. It gives them something to talk about.I didn't imply 'threat'. Are hardcore wrassling fans a huge audience? WWE could lose all of them and still be the biggest promotion. I was talking more of the interest of enthusiasts. And again, I said amongst friends. I am not speaking of mainstream consumers.
from a dude that had to take a job in TNA, this is rich
Hardcore wrestling fans love it when the WWE fucks them over. It gives them something to talk about.
To be fair, he's being groomed as the top star of TNA. That might be "bridesmaid" as hell compared to WWE, but it beats being enhancement talent in WWE.
$1.50 for beer?
from a dude that had to take a job in TNA, this is rich
Lol at the idea of NJPW even showing up on the radar of WWE. That's ridiculous. TNA is a bigger threat than NJPW.
Honestly there are alot of worse people still employed by WWE and they fired him. It really wasn't deserved. They never even gave the guy a legit chance to get over on Raw or Smackdown.
Not in my heart
Hardcore wrestling fans love it when the WWE fucks them over. It gives them something to talk about.
New Japan Pro Wrestling.Lol at the idea of NJPW even showing up on the radar of WWE. That's ridiculous. TNA is a bigger threat than NJPW.
February wrassle thread sub title?
I actually can't wait for Raw tomorrow night.....it will be like the Raw After Mania 2013 again.
Yeah. Daniel Bryan is more over tonight than he was going into the show. More over than if he actually won the damn match.
He will be a huge part of Wrestlemania. He doesn't have to be in the main event.
New Japan Pro Wrestling.
I bet they should also be worried about Ring of Honor and Pro Wrestling Baboon, and Sinkara, and all of the other indy feds.
New Japan Pro Wrestling.
I bet they should also be worried about Ring of Honor and Pro Wrestling Baboon, and Sinkara, and all of the other indy feds.
How much to tag team wrestlers make? He can't afford a PS4/XBone?
47 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These fucking marks I swear. Kane would dominate everyone in NJPW and ROH!
Yeah. Daniel Bryan is more over tonight than he was going into the show. More over than if he actually won the damn match.
He will be a huge part of Wrestlemania. He doesn't have to be in the main event.
still better than Batistaand Shibata is 100% certified CAN in MMA.
still better than Batista
Who's he? Another jobber in All Japan Pro Wrestling? LOL!!!!That's it. You goddamned racist. You're gonna wake up at 3am to a tap at your door, a tap like a cane rapping against the cold oaken door at your home.
And you'll open it to see.......
Sounds like he will be in a match with Sheamus, that will be WAY down the card
Look at those abs. What an incredible inspiration for us all. Eliminate 15 wrestlers next year big guy!47 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK AT THAT BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
47 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK AT THAT BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just realized the OT for January is the most accurate in history
Kudos, Aii!
All I see is flab!50 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK AT THAT BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February Wrasslin |OT| The Road To Wrestlemania is Closed Due To Train Derailment
It was a good night to be one of Hunter's boys:
NAO=New tag team champs at a geriatric age
Orton=Still champion after a title run that nobody cares about
Nash=Returns to collect another paycheck
Sheamus=Returns and lasts to the final 3
Batista=Wins the rumble