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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Any post Rumble dirt sheet bullshit?

Meltzer have anything to say.

Is someone backstage at WWE thinking "hey... something isnt right with this direction"

He just said that Bryan was given main events on PPV and Raw while Cena was out and didn't move numbers so they don't have faith in him as the top dude. He also said that it was their fault for fucking his push sooooo


The Pittsburgh crowd absolutely burying the Cena/Orton match and then booing the ever living crap out of the Rumble post #30 entrant made my entire night. I don't honestly know if I remember a WWE PPV ever ending in such resounding boos in that kind of way before. I just hope this momentum keeps going in the next few weeks with Bryan chants happening randomly during shows and fans booing the absolute living piss out of Batista & Orton.

Did anyone else catch Cole's "Batista's going to WrestleMania, deal with it!" comment? 10:1 odds that was Vince piping through the headset.


The WWE brass have rationalized to themselves that they DID "try" by virtue of the run D.Brine got post-Summerslam.
You know, the one where he kept getting screwed over and nobody bought the PPVs because they'd been conditioned to expect D.Brine getting screwed over.

Oh I know they think they tried but it's clearly bullshit.


The more I think about it, the more I think bringing Batista back was a panic move.

They don't think Bryan can headline a Wrestlemania and they haven't built anyone else Justin Credible apart from CM Punk, especially with no second tier to go after. Should have just had Lesnar enter and win it.

It probably was... the problem is they pull the panis move every year for the past 4 years

At some point, you have to think "maybe we should invest in talent in the other 10 months of the year so we don't have to!"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bray Wyatt was not carried by Bryan last night. They're both excellent.


The Pittsburgh crowd absolutely burying the Cena/Orton match and then booing the ever living crap out of the Rumble post #30 entrant made my entire night. I don't honestly know if I remember a WWE PPV ever ending in such resounding boos in that kind of way before. I just hope this momentum keeps going in the next few weeks with Bryan chants happening randomly during shows and fans booing the absolute living piss out of Batista & Orton.

Did anyone else catch Cole's "Batista's going to WrestleMania, deal with it!" comment? 10:1 odds that was Vince piping through the headset.

Its one of the few times where I really wish I could have heard the crowd. Watched the PPV at a local Hooters, but it sounds like the crowd shit all over the PPV.


Its one of the few times where I really wish I could have heard the crowd. Watched the PPV at a local Hooters, but it sounds like the crowd shit all over the PPV.

They were decently into the tag team title match, they were red hot for the Bryan/Bray match, they didn't seem to give a shit during the Bork Show match outside of Bork F5ing Show, they chanted "We Want Divas" during the Cena/Orton match.


I really hope the Raw crowd tonight continues booing the ever loving shit out of the product.


Oh I know they think they tried but it's clearly bullshit.
Of course it's bullshit. But the McMahons have been serving up bullshit for so long now that they don't know how to add anything else to their menu.
It would be like going to a McDonald's and asking them to cook you up a grade A steak and then chanting in the McDonald's for them not giving you a steak with all of the other patrons.
This gif is amazing

Bray Wyatt was not carried by Bryan last night. They're both excellent.

Of course not but I think bray had under preformed on the main roster so far. Bryan has that magic touch , he made ryback look good. Bryan is a magic dust just put him anywhere and you make gold

Tho I do t cats for that crab walk he does. Someone needs to so a devitt style stomp on him




Daniel Bryan does not get pushed because he does not sell tickets.

Now please go see Daniel Bryan live next time we are in Pittsburgh!



I generally think the ratings break downs are a lot of bullshit and hard to pin down, but I do find it interesting that Cena's segments have been consistently dropping viewers for months now. And shows that Cena isn't on or only has a brief segment typically have higher ratings. Consistent enough that it should be worrisome to higher ups. But again, it's really hard to pin down why people are tuning in or tuning out any any random moment. Bike spikes or drops are usually at the start of a show after a PPV or when someone is hyped to be there, or dips around 10PM because kids are going to bed or adults are switching over to the local news. Other than that, it's all up in the air because you can't really judge who is watching and why unless you have a huge drop off for specific people. Like Miz.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm a blue block in front of his face? Who's that remind me of?


It amazing that he seems to never look at what he's typing. I want bean breath to do a "Best of..." typos compilation.

Who is the other guy in the speech bubble? I can't make him out.

That's Daniel Bryan. Once a rising star, but couldn't draw a dime.
Bray Wyatt was not carried by Bryan last night. They're both excellent.

I really enjoyed them pulling out new spots like the curb stomp and apron armbreaker, especially juxtaposed to Cena/Ortons pull the same shit for the entire match then use 20 finishers.

So what are the odds of RAW opening with a Cena promo where he talks about how Bryan deserved a spot in the rumble in a desperate attempt to leech that heat?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really enjoyed them pulling out new spots like the curb stomp and apron armbreaker, especially juxtaposed to Cena/Ortons pull the same shit for the entire match then use 20 finishers.

So what are the odds of RAW opening with a Cena promo where he talks about how Bryan deserved a spot in the rumble in a desperate attempt to leech that heat?

Man, and Bray didn't even look winded at ALL. Phenomenal match. The Rotunda bloodline ability!


Yeah, he was given that spot when everyone was hoping for/expecting Bryan... the crowd was just pissed off and Rey had it taken out on him.

Perfect opening for Rey to have actually have a legit heel run. He's one of those superstars that could never have been hated because of how popular he was....now there's an opening.

Too bad it's WWE.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What's always puzzled me is how Rey has never improved on the mic, ever. He's THE worst example of mic work.

"Maybe you should just shut up!"


Anyone kinda feel bad for Rey Rey?

Not really, because they were clearly not booing Rey necessarily. They were booing the lack of Bryan. The booing didn't really stop after Rey was eliminated, the only time the booing stopped at all was for cheering Roman Reigns - the real winner of the Royal Rumble.


Not at all. Rey hasn't been relevant since his storyline milking Eddie's death. I'm not even sure why they keep him on the payroll.
Somebody's got to wrestle Del Rio every week. Apparently Superior Non-Botching Cara can't use his gimmick any more.


What's always puzzled me is how Rey has never improved on the mic, ever. He's THE worst example of mic work.

"Maybe you should just shut up!"
Some people just aren't going to have the mic skills. The solution is covering their weaknesses, not forcing them to recite canned promos.


Not really, because they were clearly not booing Rey necessarily. They were booing the lack of Bryan. The booing didn't really stop after Rey was eliminated, the only time the booing stopped at all was for cheering Roman Reigns - the real winner of the Royal Rumble.

They stopped booing to cheer when Rey got eliminated. It was hilarious. They should have switched it up last second and had someline like Rowan come in 30 instead of Rey. He got ZERO reaction and Rey got booed heavily.


This is why WWE needs a new WCW. There's no way Austin wasn't going to be involved in a Rumble when he was red hot, because they couldn't afford to fall behind the competition.
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