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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


No one with any remote understanding of the business is going to think the reactions at the PPV were "under control". Are shareholders usually completely uninformed about wrestling?


Wrestling has always been about striking while the iron is hot, even if it doesn't fit in with what you had planned. This kind of overness isn't going to last forever, so they should do everything possible with it while they can.
They have no interest in making money with Daniel Bryan as the face of the company.
It's time to go into full suppression mode.
D.Brine must tag with Cena at all upcoming events and encourage the fans to chant "Cena! Cena!" all the time.

No one with any remote understanding of the business is going to think the reactions at the PPV were "under control". Are shareholders usually completely uninformed about wrestling?
Vince has always booked as if everyone is completely uninformed except him. So why should this be any different? We're all just idiots. We don't even know what we want. Only he knows what we want.
And that's BIG DAVE!
Doesn't it seem like a bad decision to put up a main event on Mania that you know your fans are going to shit on... from like... a business point of view? I know the goal is to draw in lapsed fans or new fans by using big names/old names, but shouldn't you be using your draws to put eyes on new and future stars?

Fuck it, what do I know.

No one with any remote understanding of the business is going to think the reactions at the PPV were "under control". Are shareholders usually completely uninformed about wrestling?

Yeah this is more succinct.
We’re told the company was “caught very off guard” by the Daniel Bryan reaction at the pay-per-view

I can't believe they really are that dense? After the pop he got on Raw with Bray they really had no clue who their hottest star is?


Wrestling has always been about striking while the iron is hot, even if it doesn't fit in with what you had planned. This kind of overness isn't going to last forever, so they should do everything possible with it while they can.

Usually, this is the case, but with Bryan, its not like this is anything new. Going back to even WM 28, fans were already behind Bryan. WWE just kept turning a blind eye to it as long as they could, but had no choice to to address it after the RR debacle.

If the titles were split, guaranteed he'd be quickly asserted into a WHC match, then he would have the belt hot-shot off him.


We’re told the company was “caught very off guard” by the Daniel Bryan reaction at the pay-per-view.

jesus fuck

Where this leaves plans for Wrestlemania is a bit more complicated. While the original plan was for Bryan to work Sheamus one source told me the match was “off” and another said it was “up in the air.” As for Bryan winning the Elimination Chamber and defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Batista, we’re told Vince was “having none of it” in creative meetings on Monday.

I don't think anyone wants Bryan defending at Mania. The magic moment is him WINNING at Mania, and giving the crowd exactly what they want, 70,000 strong chanting YES, etc.

At least the talks of the Sheamus match possibly being off are promising.



He doesn't seem to get that incorporating the demand for Bryan into the show means Bryan has to become the focus, or at least one of the very top stars of the show, right alongside Cena or Batista. You can't just say you're incorporating it into the show, and then change nothing, because the crowd are going to continue to demand Bryan. Addressing it on RAW isn't enough, you have to DO something different too.

Basically, he's the future, and there's really nothing Vince can do about that if he wants a positive crowd reaction for WM season.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yeah ok, guess ill admit that I was probably wrong about no Bryan at RR being a work. Bryan not defending the title at Mania is probably a good thing whether you agree with his treatment or not. He should be challenging if he's in the title match at all.

As for Sting, I'd be much more excited for this if this was 2004, but Sting getting a run in WWE is still cool. I don't know if him showing up for a month, having a match at Mania, then leaving would be the best though so I hope he shows up on the post Mania Raw or something instead. Hopefully he gets in better shape too.


Vince is a real piece of shit.
Now everyone understands what I've been saying all along.
He will continue to poison his own product until he is dead.

It's not that we wish ill will upon the man's health.
It's that he refuses to leave despite being BAD for BUSINESS.

He wishes to assassinate the D.Brine popularity wave because he is a coward.


I fucking bet you they try turning Bryan heel again before WrestleMania. Have him steal the URN, or piss on the grave of Paul Bearer. I DO NOT understand a man so dead-set of not wanting to make MONEY. Vince is literally trying to throw MONEY away and it's unbelievable.

And to think, some of you shit on my thread title because I was being a mark and Bryan wasn't being buried. Dude is actively being kept back and WWE is trying to make it a storyline burial. Only, at no point does Bryan get to actually win. He'll get buried until people stop caring. Only instead of being force fed RANDY ORTON or whoever the fuck, they simply tune out and stop coming to shows.

Vince is poison and for what fucking reason? Because Bryan is 4 inches shy of being six foot? Fuck off.


The only thing the fans will take as a replacement to Bryan winning the title at Mania is probably him facing Undertaker as the last match on the show.


He doesn't seem to get that incorporating the demand for Bryan into the show means Bryan has to become the focus, or at least one of the very top stars of the show, right alongside Cena or Batista. You can't just say you're incorporating it into the show, and then change nothing, because the crowd are going to continue to demand Bryan. Addressing it on RAW isn't enough, you have to DO something different too.

Basically, he's the future, and there's really nothing Vince can do about that if he wants a positive crowd reaction for WM season.

Thing with Bryan is he better be getting the title at Extreme Rules because that is in Seattle. There will be a riot if the Main Event is Orton vs Batista the rematch but my guess it will be a 3 way with Batista as a heel.


Batista is taking the reaction to his return pretty poorly, I think. He came back at a bad time. Bryan is too over and people see you as taking away his spots and opportunities.

I still love ya, Dave* but even I gotta boo how you got the insta-push and are lookin' like you're facing Orton.

*Only when you're Brotista or in movies, tho.

He really doesn't react well to negative reactions

At least with Cena he rolls with it
how out of touch can these motherfuckers be
Omaha is a wrestling town. The crowd was raucus and did smarky ass shit. It's hard to tell when Vince can mute you on the TV, though.

RAW was here a couple of years ago, on Memorial Day, I went to it. We also host the College World Series, the Olympic swim trials, have the nations #1 Zoo, the nation's largest private bank, and Warren Buffet owns half the city.

Omaha has around a million people living in it's metropolitan area. Nobody goes to the state fair.

Omaha is also the hometown of Sting.

alright, that's cool
Well, ummm... they had the Nebraska State Fair back in August of last year. This shit looks plenty exciting. They had piglet races, tractor pulls and chicks wearing grapes. What's not to love?
dude, piglet races sound fucking awesome


If Sting did sign, Raw after Wrestlemania is the perfect place for his debut. Having a house full of smarks put his return over as the second coming would sell him really well to younger fans who have no idea why he's a big deal.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea

I actually mentioned this part yesterday

We’re told the company was “caught very off guard” by the Daniel Bryan reaction at the pay-per-view. As a result, Vince McMahon considered handling the situation of the utmost importance, even more important than anything related to Wrestlemania XXX. According to a source, Vince was concerned about the negative PR [from Royal Rumble] making it look like WWE doesn’t know what it’s doing at a time when they’re in the middle of domestic TV negotiations and on the verge of launching the WWE Network.

There is no way in hell any TV company is going to want to pay top dollar to air WWE on their channel when the fans are booing the hell out of the product day in and day out. Yeah, they get high ratings, but what does that say about your channel when you decide to air something that is constantly ripped apart by it's own fans?

And no, there's no way in hell you can give Bryan the Undertaker match at mania as a consolation prize. Yeah, they'll both put in a hell of a program and no doubt the fans will be happy, but they will boo the hell out of Orton vs. Batista, and possibly the rest of the card just to say "Fuck You" to WWE.

There's still time to right their wrongs, but if they don't put in the effort, WWE will have no one to blame but themselves if Mania ends up being a disaster like the Rumble.


Neo Member
If Sting did sign, Raw after Wrestlemania is the perfect place for his debut. Having a house full of smarks put his return over as the second coming would sell him really well to younger fans who have no idea why he's a big deal.

Well -- the RAW after WrestleMania XIX was Goldberg's debut. Sounds good.
Thing with Bryan is he better be getting the title at Extreme Rules because that is in Seattle. There will be a riot if the Main Event is Orton vs Batista the rematch but my guess it will be a 3 way with Batista as a heel.

I can see Bryan in the title match at Extreme Rules because at that point Mania is over they don't have to worry about long term planning. But Batista wont drop the title after one month I bet Batista turns heel and they use the boo's to justify it.


Face Bryan vs face Undertaker would do just fine.

They're going to boo Orton vs Batista no matter what. Even if it wasn't for the title. No one wants to see that crap.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
y'all need to stop blaming Vince. He's the only one working to fix this Bryan shit.


Thing with Bryan is he better be getting the title at Extreme Rules because that is in Seattle. There will be a riot if the Main Event is Orton vs Batista the rematch but my guess it will be a 3 way with Batista as a heel.

Thing is there is no way they booked Seattle and weren't aware it's going to be Bryan's arena through and through. So there is something going on there.
y'all need to stop blaming Vince. He's the only one working to fix this Bryan shit.

He has final say over everything brah. You can't simply unfuck what's already been fucked. Not even Vince can do that. But hey, prove me wrong.

Thing is there is no way they booked Seattle and weren't aware it's going to be Bryan's arena through and through. So there is something going on there.

They probably didn't expect the reaction Seattle would entail. Was it booked before or after the Slammys?
Triple threat with Bryan pulling some coup to get put into the match, wins, rematch in Seattle, victory.

Jobs to Orton at Summerslam, Batista drops Orton, then HHH wins!


I like Vince's "anyone can win the Royal Rumble" tweet in retrospect. Clearly so few people could actually win the Royal Rumble that they had to bring a guy back who had already won it. I say this as someone who had no problems with Batista winning before the PPV.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He has final say over everything brah. You can't simply unfuck what's already been fucked. Not even Vince can do that. But hey, prove me wrong.

He's workin on it! This is all Triple H's fault. Goddamn son in laws.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I heard before Raw started Vince was found strangling Bryan near the Gorilla Position screaming "this is all your fault you little gremlin!" Kane had to intervene and hold McMahon back.

I heard that too but it doesn't make it his fault!
can't wait for them to pull the trigger on Bryan and people moaning about the same old "Bryan overcomes the odds again?" bullshit after 6 months.

he's already Cena Jr, just without the push.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man gaf is full of errors today, Valve's busy catching cboat for his shenanigans.


So not worth it
y'all need to stop blaming Vince. He's the only one working to fix this Bryan shit.
He better be! All in all he's the one responsible for this mess in the first place. Sort it out Vince!

That said, the title should be on Bryan either at Mania or at EC. If they hold off on Bryan until ER people will shit over that title match at Mania. Bryan losing to Taker gracefully and getting a rub won't prevent that at this point I think. As great as that match would be, people want Bryan as champ and will not accept anyone else as champ. It's not just booing as we've seen either, it's completely burying whoever the two people in that match are.

But this is WWE and they will do whatever the duck they want, because they know petiole will watch and buy their stuff regardless because they have a monopoly in the western market right now.
Batista does seems really boring, but it's easy to feel some sympathy for him because he seems like some absent dad who expected hugs when he shows up at his kids birthday party after not being around for a while. Just clueless.

The Daniel Bryan stuff is interesting because it's like the Austin vs McMahon thing except really happening. Although I can see how people could think it is a storyline, because with the internet it's the only thing that seems even vaguely real. It would be pretty impressive if the company was smart enough to pull that kind of trick, leaking bits of backstage info about Vince ranting against Bryan and so on. They should go all in with it, have Vince come out and say all the things he was really thinking.

Also yeah, I can't see any fully satisfying resolution to this than Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania. What's the big deal? They let that happen, all the fans are happy and then afterwards the battle has been won and they can move on to whatever it is they want to do with the other guys. Like people have said, this kind of fan response to Bryan won't last forever, and once people feel satisfied it will probably die down at least enough to let someone else be champion. Right now Daniel Bryan needs to be the top guy for a while or people aren't gonna buy into anything else, but after everyone gets satisfaction with this then maybe he can become just one of a few top guys. I mean you used to have Austin, The Rock, Undertaker and Mick Foley all facing off with some bad guys like Triple H at the championship level. Surely they can live with that as a longer term idea.
I'll say this; Bryan is too much of a nice guy for this to be happening to him and I can't say he's completely blameless of the whole thing. I don't think Bryan fully understands the leverage he has solely based on how over he is. He should probably politick if he ever really wants what all the fans want. But maybe he's truly content with what he's dealt with. Look at Punk for instance, many people say he's virtually untouchable. Basically what I'm saying is nice guys finish last, and Bryan needs to stop being a beta if he wants to main event Mania.


how the fuck does Vince get caught off guard by the reaction to Daniel Bryan?

has he been in suspended animation for the last three years? Did they just thaw his ass out of carbonite last week? what the FUCK

edit: the first time Daniel Bryan chants completely took over a show was two Wrestlemanias ago. Has his hearing aid been on the wrong setting this entire time?
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