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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Is Zack Ryder currently face or heel?

He left as a face.




Wouldn't it be hilarious if Vince decided to push Ryder instead of Bryan?

If the story that Nash told Triple H to push Ziggler and Jim Duggan publicly rooted for him, I gotta wonder if maybe he'll get a push again too. People popped big for Ziggler at RR and RAW.

Is JTG still employed?

Six years, 260 days and counting...
Zack Ryder will be the first star created from the WWE Network. Also the hacking Indy guy will hack into the network and debut that way too.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if Vince decided to push Ryder instead of Bryan?

If the story that Nash told Triple H to push Ziggler and Jim Duggan publicly rooted for him, I gotta wonder if maybe he'll get a push again too. People popped big for Ziggler at RR and RAW.

Six years, 260 days and counting...
Incredible numbers for JTG




is John Cena or basically a lot of WWE wrestlers not being aggressive because they don't want kids to see and emulate anger or violence?


I wonder how long Kenta will spend in NXT learning how to "Wrestle".

Hopefully that whole practice stops once Vince retires/dies. Most of what they do is to learn everything that Vince hates and then how to not do it, so they don't do a pet peeve of his in their first main roster match and get an immediate grudge from Vince.


Guys go to NXT so they can learn WWE wrestling. You can frown upon it but I take it as such:

-learn where each camera is and how to work with a match "producer"
-learning when to que commercial breaks

I take it those are really hard to get the hang of
is John Cena or basically a lot of WWE wrestlers not being aggressive because they don't want kids to see and emulate anger or violence?

I always assumed it was because of the tough schedule - they're travelling a lot and working a ton of dates every month, whereas in Japan (where the style tends to be much more hard-hitting) they travel a hell of a lot less and generally work a tour for a couple of weeks, then have time off before the next tour.

If you look back at New Japan's G1 Climax from last year, where they worked a very tough schedule much more in-line with what WWE wrestlers work, the injuries just started piling up - very few came out of that tour unscathed, so this year they've had to spread the dates out a bit.

Of course, there's also the concussion/head injury factor and sponsors not wanting a return to the bloody Attitude Era that sees very few (if any) head drops, strike exchanges and hardcore stuff that you're more likely to see in other promotions.
I got screwed over by the authority. Not even the great Vince McMahon can get me to switch my avatar.
You violated the rules, which clearly stated, no non-wrestling characters. If anyone has a bone to pick, it's me. I chose Alberto Del Rio and Bootaaay put me down for John Cena.

I could change my avatar if I wanted because of this but I'm a good sport.

You have a poor attitude.

Also, eff horror movies and their "fans". Bunch of wannabe murderers, listening to shitty metal music and dressing in all black. No one is afraid of you, you pasty skinned freaks.


Hopefully that whole practice stops once Vince retires/dies. Most of what they do is to learn everything that Vince hates and then how to not do it, so they don't do a pet peeve of his in their first main roster match and get an immediate grudge from Vince.

Pretty much. Development should be about turning rookies into actual wrestlers, not turning experienced pros into worse wrestlers.


I always assumed it was because of the tough schedule - they're travelling a lot and working a ton of dates every month, whereas in Japan (where the style tends to be much more hard-hitting) they travel a hell of a lot less and generally work a tour for a couple of weeks, then have time off before the next tour.

If you look back at New Japan's G1 Climax from last year, where they worked a very tough schedule much more in-line with what WWE wrestlers work, the injuries just started piling up - very few came out of that tour unscathed, so this year they've had to spread the dates out a bit.

Of course, there's also the concussion/head injury factor and sponsors not wanting a return to the bloody Attitude Era that sees very few (if any) head drops, strike exchanges and hardcore stuff that you're more likely to see in other promotions.

You're right, that's true. And at the moment the roster is large but there's key figures they want to keep off the injury list. Everyone else like Justin Gabriel can just go take a break lol.
I'm going too!



Welcome to the Attitude Era. Have you met Mark Henry's son?

Yeah but even by Attitude standards this was just...I mean Brisco literally throwing up as Mae Young has a slime covered hand pulled out of her is one thing but...

Well ok there was a lot a weird shit but castration via Katana is right up there.


But Kofi's so close, if I wait a month, it'll be too late.

I bet if we all switched to Kofi-tars, he'll get booked in The Elimination Chamber match.

Plus, Gaffers that don't know who Kofi is would think that we're black because the rule of thumb is that only black people use avatars of black people. We can experience racism firsthand which I think would be a valuable learning experience, Especially for Strobogo, G-Fex, and Bootaaay.

Bean you dork. Stro and Boots are white, I'm not white.

..you thought I was white?


Hopefully that whole practice stops once Vince retires/dies.

Most of what they do is to learn everything that Vince hates and then how to not do it, so they don't do a pet peeve of his in their first main roster match and get an immediate grudge from Vince.
Crazy theory time.

Clearly there are a bunch of folks in the back that hate having their hands tied by the need to appease Vince. I'm sure Triple H is #1 on that list. The prevailing logic is that Vince won't go away until he dies... but perhaps there IS a way to sour the thrill of producing wrestling television that will compel Vince to finally step aside and retire before he goes completely cuckoo for coconuts.

We've seen a lot of contradictory messaging when it comes to Daniel Bryan. The YES chants get muted but Bryan still gets pushed front and center in storylines. We know Vince is incensed by having his shows hijacked and yet D.Brine - Mr. Laidback & Happy - is encouraged to go against character and promote the Yes Movement on Twitter effectively exacerbating the situation.

Perhaps there's a contingent in the back of WWE that WANT to see what happened at the Royal Rumble continue. That WANT to have 70,000 fans to collectively shit all over Vince's crown jewel baby of WrestleManias. Not because it jeopardizes a potential TV deal (which I actually sort of doubt it would) but because they believe this will prompt Vince to finally decide that we're not worth the trouble and to finally step aside. He'll have his new TV deal whatever it may be. He'll have the Network in place. He'll have us ingrates crapping all over his main event. What is there left for him to do? Vince leaves, Trips takes over and the whole "appease Vince" factor that shits up development, commentary and the rest of WWE programming goes away.
Did we find out why Zack Ryder got buried? Triple H doing?

He got over on his own, so they gave him a shitty storyline where he jobbed out every week made to look like a loser. Wasn't protected at all in his matches at all, just straight up jobbed.



I heard Vince rigged a "Yes" activated bomb under the ring to detonate during the intro to RAW, but Hornswaggle saw it and was able to deactivate it just before the show. Phew.
You violated the rules, which clearly stated, no non-wrestling characters. If anyone has a bone to pick, it's me. I chose Alberto Del Rio and Bootaaay put me down for John Cena.

I could change my avatar if I wanted because of this but I'm a good sport.

You have a poor attitude.

Oh dear, sorry bean - I could've sworn you asked for John Cena, but the proof is in the PM, as it were. My mistake. I applaud you for setting a good example, though - Archie won, as inexplicable as that may be, and we all have to live with that fact.
Sting has Bryan in the scorpion death lock.

Oh my what is mr McMahon doing out here.

Ring the bell Damit, ring it.

2 months later.

What's BRYAN danelson doing in the impact zone, TAZ????
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