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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Netflix is adding the final season of Breaking Bad on...

February 24th.


I already acquired the last 8 episodes. Fuckers can't give you all the other episodes and expect you to wait for the rest for an undisclosed period of time. Completely asinine behavior when you consider that the UK had them day and date with the original airings.

Mr. Sam

People don't like Alexander Rusev? Fascinating. He's a big guy, moves with speed and agility, crazy strength, inventive moves, old school gimmick - even pretty good on the stick when they let him have it. He's basically the new Umaga.

Edit: I think The Ascension are awesome too.



owen hart's funeral


People don't like Alexander Rusev? Fascinating. He's a big guy, moves with speed and agility, crazy strength, inventive moves, old school gimmick - even pretty good on the stick when they let him have it. He's basically the new Umaga.

Edit: I think The Ascension are awesome too.

They are the worst thing about NXT. All 3 of them. The first time Rusev showed up, I thought he was a guy who was never, ever going to be on the main roster. But now it appears as if he'll get called up before guys like Generico and PAC. I forgot about CJ Parker. They should form a stable of guys no one wants to see. CJ vs Miz at one of the tapings sounds like one of the worst possible matches WWE could put on right now.

Mr. Sam

Sami Zayn's clearly a favourite of theirs - and with good reason. I can't tell you what order it'll happen in, but Sami will end up the main roster.

Adrian Neville needs to take some promo classes. Fortunately, he's in a place that actually makes you participate in promo classes. He'll end up on the main roster too.

CJ Parker's new gimmick has been so underwhelming since day one; I'm genuinely amazed they're still going with it.


What exactly is the idea of the Ascension? They seem like generic evil dudes with no plans or characters besides guys who yell and have Iron Man flash lights. They need an evil manager who can help them out and flesh out their characters. Are there any James Mitchell types left?
Mr. Sam said:
James Mitchell isn't dead yet, is he?

Yeah, Mitchell's still alive - but where are the young managers? Where's the Paul E. Dangerously of the modern era?

Sweeney should have been in WWE with Sweet & Sour Inc. Best manager to come along in years and years, such a shame what happened.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Managers have been dead for years. WWE doesn't want to 'waste' money on people who can talk and don't wrestle despite constantly celebrating the legendary managers. Despite taking wrestlers who can't talk, putting them on the mic then going WHY DO THEY SUCK?! RELEASE EM

Also, managers seemed to be a product of the territories going by a shoot Paul Bearer did. A relic that helped the WWF get to where it was, but one they had no interest in prolonging.
The idea is that you hide the negatives and accentuate the positives, but there's been any number of guys in recent years who really, really could've done with a manager to hide their inability on the mic.

Anywho, off on a tangent, but some bits and pieces from that 8 hour shoot Deej did for RF;

DEEJ being DEEJ , he is very clueless about a lot of things and in his own mind he is a wrestling legend, an A player in CZW and one of the biggest bad asses in wrestling (He brags his Lariat is legitimately dangerous and has knocked people out, to which Lauderdale replies "that's not a good thing deej"). When Lauderdale tries to lead him to why he has been booking Tremont so badly Lauderdale asked "who do you think is your top babyface", his first two answers were Greg Excellent and Oi4K. Lauderdale also asks him "Do you think you'd have been to Japan 15 times if you weren't owner of CZW?", to which he responds "Yes and no" (going on to say no because if he wasn't owner nobody in CZW would be in BJW).

He also more or less confirmed the Chikara is closed because Quack slept around rumor, said that at Wrestlecon Jake Crist wanted to kill Quack because of a time where Quack tried to sleep with Nevaeh. He said his Wife was a huge financial part of Chikara which is why it's currently closed, he also says it will comeback.

DJ Hyde wanted Adam Cole vs Sami Callihan to be CZW's representation at National Pro Wrestling Day but Quack went behind DEEJ to book Rory Mondo vs Latin Dragon to represent CZW. The allusion being that Quack was trying to sabotage CZW, (this allusion was pushed harder by Lauderdale fwiw).

The CZW/Chikara training agreement ended partially due to Quack injuring a guy who was only three weeks in, Quack was having these green as shit guys run a drill which involved multiple tope's to the outside, Zandig was pissed.

Drew Gulak's Campaign for a Better Combat Zone gimmick is a parody of Mike Quackenbush. (this shoot is the holy grail of fuck Mike Quackenbush stories, at-least 90 minutes (no joke) is spent shooting on Quack).

Speaking of Chikara DEEJ drops this gem "Some of this shit doesn't make sense. If I'm wrestling an ant *stomps* I fucking win, they're ants!!"

Lol, Deej.

Mike Burns used to write on the booking sheets "No psychology needed, get your shit in and bleed."



The majority of those were from after it was announced cops believed he did it. Before murder/suicide was announced, people were convinced there was a 4th party involved or some kind of gas leak. People who were suggesting it was possible Benoit did it were initially attacked. Then people started blaming Vince. Then, 12-15 hours after the murder-suicide was pretty much confirmed, a handful of people kept trying to come up with ways that Benoit wasn't responsible, including one guy coming up with situations where it would be justified to kill your kid. He had a few of them and it just kept getting worse and worse until Bish shut it down.

People were also attacked for suggesting that years of slamming his head into the mat and steroid abuse could possibly have affected his mind set or brain. Both sides were attacked for saying they either could or couldn't watch Benoit matches after this. The whole thing was a shit show.

Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers, and when the real story came out about what happened I was appalled. My knee jerk reaction was to never watch another one of his matches again. Until this came out...

Tests conducted on Benoit's brain by Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University, showed "Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient."

The man probably suffered from severe dementia, and was not himself when he did what he did. It's unforgivable what he did, but I've come to separate what he was before with what he eventually became.


Paul Bearer also said he got released once because he made a joke about Kevin Dunn and Kevin happened to see it (or hear it?). They took Paul off managing at the time and had him in the gorilla position to see how he'd do. Don't think he cared too much for it.


Managers have been dead for years. WWE doesn't want to 'waste' money on people who can talk and don't wrestle despite constantly celebrating the legendary managers. Despite taking wrestlers who can't talk, putting them on the mic then going WHY DO THEY SUCK?! RELEASE EM

Also, managers seemed to be a product of the territories going by a shoot Paul Bearer did. A relic that helped the WWF get to where it was, but one they had no interest in prolonging.

Well they still use Paul Heyman but that's it. Hope they keep him around. I just love how he says Brock Lesnar.
Dunno, but Kurt was Jack's favorite modern wrestler.

always wondered how Kurt would've fared in MMA. he had the best amateur pedigree possible, the base of the pyramid, but in 1998/99 cross training wasn't as prevalent as emphasized as it is today.

maybe another Mark Coleman or Mark Kerr.

is Sunny back yet? Kerr had all the striations he loves.

Sunny's not back till next Friday, I believe.

Also, Gabe sure loves people not giving him money - didn't order last night's EVOLVE show because the 9PM bell-time made it too late for Euros to watch live and I knew it'd take them forever to get the VOD up and running. Won't be ordering tonight's EVOLVE show because I'm being punished with what, really, amounts to no more than a surcharge for forgetfulness, as the price rises by $5 on the day of the show. Meh. That leaves Sunday's show, which looks like the weakest on paper. Shame, as I was keen to try out WWNLive's new HD streaming.
Hmmm.. I should watch that DJ shoot in the background or something. Sounds interesting.

The price hike day of sucks, but I'm pretty sure that's to avoid issues with day of buyers and make sure they have an idea of how many people are watching early

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
On WWE.com for The Big Show and Brock it says

'Two of the most intimidating forces in WWE history'

hahaha and on the 'Hottiest bodies in WWE article', John Cena's in it. Fine, whatever. Go a few more selections...

Hemme's on it though, so that's ok

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Fuck WWE 2k14.

Jake's ddt has the stupid flip over sell by the opponent. That is not how you fucking sell a Jake DDT. You sell a Jake DDT by landing flat on your fucking face because it's the fucking DDT, and it knocks your ass out. It doesn't 'momentum' and do some mid-match indy bullshit. It knocks your ass out.
the chubbier Bella (Cena's?) is pretty juicy, kinda surprised when i saw it. do they still do the twin magic bullshit in matches? cause it ain't gonna work.
Rusev can get over this gimmick. He is a Bulgarian caveman that time traveled here and he wants to be thre greatest fighter of this millenia as well. You can even have Cole fo "this is why dinosaurs are extinct!" It would be schway.


Holy crap, there's this amazing clip shown on I think the Royal Rumble 1995 pre-show where Diesel is doing a tug of war against three nerds on the beach, looks to the left and sees Pamela Anderson walking down the beach, and then pulls on the rope and the nerds are pulled along with it. Perfect .gif, someone.
Fuck WWE 2k14.

Jake's ddt has the stupid flip over sell by the opponent. That is not how you fucking sell a Jake DDT. You sell a Jake DDT by landing flat on your fucking face because it's the fucking DDT, and it knocks your ass out. It doesn't 'momentum' and do some mid-match indy bullshit. It knocks your ass out.
It's just DDT 6, the default DDT that custom characters get as a finisher if you don't actually change their move-set. For almost every other character available for download they put in the time to create at least one new move. Giving Jake a new DDT where the opponent just lands and stays still would have been expected but it's Yuke's.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You mean this?

The main thing I remember about that pre-show was the wrestlers kept leaving her voicemail. But Owen didn't. Because Owen would have won her. HES A CANADIAN HERO!
Watched The Rocks Walking Tall last night because it been on my netflix recommended thing and wont go away.

Dwayne really couldn't act for shit back then but looking at that showed me how much he has improved as a actor. He was really bad, made Johnny Knoxville look good. Also I dont know who made that movie but it felt like a WWE films production. Just something about it had that "we don't know if this is a cinema release or a straight to DVD release so we are going to budget it somewhere in the middle".

2 stars out of 5.

Now I want to watch more wrestler movies.

Once I get a bunch college work out of the way and learn how to make gif's I might do something about that in Feb or March.


Sunny's not back till next Friday, I believe.

Also, Gabe sure loves people not giving him money - didn't order last night's EVOLVE show because the 9PM bell-time made it too late for Euros to watch live and I knew it'd take them forever to get the VOD up and running. Won't be ordering tonight's EVOLVE show because I'm being punished with what, really, amounts to no more than a surcharge for forgetfulness, as the price rises by $5 on the day of the show. Meh. That leaves Sunday's show, which looks like the weakest on paper. Shame, as I was keen to try out WWNLive's new HD streaming.

The HD stream look nice too. I paid $15 for last night's show because I had to wait till I got paid, and I'm not upset about it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If they're pushing this Ambrose/Roberts comparison, Ambrose needs to start doing more knee lifts, short arm lariats, and use the ddt as a finisher. Because his current finisher is ass. That or go back to using the Regal Stretch.

Jake did a fallaway slam to Macho on SNME and Venture and McMahon had no idea what to call it. Savage and Roberts matches were always white hot. Crowds popping all over the place, booing one guy then cheering him then booing him again.

Savage vs Roberts got uploaded recently, by the way
I'm thinking Rusev will become Warlord 2.0

Or he'd wear that Viking hat like one suggested and gets called on the main roster at the same time How to Train Your Dragon 2 shows.


It's kind of weird that they're not trying to get over wacky names for Ambrose's and Rollins' finishers. "Headlock driver" isn't the best of names but Cole and JBL should at the very least say it whenever he tries to do it (and inevitably fails because apparently that's his role in the Shield). I don't even think Rollins' Shiranui has a name because it used to be the Skywalker and they can't call it that anymore because of copyright. WWE 2k14 calls it the Sethwalker which is clearly just a cheap replacement. That thing is unique enough that it could absolutely get over with a half-decent name.

Vince supposedly has an issue with people calling moves because "WWE is about telling a story" but that's clearly just because he himself sucks at naming anything.


It's kind of weird that they're not trying to get over wacky names for Ambrose's and Rollins' finishers. "Headlock driver" isn't the best of names but Cole and JBL should at the very least say it whenever he tries to do it (and inevitably fails because apparently that's his role in the Shield). I don't even think Rollins' Shiranui has a name because it used to be the Skywalker and they can't call it that anymore because of copyright. WWE 2k14 calls it the Sethwalker which is clearly just a cheap replacement. That thing is unique enough that it could absolutely get over with a half-decent name.

Vince supposedly has an issue with people calling moves because "WWE is about telling a story" but that's clearly just because he himself sucks at naming anything.

What about Daniel Bryan's devastating "the Move that Beat Cena!"?


They are the worst thing about NXT. All 3 of them. The first time Rusev showed up, I thought he was a guy who was never, ever going to be on the main roster. But now it appears as if he'll get called up before guys like Generico and PAC. I forgot about CJ Parker. They should form a stable of guys no one wants to see. CJ vs Miz at one of the tapings sounds like one of the worst possible matches WWE could put on right now.

The thing about the Ascension (in addition to their boring ass matches) is that they simply don't have a gimmick. I mean, at first glance you'd think they do, because they have this wacky "epic" entrance and wear black clothes and everything, but nope, they actually have no gimmick. What do they want? No idea. What are their motivations? No clue. Why do they wear all that black clothing and have movie trailer music in their entrance? No info given. Why are they wrestlers? Not even a hint. What are their characters? There are none.

I literally could not tell you one thing about them other than zzzzzzzz....
It's like they wanted to do a Ministry of Darkness gimmick but only got as far as "have a 'spooky' entrance" as far as development goes and then just forgot about the rest.


It's kind of weird that they're not trying to get over wacky names for Ambrose's and Rollins' finishers. "Headlock driver" isn't the best of names but Cole and JBL should at the very least say it whenever he tries to do it (and inevitably fails because apparently that's his role in the Shield). I don't even think Rollins' Shiranui has a name because it used to be the Skywalker and they can't call it that anymore because of copyright. WWE 2k14 calls it the Sethwalker which is clearly just a cheap replacement. That thing is unique enough that it could absolutely get over with a half-decent name.

Vince supposedly has an issue with people calling moves because "WWE is about telling a story" but that's clearly just because he himself sucks at naming anything.

I don't know how calling moves goes against telling a story. You gotta tell people what's going on.


The last move they named was AJ's Octopus Hold being called the Black Widow.
Daniel Bryan has been using the running knee since August to beat main event guys, and it doesn't have a name. Imagine if the Rock Bottom never got a name and they just went "There's THAT MOVE he uses!" at all his big moments in 1999 and 2000.

I don't know what their new aversion to having finisher names is, but it's annoying. They barely call the moves by their technical names either, so there's not even that. It's just "And Ambrose just hit.....THAT!". It makes the commentators look like morons.


Neo Member
The last move they named was AJ's Octopus Hold being called the Black Widow.
Daniel Bryan has been using the running knee since August to beat main event guys, and it doesn't have a name. Imagine if the Rock Bottom never got a name and they just went "There's THAT MOVE he uses!" at all his big moments in 1999 and 2000.

I don't know what their new aversion to having finisher names is, but it's annoying. They barely call the moves by their technical names either, so there's not even that. It's just "And Ambrose just hit.....THAT!". It makes the commentators look like morons.

isn't it up to talent to name their move? as much as I love Daniel Bryan I think his creativity began and ended at 'Yes Lock'.


It's not even that they don't call finishing moves by their names when someone uses a finishing move that actually has a name. They call Ryback's Shell Shocked (stupid name) every single time because it practically always is supposed to end the match. They always call the Attitude Adjustment and the Go To Sleep. They always call the Anaconda Vice although I can't remember how many years ago it was that it ended a match. Vince or whoever is at the other end of those headsets clearly doesn't mind those moves being called.

NXT is 50/50 about it too. Adrian Neville and Rusev both have named finishers (with Rusev standing out because his is just the fucking Camel Clutch) but Bo Dallas and Sami Zayn, theoretically two of the topmost guys, don't have anything as far as I can remember. Regal on commentary at NXT does a fantastic job of actually telling a story with every match.

The Wyatt family have Sister Abigail as a legit named finisher that always wins the match, but Luke Harper only has one named move and it's the "Gator Roll" and not his actual finishing monster clotherline. Weird.

Los Matadores have a tag finisher with a name, I think they're the latest named finisher in WWE at this point.


After all of these tweets by Piper, I wouldn't be shocked if they did Hogan vs. Piper in terms of them being in the corner of a respective worker in the ring. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad way to put both of them on the show, let them get maybe one spot in, while possibly putting two guys over for the long term. Not sure which two though.


After all of these tweets by Piper, I wouldn't be shocked if they did Hogan vs. Piper in terms of them being in the corner of a respective worker in the ring. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad way to put both of them on the show, let them get maybe one spot in, while possibly putting two guys over for the long term. Not sure which two though.

Being in the corner is the only thing you can expect from Hogan. Meltzer said he would probably not get through the physical.
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