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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


After the match, Davey Richards took the mic and basically said that he helped make Evolve, he was better than anyone in the company, and Evolve can kiss his ass. He then walked out.

I guess that was all for Davey Richards in Evolve. He's probably going back to NXT soon, so they gave him a great send off match, and a good setup for a comeback if WWE doesn't work out.
After the match, Davey Richards took the mic and basically said that he helped make Evolve, he was better than anyone in the company, and Evolve can kiss his ass. He then walked out.

I guess that was all for Davey Richards in Evolve. He's probably going back to NXT soon, so they gave him a great send off match, and a good setup for a comeback if WWE doesn't work out.

Sounds like a great event, and looking at the card for the next two shows, looks like this one was the good one. Going to wait for the next DGUSA IPPV.


NeoGAF's smiling token!

There you go


Since the foot of snow is melting and the raining is causing a bad flood, my patio and toilets are dying. Which means I might get to poop outside tonight!

One of the craziest quotes from the Benoit thread:

The mom pushes his buttons like only a woman could, he was having a bad night and snaps on her. Injures her seriously but maybe not meaning to just simply by how strong he is. Realizes she's badly hurt freaks out and instead of going down as a wife beater kills her. After this crazy rage he thinks about what he's done and knows he's going to jail........bam he doesn't want to be the dad who killed mom all the while that kid has to grow up knowing this and slips the kid some poison in his after dinner snack. He is absolutely insane with no way out and takes his own life. If you've ever been married, lived with a woman, or had a serious relationship you would know that women can absolutely mind **** you and fill you with serious rage. Most of us however don't snap.


Naturally, that user is no longer with us. There are quite a few bans in that thread, that probably came directly from that thread because people were attacking each other and getting crazy.


I need a bean breath/strobogo cage match. Based upon avatars I will label it as the Swerve vs. The Perv.

Only in America!


I can't believe you were defending green and yellow earlier. Are you an A's fan too or something? Do you like anything that isn't terrible disappointing?

I wasn't defending it, I was saying no one would look good in green and yellow. I liked the Cardinals in Baseball but that was back when they sucked. I stopped liking baseball around the time they became good again



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 13

Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol vs. Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy Badstreet Match (8/12/85)

Their first match on the set was fun, but it was mostly because of Gordy. This is going to be a brawl, so we'll see what happens. The brawl starts out and the Birds are knocked from the ring. Gordy starts throwing chairs and the ring bell. The ref checks for weapons before the match officially starts, which makes no sense to me since I was under the impression a Badstreet Match is basically a Bunkhouse Brawl. Everyone but King is in jeans and a t-shirt. King and Gordy start. King blocks a big boot and sends Gordy into Idol's boot before tags are made. They trade jabs, with Idol getting the better of the exchange. Hayes takes his belt off and starts a-swattin'. After getting double teamed for a bit, Idol grabs the belt and uses it on both men before he and King double clothesline. Huge flying fist drop with the belt around his hand from King. Hayes gets his boot off and drills King a few times with it. Snap suplex from Gordy. King and Gordy head into the crowd as Hayes struts in the ring. He's hotdoggin! Terrible lariatooo and elbow from Hayes in the ring. King kicks him in the dick and piledrives him. Gordy comes in and gives one to King. Crowd is super amped for this. Gordy accidentally hits Hayes and King makes a hot tag to Idol. Hayes is tied up in the ropes. Idol pulls out a pair of scissors and was going to cut Hayes' hair. Gordy stopped him. The ref prevents Hayes from cutting Idol's hair, so Hayes stabs him in the head. He also stabbed a camera man. King grabbed a cane and saved Idol. Gordy was knocked over the ropes. King chases the Birds out and the ref called it a DQ. Lance tried to tell him that there were no disqualifications, but since the ref just got stabbed in the fucking head with a pair of scissors, it is probably okay to end the match. Really fun and the crowd was super hyped.



Rock N Roll Express vs. Ivan Koloff/Krusher Khrushchev (9/30/85)

Really dark image, but I'll do what I can. Morton and Ivan start the match. Smash comes in without being tagged and those dastardly Rooskies convinced the ref they made a tag. The RNRs do the same thing. Fire this ref. The RNRs use their speed and cheeky spots to overcome the size and power of the Russians. Anytime the Russians get the slightest advantage, the RNRs just do something too quick for them to handle. Gibson is low bridged to finally put the Russians in firm control. Interesting to have another match with Gibson playing FIP. Hot tag to Morton. The Russians got the win after a chain shot and twin magic. The ref saw the chain and the match was restarted. Seconds later, Morton rolled up Smash to win the match.

Jerry Lawler/Bill Dundee vs. Tom Pritchard/Pat Rose (10/12/85)

This starts with a promo from Dr. Tom where he has a water soaked towel and cries like a woman. Young Dr. Tom might be Kenny Omega's dad. I guess they destroyed Bob Armstrong recently. Rose and Dundee start out. Dundee dumps both of the heels out of the ring. King does the same. Tom throws a back kick and gets King in the heel corner. King comes out with a clothesline. He tags out and Dundee is stuck in the heel corner. Rose applies a half crab with Dr. Tom offering extra leverage. Dundee gets out of a camel clutch by standing up and running into the turnbuckle. King comes in, but he again gets stuck in the heel corner. Rose does a second rope something. Dundee starts throwing some Euro shit at Dr. Tom, but misses a knee smash in the corner. The first fall ends in DQ when The Masked Superstar ran into attack Dundee. King and Dr. Tom start the second fall. Tom accidentally hits Rose, but quick tags are able to get King on defense. The Masked Superstar again came out to cause a DQ. This time, he had a belt and went to town on Dundee. Tojo and Jerry Jarrett stopped the beat down.


Jerry Lawler vs. Rick Martel (Nashville 10/12/85)

Martel was the AWA Champion. King very nearly wins about a minute in with a back slide. He does another roll up for a near fall. Martel gets mad and throws a forearm. King punches him and he bails. Martel comes back in with a lot of fire and strikes, but King seems to have the champion's number tonight. Martel gets pissed and seems to turn heel once the crowd is firmly behind King. Martel starts going after the leg King broke about 5 years prior. King finally gets to the ropes after being in a figure four for a good 2 minutes. Martel goes right back to tearing the knee apart. King briefly gets to his feet, but is quickly back down and in a hold. Martel is just relentless. Martel misses a move and King gets some punches in, but he misses a fist drop and Martel goes right back to the leg. Martel misses an elbow drop and the straps come down. Punches in bunches in the corner. Flying fist drop. Instead of going for the pin, King goes back up for a second one. He hits it. As he throws more punches, Martel shoves King into the ref. He goes back to the leg, but King's boot came off. Martel hits King with the boot! As Martel is getting the ref up, King hits Martel with the boot. He makes the cover and the bell rings, but the ref saw King use the boot and disqualified him for it. Title retained. Not exactly giffable, but this was really good. One of my favorite matches of the whole set so far. King, being known as a slow starter, immediately scoring near falls in the opening seconds, leading to Martel getting frustrated, then going full heel once the crowd was 100% behind King was great. And he worked the leg like he was a long lost Canadian Anderson. Good stuff.


Jerry Lawler vs. Bill Dundee (10/19/85)

Before the match, the Fabulous Ones came out, wearing the weirdest outfits. Zebra trunks with suspenders, bow ties, and cummerbunds. Stan says something about I assume the Sheepherders, using both "pantywaists" and "smear the queer". Stan said a lot of people say they can beat the champs, but Dundee and King have never even had a match against them. King comes out and tells Dundee to chill out. Dundee wants a match right now. King basically says he doesn't like wrestling in face vs face matches. Dundee says King is afraid. King says he doesn't want to face the Fabs and he doesn't want to be Dundee's partner anymore, sending Dundee on a rampage and being chased out of the studio. Dundee would come back to prevent a match from happening, challenging King to a title match instead. Dundee will put his car on the line since King drives a shitty van that a fan gave to him. He also puts his hair on the line. King agrees and the match is on.



Dundee immediately starts throwing bombs as soon as King gets in the ring. King starts firing back. Dundee misses the flying body press. The ref stops King from doing the piledriver. Bulldog from Dundee. They throw some more punches and King pulls the strap down. Dundee hits King with something wrapped around his hand while King was doing a back suplex. Dundee wins! New champion! After a break, Dundee SCOOPS Lance and announces Ric Flair is coming back and will be wrestling the Southern Heavyweight Champion, which is now Dundee. King comes back out say Dundee cheated and wants a rematch. Dundee will give him a title shot...after he beats Flair for the NWA Championship. King comes back with a ball bat and intends to bust Dundee's car up if Bill doesn't sign a rematch contract. Dundee signs the contract right before King started pounding the car. I've been trained that a real face would bust the car up anyway, so it was jarring that King didn't do it.

Koko Ware vs. Masked Superstar (Jerry Stubbs) (10/26/85)

They go right to the mat. Koko wins the exchange. He's also a face now. Koko wins the second exchange as well. And continues to show the Superstar up on the mat. Koko continually goes for the arm of the Superstar. Bill Dundee is doing color and Masked Superstar gets on the offensive for a bit. Snake eyes. Koko is sent into the ref as Superstar kicks out of a pin. Dundee distracted Koko and Superstar rolled him up for the win.

Bill Dundee/Sherri Martel vs. Koko Ware/Candi Divine (10/26/85)

Koko replaced Tojo in this match. This is from the same show as the last match, so Koko is still pretty mad at Dundee. The women start slapping the shit out of each other. Candi throws Sherri to the floor. The men are tagged in. Dundee is back dropped and he bails out. Brought back in the hard way. Koko spanks Sherri. That's sexual assault, guy. Dundee is able to get some cheap shots in on Koko. Biting, choking, eye rakes. Candi puts Sherri in the weirdest abdominal stretch/Tazmission thing. As they went to commercial, the Masked Superstar ran out to ringside. We were informed that Dundee/Sherri won the first fall after Dundee hit Candi. This is really more of an angle than a match. Time limit expires, giving Dundee and Sherri the win, 1-0.

Jerry Lawler/Dusty Rhodes/Magnum T.A. vs. Ole Anderson/Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard (11/18/85)

This appears to be a Bunkhouse match and it starts off with everyone brawling. Very short. I assume it was including only due to the participants. I would love to see the promos that set this up. Dusty pins Ole after a top rope Bionic Elbow.


VAST improvement over the last disc. The Freebirds match was fun, Martel/King is one of my favorites I've seen out of 6 1/2 discs, RNR/Russians was a fun RNR formula match, and I really liked the King/Dundee angle.

STILL TO COME: Ric Flair, Dundee/Lawler loser leaves town matches, Buddy Landell, and a make up session vs wear a dress match.


In those days, did "Loser Leaves Town" literally mean they would never wrestle there again? Or did they bank on wrestling fans having a memory of about 6 months and then they'd come back?


It was usually 30 days I believe. The only time the stipulation went longer than that was when someone was off to do an extended run in a different territory.


I'm drunk for the first time in about 2 years and I'm abot to watch XPW - Baptized in Blood 3. Is anyone in WrassleGAF a therapist?

AHHHHHHHHHHH I'm literally dying at the the fat Juggalo in the first match. How the fuck do you do this, strobogo?

Edit 2: Pretty sure one of the announcers just said "An elbow drop to one of the black guys." No wonder BOOOOTTTAAAAYYY is always trying to push this stuff. Non-white people don't even get names.


I'm drunk for the first time in about 2 years and I'm abot to watch XPW - Baptized in Blood 3. Is anyone in WrassleGAF a therapist?

AHHHHHHHHHHH I'm literally dying at the the fat Juggalo in the first match. How the fuck do you do this, strobogo?

Edit 2: Pretty sure one of the announcers just said "An elbow drop to one of the black guys." No wonder BOOOOTTTAAAAYYY is always trying to push this stuff. Non-white people don't even get names.

By being drunk myself. It's the only way to watch shit like that. Also, by listening to music or podcasts instead of the god awful commentary.


I'm curious as to where Evolve takes this angle with Davey....maybe he crashes one of the other two events this weekend.

I went to the show tonight, and it was definitely interesting to see as I thought the NXT stuff had still fallen through. I'm not sure if they're just trying to SWERVE everybody and make them assume the WWE thing is still on the table or what, but it's inverse of the usual in this situation.

Either way, fun card and I'm going tomorrow night as well.


By being drunk myself. It's the only way to watch shit like that. Also, by listening to music or podcasts instead of the god awful commentary.

Its still fucking terrible, though. Pogo the Clown can SUCK IT!!!!!

And I actually prefer "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to this commentary. What a bunch of jabronis.


I could see Rusev following pretty much the same career path as Vladimir Koslov. Monster heel who eventually ends up in a comedy tag team with Santino.


Maybe the wife and kid wanted to be killed? Were they religious?

DOES THIS MEAN WRESTLING IS REAL? Sorry I had too. I was probably beaten anyway.

Come on man... your KEYSER SOZE! Who can take those words seriously when they are coming from a family murdering bastard like YOURSELF!...


I was riding home from school today on my bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we were stopping at one of the bus stops, a girl in the back started screaming. I looked back and saw her pointing out the window, and I followed her stare. Out in an unfenced yard was Chris Benoit, his wife, and his son. Two of them standing, one of them was on the ground, bloody. Benoit had no shirt on and was about ready to PILEDRIVE THAT BITCH into the ****ing dirt, when he realized a whole busload of kids was looking at them. He then proceeded to climb to the top rope and bodyslam the women into the concrete. At this point, the whole bus was in shock and glued to the morbid scene. Benoit ran into his house and hung himself. When I came home I was visibly shaken. I told my mom what I had just seen. Then she got scared and said, "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7:00 or 8:00 and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air.

people still watch wrestling LOL

I guess the "cheating wife" story is easily believable. From what I understand, she cheated on Kevin Sullivan to get with Benoit. It wouldn't be hard to imagine she could do it again.

so basically for the last 20 pages you've been mourning a guy who killed his wife and son?


I just can't understand why someone would kill a young child. Maybe the wife did super evil things (althought there is still no excuse to murder her) but the child?

yep marrying a cheater.......poor guy wasnt that smart in the first place.
This was in reference to Kevin Sullivan...I hope.

Nothing is confirmed or ever will be confirmed.. there are only speculations

Chris Benoit "the accused" cannot defend himself...

et altera pars audiatur

Has anyone considered the possibility that Benoit was under the influence of En Sabah Nur? As we saw in Uncanny X-Men #335, the millienia-old abilities of &#7944;&#960;&#959;&#954;&#940;&#955;&#965;&#968;&#953;&#962; are powerful enough to turn even boy scout Scott Summers "heel." In fact, it seems likely to me that the Apocalypse-controlled Benoit had offered his wife and child positions as two of the four Horsemen, but that they failed to pass the stringent "only the strong survive" tests he created for their benefit. Also, what a work ethic!

1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions

there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt


Holy fuck! Did someone try to drag out Latin to defend Benoit?

I still enjoy his matches, but basically saying "That cheating bitch got what she had coming." before anything was official is fucking bonkers.

If there is one thing that whole messed up situation proves, its that you shouldn't doubt the ferociousness of Canadians.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Are you mocking some of those people for doubting he killed his family? Becasue everyone was super sure he did it when it happened, right?


I went to the show tonight, and it was definitely interesting to see as I thought the NXT stuff had still fallen through. I'm not sure if they're just trying to SWERVE everybody and make them assume the WWE thing is still on the table or what, but it's inverse of the usual in this situation.

Either way, fun card and I'm going tomorrow night as well.

Yeah, it was definitely one of the best top to bottom Evolve cards to date. Gabe actually delivered on this super card.


I would pay to watch Russo and Tenay debate anything.

They should figure out something to put on a pole and have a match for that.
I was riding home from school today on my bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we were stopping at one of the bus stops, a girl in the back started screaming. I looked back and saw her pointing out the window, and I followed her stare. Out in an unfenced yard was Chris Benoit, his wife, and his son. Two of them standing, one of them was on the ground, bloody. Benoit had no shirt on and was about ready to PILEDRIVE THAT BITCH into the ****ing dirt, when he realized a whole busload of kids was looking at them. He then proceeded to climb to the top rope and bodyslam the women into the concrete. At this point, the whole bus was in shock and glued to the morbid scene. Benoit ran into his house and hung himself. When I came home I was visibly shaken. I told my mom what I had just seen. Then she got scared and said, "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7:00 or 8:00 and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air.


Are you mocking some of those people for doubting he killed his family? Becasue everyone was super sure he did it when it happened, right?

The majority of those were from after it was announced cops believed he did it. Before murder/suicide was announced, people were convinced there was a 4th party involved or some kind of gas leak. People who were suggesting it was possible Benoit did it were initially attacked. Then people started blaming Vince. Then, 12-15 hours after the murder-suicide was pretty much confirmed, a handful of people kept trying to come up with ways that Benoit wasn't responsible, including one guy coming up with situations where it would be justified to kill your kid. He had a few of them and it just kept getting worse and worse until Bish shut it down.

People were also attacked for suggesting that years of slamming his head into the mat and steroid abuse could possibly have affected his mind set or brain. Both sides were attacked for saying they either could or couldn't watch Benoit matches after this. The whole thing was a shit show.


Jeez, that thread... Kinda glad I wasn't into wrestling at the time.

It also makes me appreciate the WrassleGAF roster even more.
Even bean.


I was riding home from school today on my bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we were stopping at one of the bus stops, a girl in the back started screaming. I looked back and saw her pointing out the window, and I followed her stare. Out in an unfenced yard was Chris Benoit, his wife, and his son. Two of them standing, one of them was on the ground, bloody. Benoit had no shirt on and was about ready to PILEDRIVE THAT BITCH into the ****ing dirt, when he realized a whole busload of kids was looking at them. He then proceeded to climb to the top rope and bodyslam the women into the concrete. At this point, the whole bus was in shock and glued to the morbid scene. Benoit ran into his house and hung himself. When I came home I was visibly shaken. I told my mom what I had just seen. Then she got scared and said, "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7:00 or 8:00 and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air.



can we talk about this turd?


no-one seems to mention him, but he's the elephant in the room. this fat personality vacuum is going over main roster stars weekly on NXT, is wrestling dark matches and house shows, and is sure to be a callup pretty soon. and the dude is being booked as a monster too, squashing all in his path. HE IS WORTHLESS. I have never hated a wrestler more. he's not actually terrible in the ring but good god no-one cares one bit about him. NXT is a great chance to acid test your future stars, but the guy doesn't even get Bo Dallas heat, he gets bathroom break silence; and yet all the signs are there that he will be elevated and go through a monster heel push. he'll squash all your favourites, yet the signs all point to him being another Seamus/Tensai/Drew McIntryre/Ryback ad infinitum.

amongst all this positivity to do with the network, I would like to state on record: I fucking hate Alexander Rusev and he will never amount to anything.
Holy shit, absolutely all of this. My favourite part is how he is so Bulgarian that he needs a Russian translator who doesn't actually translate anything. Bulgarian and Russian are basically French and Romanian to each other. Maybe she's a Bulgarian -> Russian translator.

Terribly boring gimmick too, including his ring entrance and music and apparently he does the exact same one with the exact same music on house shows and dark matches so no hope there really.


I bet HHH has a list of like 3 or 4 gimmicks hes really wanted to use and get over while he was wrestling. He was never able to escape the role of "The Burier" so now he is committed to getting over those gimmicks he never used. Rusev and The Ascension are just the tip of the iceberg.
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