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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Watching The Chronnicles of Riddick right now. I knew Vin Diesel loved wrasslin..

Does a badass clothesline and suplex.... That's why the Rock tapped out to him in FAST Five!!!



more money than God
Most disappointing thing about the network is that it doesn't seem like it will have RAWs or SD!'s available at launch. Instead, it's just PPVs, with encores of current RAWs and SD!'s added. So stupid. Just give us what we want now.
Great quality on the stream - WWNLive's broadcast quality, at least in terms of bitrate, smoothness and clarity at least seems to be at Ustream's level now, which is excellent to see.
Great quality on the stream - WWNLive's broadcast quality, at least in terms of bitrate, smoothness and clarity at least seems to be at Ustream's level now, which is excellent to see.

Wooooo! *shoots off six shooters in the air*

Everybody gonna step it up now. Walmart making people come up
Since working in tech support for a Canadian ISP, I've been asked to help out install stuff from customers.

And I never expected to be asked by a caller to download and install the WWE App of all things. >.>


The majority of Cena's rippity raps were just set ups for jerk off or gay punchlines.

Yeup. It was a different time then. Crowds actually enjoyed it and the WWE was almost anti-pg in that regard.

How far we've come! Now Cena's promos are dull and uninspired because he can't talk about his opponent's dick.

Cena's gay.


So not worth it
I still think it's so weird for someone with a gay brother to make those kinds of jokes on national TV.

I mean, I have gay friends and you can make pretty much any kind of joke to them, but when you take them out of that context and put them on TV on a babyface characters, they're just not the same.


It's the same rationale G Nobody uses to say terrible things about black people. He has that one black friend, so it is totally cool. Bootaaay has no excuse because he has no Jewish friends, but still says awful things about my people.
Poor Axel...Mattel made an ab free torso just for him.
Build a Jim Ross makes my day, for one in the time Axel has been relevant Ross has been a non factor in the company and second it's just an odd choice in general, maybe Ross is down with the kids who will happily splash out on multiple figures to build their commentary idol.

Yeup. It was a different time then. Crowds actually enjoyed it and the WWE was almost anti-pg in that regard.

How far we've come! Now Cena's promos are dull and uninspired because he can't talk about his opponent's dick.

Cena's gay.
Sounds like yet more odds for Cena to overcome, sure Cena beat divorce but that was just phase 1 of his issues, can he beat his other self that has a strong lust for the male form? I'm imagining this happening and the results are just fantastically insulting.


Cena being a repressed homosexual would be a great angle when he is finally able to come out and steal D-Young's thunder.

Sounds like yet more odds for Cena to overcome, sure Cena beat divorce but that was just phase 1 of his issues, can he beat his other self that has a strong lust for the male form? I'm imagining this happening and the results are just fantastically insulting.

Will John Cena come out of the closet this Sunday night at WrestleMania? The stakes have never been higher!

BRRR ABADOOOO *do dodo dooo*


Oh my god, the DEEJ shoot is amazing.

Also, if Gulak's Campaign for a Better CZW was a parody of Chikara, it's better than anything Chikara has ever done. That gimmick is fucking brilliant
So, how much do you guys estimate you've spent on wrestling related stuff in 2013?

The only thing I can think of is the WWE app and that's free so:



NeoGAF's smiling token!
So, how much do you guys estimate you've spent on wrestling related stuff in 2013?

The only thing I can think of is the WWE app and that's free so:

I think you'd be better off estimating how much time was spent watching wrestling and wrestling related things.
People don't like Alexander Rusev? Fascinating. He's a big guy, moves with speed and agility, crazy strength, inventive moves, old school gimmick - even pretty good on the stick when they let him have it. He's basically the new Umaga.

Edit: I think The Ascension are awesome too.
when have they ever let him talk? i legit don't remember that
Yeah, Mitchell's still alive - but where are the young managers? Where's the Paul E. Dangerously of the modern era?

Sweeney should have been in WWE with Sweet & Sour Inc. Best manager to come along in years and years, such a shame what happened.
AW :(
So, how much do you guys estimate you've spent on wrestling related stuff in 2013?

The only thing I can think of is the WWE app and that's free so:


i spent 18 bucks on an ROH Generico DVD, that's it i think

Jamie OD

Oh my god, the DEEJ shoot is amazing.

Also, if Gulak's Campaign for a Better CZW was a parody of Chikara, it's better than anything Chikara has ever done. That gimmick is fucking brilliant

I think I will be spending the rest of this month watching shoot interviews. I watched half of the Ultraviolent Roundtable from SMV so far. Some fascinating stuff in that one and a lot of good Zandig stories. Also have a Sami Calihan shoot and Kevin Steen's re-released ROH DVD on the way. Might have to add DJ Hyde's to the list.

So, how much do you guys estimate you've spent on wrestling related stuff in 2013?

Well let's see. I have said SMV downloads and ROH DVDs already purchased, I ordered Wrestle Kingdom and will surely order more New Japan iPPVs, I will be going to whatever house show takes place in Dublin (maybe even TNA this month if I'm in a good mood) since I like going to them even if they are boring shows and I'm going to Germany in March to attend the wXw 16 Carat tournament. There will be a bunch of other stuff so definitely a couple hundred euro when all is said and done.

...and fanny packs.

Kane obviously was having a hard time with the look there. I like the "evil duster" OK, but the WWE-branded corporate golf shirt isn't working. Maybe if it was an EVIL golf shirt...

So, how much do you guys estimate you've spent on wrestling related stuff in 2013?

WWE: $240
Anarchy: $150
Inspire: $36
Other Indie: $85
Total: $511

I've also spent about $150 on iPPV, mostly NJPW, and $190 on WWE PPV.

So, around $1500 I'd guess when taking all the related stuff going to shows and stuff in mind. Which is a whole lot less than I used to spend when I'd fly around to big indie shows in the NE and Cali and go to WM and stuff. It's nice to have a few local and area indies doing interesting stuff that keeps me from going too crazy. Between all the local shows, the local WWE shows, and the iPPVs, I really don't have but a few weekends when I'm not watching some wrestling or a UFC.
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