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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Is that really what he's paid to do, though?

I think he's there to get over the WWE brand first and foremost - which he does exhaustively - by referencing the app, the Network, the trends on Twitter they've paid for and telling the world how great Cena and the Authority are. After which his job is to encourage playful banter and references that only old white men in their 50s and 60s would understand.

He'll occasionally interject by reciting verbatim what a wrestler's most recent promo was by reading it off the script (because we certainly wouldn't want to hear a wrestler cut their promos themselves - and, if they did, certainly not one they came up with themselves).

When a returning legend or a special guest host celebrity appears, it's Cole's job to laugh at everything they say to reinforce how hilarious it is. Because otherwise how would us idiots at home know that it's funny? He must also plug their movie or show. And when a new wrestler gets called up that obviously isn't ready, it's Cole's job to belittle and undermine them because they haven't paid their dues yet like the veterans have. Failing that, he'll be sarcastically enthusiastic about it in the most phony way possible to ensure it's the most unhip thing imaginable.

And then he needs to call near falls, reinforce how great the faces are no matter what heelish things they do - and, on the very rare occasion, call an actual move or match offense prior to a pin.

Most importantly, though, it's Cole's job to ensure that nothing is individually important - be it other wrestlers not named Cena or any of the title belts in the company. It's all about the WWE brand and how all of the sports entertainers should feel grateful that they're a part of it and how we, as the WWE Universe, should feel blessed that we get to watch the same matches for 7-10 hours each and every week.

I, for one, think Cole is excellent at doing the job Vince pays him to do. I just think it's a shitty soul-sucking job that, frankly, very few people could handle.

You might be right. I found a clip of him calling Cena's debut and he wasn't as bad back then. He still wasn't really good, but he wasn't as bad as he is today. I think doing commentating on two shows a week is not right and it was supposed to be a temporary thing.


oh, booker t is getting to do stuff again. cool.

one of the biggest tragedies is how he was handled when he came over from the buyout.


"first time in nearly a year". They have a really loose definition of what nearly is.

Also, them using Connor has gone from "that's cute" to "maybe they are exploiting the whole thing". I'm still not sure what it is.

But fuck it. Bryan is back and I'm watching Smackdown!


Hmm, where's Tom Phillips going to go? Still doing Superstars with Renee Young? How about Main Event? Its been Cole and Saxton lately...


What are the odds DBry's first match has a non-finish?
Before he left he got beat down every time he was on tv, so I'd guess he will get another beatdown.
Kane has unfinished business with D. Brine before he gets eliminated from the Rumble by Luke Harper to kick off what should be a riveting program.

Oh Paul, you kidder, you.
You think he's kidding? I still remember this...


And this...

Watched Hashimoto vs Tenryu from '94. Hashimoto makes a great face in peril, although I don't know if peril is the right word - it's about anticipation, you can see Hash getting madder and madder and you know that, at any point, he's going to snap. Of course, Tenryu's a certified TMF, so the same applies for him and when Hash does snap and takes it to Tenryu, it takes a hell of a lot to finish him. Crowd freaked the fuck out for Tenryu catching Hash with (a pretty shitty looking) powerbomb and then even more for Hash kicking out, then Hash just destroyed him with kicks and hit a DDT for the win to a huuuuuuge reaction. Not as crazy hard-hitting as their G1 match from '98, but a ton of fun nonetheless.



Bonus reaction GIF for Hashimoto winning;



Lucha Underground was tremendous last night.

They crowned their first champion in an hour-long battle royal where eliminations could only happen by pinfall or submission. It was really damn entertaining.

Conclusion: Absolutely tremendous. That is how you crown a champion. Puma looked like a warrior with the beating he took and with his cool as hell offensive maneuvers. Mundo also came out looking like a million bucks, lasting all the way until the end after being entered at #2 in the match. Actually, almost all of the major players got something out of this. Considering the type of match this was, the fact that they were able to tell so many little stories within it is a true testament to Lucha Underground’s booking team.

Think about it for a bit: Cuerno and Drago continued their feud with Drago continuing to get the shorter end of the stick. Star got some retribution, and Blue Demon Jr. has entered Chavo’s life again as well. Pentagon and Chavo effectively ended their alliance. Fenix continued looking like a true star on the rise. Finally, Mundo and Puma delivered an amazing payoff to their ongoing story…which is nowhere near finished with Konnan involved.

This was great from top to bottom. I felt like the time I invested in the first 8 episodes getting to know these characters came to a satisfying culmination here, and now they’re all ready to be players in the next chapter of Lucha Underground.

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent serialized television. Seek this out if you want an exciting wrestling product with top notch production values that doesn’t leave you feeling like you’ve wasted your time. Right now, I feel like I’m investing as a fan and getting a big return on that investment. This is a damn good wrestling show.


Dat powerbomb tho


Holy shit

Sexy Star as Ms. Marvel

And here's an amazing camera shot of the first ever Lucha Underground Champion:
Is Vince ever gonna put a woman on commentary?

You would think that in order to appeal to the younger demographic he would put Byron + Renee together.


So, is Daniel Bryan actually better? And I don't mean WWE-style "cleared to wrestle". Like, actually fixed and good to go full time, proper? I'm a little worried about him.
This is genuinely the shit I'm worried about.

Do we have a genuine reason to believe he's gonna be okay, or are we just relying on kayfabe and hope?

He went to a sports fitness specialist in Denver who had a muscle relaxing technique that allowed him to regain the strength in his arm. From that article, it seemed to me that he has already been back in the ring practicing and he says he feels better than ever.
Oh stro watched one of the prophecy movies? I remember the first one being alright, if a little out there. Walken gives a great performance in it though


He wouldn't be back if he wasn't.
The CM Punk podcast has got me all paranoid.

I kinda wish he hadn't announced his return. If he was still a question mark, and then his music hit at No. 30 in the Rumble, I would have marked out harder than I have ever marked out before. And that is a serious amount of marking out. So fucking hard.
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