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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Daniel Bryan has huge grapefruits


in his backyard.


Daniel Bryan has huge grapefruits


in his backyard.
That's some amazing fruit. He should put some in a basket and offer it to Triple H.

I kinda wish he hadn't announced his return. If he was still a question mark, and then his music hit at No. 30 in the Rumble, I would have marked out harder than I have ever marked out before. And that is a serious amount of marking out. So fucking hard.
It would have been the mark out moment to end all mark out moments. Especially after last year.
But we can't have that. Not to mention that would only be done with the expectation that D. Brine is winning the Rumble. And he's not.

MC Safety

Can anyone help with some troubleshooting?

WWE Network isn't coming up on Firefox. It just loads to a blank page.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


It would have been the mark out moment to end all mark out moments. Especially after last year.
But we can't have that. Not to mention that would only be done with the expectation that D. Brine is winning the Rumble. And he's not.
Yes he is. And the main event at Mania. The compromise is that Rollins is cashing in immediately.

Reigns ain't winning shit. I don't even understand how anyone can even think that's a possibility. Reigns. Main eventing Wrestlemania?! I don't care how big Vince's hard-on is for him. He's not doing that yet,


Does wrestling need a hard cam?

Wouldn't a crane camera that rotates around the ring via the light rig allow the performer to interact with the crowd more as apposed to only one side?


Yes he is. And the main event at Mania. The compromise is that Rollins is cashing in immediately.

Reigns ain't winning shit. I don't even understand how anyone can even think that's a possibility. Reigns. Main eventing Wrestlemania?! I don't care how big Vince's hard-on is for him. He's not doing that yet,

I'm with you on Reigns. I mean, there is still time, but he's been hurt pretty badly by his cheesy promos and weak in-ring performances.

Reigns. :(


That's some lovely B+ fruit right there.
There's a Vitamin B 'Plus' marketing campaign for D.Brine just waiting to happen.
He could be the WWE's advocate on water soluble goodness.
Perhaps Vince can bring back the ICOPRO brand and get back into the supplement business.


I'm with you on Reigns. I mean, there is still time, but he's been hurt pretty badly by his cheesy promos and weak in-ring performances.

Reigns. :(
No shit. I mean, The Shield were awesome, and I guess they were around for a while. But Reigns isn't even a main eventer, let alone a Wrestlemania main eventer. Even if you ignored his shocking promo skills, the guy is a fucking novice.

Edit: I appear to be contradicting myself. But a Rollins cash-in == a WM main event. Dude needs the heat. And he will get it. In spades. I love the guy, but I will be screaming at my television.
Yes he is. And the main event at Mania. The compromise is that Rollins is cashing in immediately.

Reigns ain't winning shit. I don't even understand how anyone can even think that's a possibility. Reigns. Main eventing Wrestlemania?! I don't care how big Vince's hard-on is for him. He's not doing that yet,

Saving this post.


Does wrestling need a hard cam?

Wouldn't a crane camera that rotates around the ring via the light rig allow the performer to interact with the crowd more as apposed to only one side?

Good thought. The problem is that it would be a rather expensive and complicated rig compared to the ease of setup with a hard cam. You also run into issues with different arena sizes and setups, since each one is different. On the other hand, it would have been a cool set-up for 3D wrestling, since you could minimize cutaways for a lot of the crazy moves and eliminate the shake from the handhelds. Could be cool though.

Wrapping up NXT. Can't wait for Balor/Kidd next week.


Good thought. The problem is that it would be a rather expensive and complicated rig compared to the ease of setup with a hard cam. You also run into issues with different arena sizes and setups, since each one is different. On the other hand, it would have been a cool set-up for 3D wrestling, since you could minimize cutaways for a lot of the crazy moves and eliminate the shake from the handhelds. Could be cool though.

They already have a massive lighting rig that they use for almost every arena.



Performers aren't even allowed to really interact with the crowd because Dunn and Vince don't want anyone to be over except The Brand .

Also on NXT Axel is getting 0 heat.


Finished watching the NJPW New Years ppv. Fun event. Poor rainmaker being paired with the "buy my dvd" guy :(.

Such awesome storytelling in that match. Loved how beaten up Okada looked, both physically and emotionally.

The bad luck fall also looked devastating. As if Okada's soul left his body.


Such awesome storytelling in that match. Loved how beaten up Okada looked, both physically and emotionally.


Awesome bad luck fall.

indeed. I see a change of character after that beatdown because holy shit, Okada caught nonstop hell throughout that match :(.


Performers aren't even allowed to really interact with the crowd because Dunn and Vince don't want anyone to be over except The Brand .

Also on NXT Axel is getting 0 heat.

Yeah, in WWE the live crowd doesn't matter. It's why they never really used Colt Cabana to his full potential. They don't know how to use someone whose main gimmick is live crowd interaction.


indeed. I see a change of character after that beatdown because holy shit, Okada caught nonstop hell throughout that match :(.

There's definitely a change of character coming out of all this. Okada looked nothing but sympathetic when he took that beating, and I got the feels watching him struggle to fight back only to fail in the end.

Okada. :(


Yeah, in WWE the live crowd doesn't matter. It's why they never really used Colt Cabana to his full potential. They don't know how to use someone whose main gimmick is live crowd interaction.

Live crowds should matter.

They can fucking make a match or a PPV watchable by itself.

Who can forget the fucking Hogan-Goldberg Crowd?


We're having a little get together and watching it tonight. The hype sounds good! We're going to drink Mexican beer and eat nachos like REAL AZTEC WARRIORS.

You lucky bastard. Enjoy the greatness. I hope the episode did well for El Rey. It totally deserved it.
TNA spoilers for 1-16 aka lol TNA


* Apparently they started late again tonight.

* MVP and crew kicks off the show. They've got some eye candy with them. Their group is called The BDC for The Beatdown Clan. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn't matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

* Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

* Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He's pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he's going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

* The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you'd expect.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were "we can't see you" chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

* MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing.

* JB announces a Feast or Famine match.

* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok's music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

* Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC.


TNA spoilers for 1-16 aka lol TNA


* Apparently they started late again tonight.

* MVP and crew kicks off the show. They've got some eye candy with them. Their group is called The BDC for The Beatdown Clan. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn't matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

* Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

* Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He's pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he's going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

* The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you'd expect.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were "we can't see you" chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

* MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing.

* JB announces a Feast or Famine match.

* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok's music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

* Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC.

holy shit, hahahahahaha


So I got bored during class today and started some early Mania card predictions. Here's what I've got so far:

Last year there were 8 matches on the card, 4 of which actually mattered.

Bullshit matches:

Andre Battle Royale (just there to get guys on the card)
4 Way Tag match (also there just to get guys on card)
Women's match (piss break between important matches)
6 man tag (there's no shield this year, but there might still be one of these and no one will care)

Important matches:

HHH vs. Bryan
Cena vs. Bray
Taker vs. Brock
Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista

So for simplicity, I'm going to follow that format. 8 matches total, 4 matches that matter.

To break it down further, we need to find:

1. Taker match?
2. HHH match
3. Cena match
4. Championship match

1. Taker match

Bray Wyatt vs. Undertaker
sounds like it's actually happening, especially considering how strong they've been booking Bray as of late.

At this point, I really wish Taker would just stay dead. His career should end with the streak. Is anyone interested in a Taker/Bray match? I'm honestly not interested in seeing Bray so high on the card... maybe Cena killed his momentum, but he hasn't impressed me at all since he lost at Mania last year. I'd rather see Sting/Taker, honestly. I know they're old, but there's at least an interesting dynamic there. I really have no interest in Bray/Taker at all. Goofy, spooky promos back and forth leading up to Mania will probably suck ass.

2. HHH match

HHH vs. Sting

This one seems like pretty much a lock at this point. Meh. Should be an ok match.

3. Cena match

Cena (with Hulk Hogan in his corner) vs. Rusev

They need to feed someone strong to Cena. We've been predicting it since Rusev's debut, and the time is now. Hogan can probably get involved too, without taking a bump.

4. Championship match

Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar

This is obviously the biggest question mark of the show, because it's either Bryan winning the Rumble to face Brock, or Reigns winning the Rumble to face Brock, and however that turns out will drastically change the rest of the card. I'm going to say creative pulls their heads out of their asses, realizes that Reigns isn't fucking ready yet, and goes with the Bryan vs. Lesnar match that makes 100000000x more sense at this point.

So that's our four important matches. We have a problem though: Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose and Orton aren't in a match. These guys are kinda a big deal.

As it turns out, we may have 5 or *gasp* 6 important matches this year, assuming these guys are treated like they should be and not just thrown into a fucking battle royale that means nothing or a 22 man tag match or some shit.

Believe it or not, the hardest people to book for were Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, both for entirely different reasons. Looking back on the last few months, Rollins was basically the star of the show, even above Cena. As the main heel, I can see a number of potential Wrestlemania-worthy matches for him:

Rollins vs. Orton (this was going great until they fucking pulled Orton off TV for a WWE movie no one cares about. Does anyone still care about Orton? Still, he's considered one of the important guys, and Rollins is a logical heel opponent for him)
Rollins vs. Cena (honestly, this is the most well built feud in the company right now. The number 1 heel vs. the number 1 babyface. They've already had matches, but they've still been going at it every week on Raw. I'm not sick of the two together yet.)
Rollins vs. Sting (with the amount of times Rollins mentions THE VIGILANTE STING in his promos, you'd think this was definitely going to be Sting's opponent at Mania. but lolhhh)
Rollins vs. Ambrose (they've had this match a couple of times already, but they all ended with screwjob finishes. An actual, real finish between these two at Mania would be great. They can even do the whole respect thing ala Hogan at Mania 18 where Rollins tells J&J Security to just stay back tonight because he has to handle this on his own. Easy way to get Rollins over, and ensure that this match actually ends without some bullshit finish)
Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Ambrose (A spin on the above match, just with Roman Reigns added as well. Feud starts with Ambrose and Reigns on the same side, wanting to take out Rollins for betraying them. As time goes on, they slowly realize that only one of them can grab Vincent K. McMahon's brass ring, and that one of them is just going to get in the other's way. Boom, three way at Mania)

So there's the 5 potential Rollins matches I can see happening. On the other hand, you have Reigns. I can't think of fuck all for this guy. He's currently in a program with Big Shoe that will end at/before the Rumble with Reigns squashing him clean. Probably stealing the Cesaro spot from last years Mania and slam him over the top rope. Who does this guy logically face at Mania? I know the derps at WWE will likely just thrust him into the main event because he's the chosen one, but I am trying to look at this somewhat logically here. Again, lets consider they come to their senses and have Bryan go over at the Rumble. Where does that leave the Chosen One? All I could think of is:

Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Ambrose (as mentioned above. Reigns has to look strong, though. And win clean. Ideally, you pin Rollins because he still has the briefcase so "nothing can hurt him". Ambrose hasn't won a match since forever, and he ain't going over at Mania in this case, but at the very least you can have him not take the pin, I feel)
Reigns vs. Rusev (I think this is a far better spot for both guys than vs. Brock or Cena, respectively. Both young guys, both have a bright future. If Reigns wins, that's a huge win for him. If you're Rusev, you aren't getting the Cena death angle following Mania, where you face him again and again and again for the rest of the Summer, losing clean every time. )

I think this is a really great spot for both guys, but unfortunately you run into a big problem: who the fuck does Cena face? Or Ambrose? It looks like they'll both be babyfaces going into Mania, so Cena/Ambrose doesn't really work. Unfortunate, because I really think Rusev/Reigns works on so many levels. Eh =/

Finally, Randy Orton. Honestly, they fucked him out of a storyline with a regular member of the cast when they wrote him out to go film that shitty movie. So he gets Batista. I guess? Is he gonna be there? Or the Battle Royale. Who the fuck else is there?

Do I think about this more than WWE creative? This is the result of me getting bored during one 90 minute Econ lecture.

tl;dr My early predictions for the Mania card:

Bullshit tag match
Bullshit womens match
Bullshit Andre Battle Royale
Randy Orton vs. Batista
Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins
Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker
John Cena vs. Rusev
HHH vs. Sting
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
TNA spoilers for 1-16 aka lol TNA


* Apparently they started late again tonight.

* MVP and crew kicks off the show. They've got some eye candy with them. Their group is called The BDC for The Beatdown Clan. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn't matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

* Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

* Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He's pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he's going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

* The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you'd expect.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were "we can't see you" chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

* MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing.

* JB announces a Feast or Famine match.

* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok's music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

* Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC.


this is fantastic


TNA spoilers for 1-16 aka lol TNA


* Apparently they started late again tonight.

* MVP and crew kicks off the show. They've got some eye candy with them. Their group is called The BDC for The Beatdown Clan. Eric Young comes out and gets booed. He says what fans think doesn't matter to him. EY talks about hating Bobby Roode. MVP calls out new World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley but Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle goes face to face with Samoa Joe and punches him.

* Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by submission when the referee went down and Joe hit Angle with a low blow. The BDC beat Angle down after the match until Roode made the save.

* Roode sits down in the middle of the ring for a promo. He's pissed off and says this crap in TNA has gone too far. Roode says he's going to make EY pay for his sins tonight.

* The Hardys vs. The Wolves II is next. The Revolution watches the match from the balcony. Jeff Hardy had a great spot at one point where he went to the top, walked from one turnbuckle to the other and then dove out onto The Wolves. The Hardys get the win and the two teams shake hands. This was said to be as good as you'd expect.

* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode begins in the aisle and they start brawling around the ring. They brawled through the crowd and there were "we can't see you" chants. Young wins with a piledriver on a chair.

* MVP and Kenny King comes out. MVP says tonight is a night for celebrating and Lashley will be competing.

* JB announces a Feast or Famine match.

* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brooke Tessmacher and Taryn Terrell. BroMans were at ringside with The Beautiful People. Awesome Kong appears after the lights go out. She chokeslams Zema Ion. Havok's music hits and out she comes. Her and Kong face off in the middle of the ring but security breaks it up before anything happens.

* Low Ki vs. Austin Aries for the X Division Title is next. Ki gets the win to become the new champion, just one night after losing it. Ki got the win after Kenny King attacked Austin Aries on the top rope.

* MVP calls out Bobby Lashley and he shows this time. MVP says he got Lashley everything he has. MVP says The BDC (Beat Down Clan) owns the World Heavyweight Title. Lashley says the title is his. Lashley wants nothing to do with this and MVP is offended. They hug but Low Ki attacks and Lashley gets beat down by the group. Ki hits a double stomp to the back and MVP hits him with the belt. As they leave, MVP says the title doesn't belong to Lashley, it belongs to The BDC.

Sigh. Fuck. It's over, guys. It's all fucking over.

The Beatdown Clan?
ROH can no longer claim to have the worst faction names in wrestling.

Low Ki gets the belt back a day later? Way to make the X title mean anything at all.

Feast or famine? Is this feast or fired? Ugh.

At least there was some good stuff...

Wolves vs. Hardys I was very good. Can't imagine II not delivering.

Kong vs. Havok looks like it's getting decent buildup.

Lashley turning face is A-Okay by me.

Think I'll stick to ROH, NJPW, and LU. :-/ Sorry, TNA. Not worth it to watch the good stuff with so much shit to wade through.


Regarding Rollins, why not have him cash in after Bryan wins the title and we get a full match out of them w/ Rollins going over due to Bryan getting killed by Lesnar?

That's definitely doable. But Rollins still needs a match on the main card, no?

I feel like no match for Rollins just gives that finish away. Maybe you have Reigns spear the shit out of him, gets pinned in that 3 way Shield match, but he comes out at the end of the show anyway to cash in, while selling the ribs. Bryan/Rollins go for 7-10 minutes. Slow match, both guys selling their injuries/exhaustion the whole time, but Rollins ultimately prevails due to Bryan being exhausted and just getting his ass beat by Bork.

It would be a heart breaker for the crowd, and they tend to have the champion standing tall at the end of a Mania, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.

I don't think you do the Summer Slam 2013 finish at a Wrestlemania, where you just cash in, pin the champ, show's over.
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