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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Quoting for new page. Suck it;

Damn, Trevor Lee vs Biff Busick from EVOLVE 36 last night was pretty great. Well worth seeking out.



Also, Gargano got probably the best match I've seen out of Shane Strickland, but it also served to highlight how much better Gargano is. Strickland's fine, but in spite of some big high-flying offence, little he does is terribly impressive and he seems to have difficulty emoting and engaging the crowd.

*edit, also, here's your indywrestling.gif of the day;


Like, what was he going for? Oh, I'll just springboard flip into fucking nothing. Seems like a good idea.

Because it's the fucking IC title and nobody gives a shit about it.

IC champion never wins because the IC title is meaningless...I feel the two are connected in some way.


I love Hogan's Georgia Dome Nitro promo. It's the usual stuff, but it's delivered so perfectly. And with the perfect crowd for Hogan to work. I think it's the promo I'll always point to when people ask me why Hogan was a good heel. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it feels like the perfected 'good guy turned heel blasting the next big babyface' promo.

Best hand talking in the biz

which promo is this?


It could be but it just strange because no one does that. Plus why would he even do that after that horrible line he delivered before that.

The previous line was an alliteration that would be perceived as hard, especially for Roman Reigns in the eyes of the internet wrestling community. That is why he would say "That was not easy to say!" and wink at the hard camera, breaking the 4th wall in a failed attempt to win over the smark audience. Gosh, somedevil.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Surely Hogan will be playable in a game called 'The Immortals'.

Or just make a fucking legends game already. Come on. I've been waiting since that crappy WWE 2k reskin. I still think All Stars should have had an exclusively legends roster. It fit the comic book gimmick type much better than Randy Orton being Randy Orton.


So I had a dream where my cousin got into some BTTF hijinks. Twice. The first time it happened, the cast of Saved By The Bell (like, the first season, so they were all super young. Zack had a big zit on his face.) were sitting in my back yard. They thought they saw the DeLorean drive by but it was so fast they tried to pretend like they imagined it. Then it came back. Then everything came back. The club house that was in the back yard 15 years ago. The old barn.

You see, he wasn't actually powered by the DeLorean, but by a RTS game. He set up a command base in the new old barn with about 6 monitors. I asked him some questions about things. The Vigilante Sting returns, but gets super annoying. My stolen guitar is never found. At some point, there will be individual licenses for everything you do. There were suddenly a lot of ladies in blue shirts in the barn. Some were helping play the game. Two of them were "cuffing" me, which apparently is grabbing the back of someone's knee. Except one of the girls kept doing it on the front and looking like an idiot even after it was explained to her.

It was a pretty cool dream.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kimberly had to kiss DDP, Eric Bischoff, Marc Mero, and The one that has betrayed darkness the one that has betrayed the light

Poor girl.
That Windham gif is amazing. I had to watch a few times to make sure it wasn't in reverse. That fucker doesn't give a shit about your foreign objects, mate.
First off, condolences, jred2k.

Plus how many of these shirts will be seen at NXT soon:


I need one of those before Leva comes back to Inspire Pro in Austin in Feb...

Damn, Trevor Lee vs Biff Busick from EVOLVE 36 last night was pretty great. Well worth seeking out.



Also, Gargano got probably the best match I've seen out of Shane Strickland, but it also served to highlight how much better Gargano is. Strickland's fine, but in spite of some big high-flying offence, little he does is terribly impressive and he seems to have difficulty emoting and engaging the crowd.

*edit, also, here's your indywrestling.gif of the day;


Like, what was he going for? Oh, I'll just springboard flip into fucking nothing. Seems like a good idea.

Pretty great post, Boots. I need to check out more Evolve.

I agree Gargano is kinda "the man" right now. Put him on any indy roster, and you've instantly made that roster way better. I guess I'm part of that crowd too, because I've never connected with anything Strickland does. The times I remember seeing him I've thought he was good, but he didn't make me CARE at all.

That last .gif is amazing. Dumb as the new Lucha Dragons finisher.
I need to check out more Evolve.

I've been really enjoying them since the 'reboot', a lot of the problems they had in 2013 and the first half of 2014 have been fixed; less triple-shots (because, really, who's buying 3x $15 iPPVs in a single weekend?), running the same buildings and drawing regular crowds and just a general improvement of the roster. I could do without the ranking system though, but it's Gabe and he's always seemed to love intricate/convoluted ranking systems.

And you about summed up Gargano, he really is "the man" in indie wrestling right now and has definitely matured as a performer - I'd love to see him in the UK, lots of lads over here he could having an amazing match with.
Holy shit was that Curtis Axel match on NXT this week bad or what? Curtis Axel killed the NXT Universe. That groan when he hit the stage must have been heartbreaking for him.

That Tyson/Nattie promo was ace though.
Fuck man that Reigns promo legit had me cringing. I was dying laughing when he winked though.

I'd love to see it end by having Miz get sick and tired of Mizdow getting all of the cheers and finally fighting him in a match only for Mizdow to not get it and keep copying Miz's actions. Every move Miz does, Mizdow repeats. finally, he figures the only way to win is to beat himself up and Mizdow does the same. They do submission moves...on themselves They bash their own heads into the ring corners. It would be one of the most ridiculous matches ever.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'll buy this for my phone, but I'd reeeeeaaaaally like to buy it for something with a controller. Please, WWE.

A controller makes no sense with that game. It's just an Injustice reskin. Go download Injustice for your phone and it'll all make sense.
I've been really enjoying them since the 'reboot', a lot of the problems they had in 2013 and the first half of 2014 have been fixed; less triple-shots (because, really, who's buying 3x $15 iPPVs in a single weekend?), running the same buildings and drawing regular crowds and just a general improvement of the roster. I could do without the ranking system though, but it's Gabe and he's always seemed to love intricate/convoluted ranking systems.

And you about summed up Gargano, he really is "the man" in indie wrestling right now and has definitely matured as a performer - I'd love to see him in the UK, lots of lads over here he could having an amazing match with.

Gabe was on an Avarez podcast a couple days ago and he recognized that they need a "home" building. I can't agree more.

I hear you. I desperately want to see Gargano in Inspire Pro too. Gargano vs. "The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer would make my head explode. Though there's a bunch of other guys that could have great matches with him too. (Ray Rowe, would probably be my second pick..)

Speaking of Inspire Pro and my head exploding and Ray Rowe returning and all that... THIS was just posted on my Facebook feed, one of the undercard matches for the "Rowe returns-from-injury" show on the 15th:


Fuck this is going to be awesome. Wee little tiny Jessica James vs. The Mountain? Yes, please.


Re-watching the last 5 matches from WK9. AJ and Naito was good. Liked Naito's left leg selling, and that second rope Styles Clash looked great.

Ibushi and Nakamura are doing their entrances right now. My body is ready. Again.
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