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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also, here's a nuts thing. Hogan turned heel BEFORE Santa with Muscles came out. Maybe they knew it would be a dude, but that just seems like a crazy thing to do at a time where kayfabe was still semi-alive.


I decided to watch some Diesel promos to compare them to Reigns because that's the comparison they seemingly, unknowingly or not, are drawing. And Diesel's WWF promos were so bad. All his characteristics, his mannerisms, his look and his size were what got him over. His voice is SO fake in those WWF promos compared to what he sounded like in WCW. It's got to be a Vicne thing. And it was easily covered up before, but it can't be now when you have Roman coming out every week to cut the same long winded, cornball, in ring or backstage promo.

Yeah it's so odd, because Nash had a great personality when he could let loose in WCW. Hell, Roman might too if they ever let him.
So that's why he looked at the camera and winked. He knows it sucks and is telling us that he knows that it sucks but can't say no because Vince wrote it.

He is doing the same thing like Bryan did with that whole Bellas Virgin/Vegan storyline.

Exactly what went through my head. Also, Roman's voice is just not commanding at all. I said it before, but for a guy with a great look, who we're supposed to buy as some bad ass, there is literally ZERO confidence in his voice. Even during the Shield run, it was like that. Maybe the "Shield" was some kinda rib about how Ambrose and Rollins had to protect him the whole time.

Shield him, make Roman look strong.


Yeah it's so odd, because Nash had a great personality when he could let loose in WCW. Hell, Roman might too if they ever let him.

He is in the same boat. When he goes out on the promotional stuff he shows his real personality. When he comes to the WWE he is not handed bullet points to get the idea of the promo but instead promos by a out of touch old man.

So he is screwed.


I said it before, but for a guy with a great look, who we're supposed to buy as some bad ass, there is literally ZERO confidence in his voice.

That's the thing, he has no aura on the mic. If you think the script is bad, just know that Sina coudl've ended Seth-kun's run with the exact same material.
That's the thing, he has no aura on the mic. If you think the script is bad, just know that Sina coudl've ended Seth-kun's run with the exact same material.

As much as I dislike Cena, he would've at least worked with the shit that he was forced to say. Even if it's corny as hell, he says everything with some kinda conviction behind it.

WWE needs managers in the worst way. Paul is amazing, but they need people like Heenan and Cornette for dullards like Reins.

That's the thing though, you have to make Roman look strong, you can't do that by giving him a manager. Managers are for heels mostly, not to mention if he's being primed as the top guy, he needs to go out there and cut promos and fall on his face. They're giving him this mic time to make him more comfortable. That's why like 98% of the roster is so shit with promos. Even Seth was terrible, but with no other Heels during the year, he had to cut promos, he had to improve and he did.

I don't know why they don't get that. Give people more time to speak.


Jred, sorry to hear about your loss. I'll keep pumping the tires of LU, ROH, and NJPW to entertain and annoy in this thread. We're here for you.
I can't understand how such garbage can be written and nobody stands up and says "this is ass" backstage.

Go right ahead. Have fun with your new comedy gimmick on superstars and jobbing for the next eight or so months on RAW. Good luck even trying to make PPV pre-shows. You're supposed to grab the brass ring, but you get punished for it.
Sufferin succatash though, I can't get over that line.

You need The Rock level of charisma to pull off saying a line like that, Vince is strapping a rocket and sabotaging Reigns at the same time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I love Hogan's Georgia Dome Nitro promo. It's the usual stuff, but it's delivered so perfectly. And with the perfect crowd for Hogan to work. I think it's the promo I'll always point to when people ask me why Hogan was a good heel. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it feels like the perfected 'good guy turned heel blasting the next big babyface' promo.

Best hand talking in the biz


You think **turn to hard camera and wink** isn't in the script?

It could be but it just strange because no one does that. Plus why would he even do that after that horrible line he delivered before that.

He doesn't look like a superhero, he looks like a twit.

The gear is okay the problem is he is being handed promos by a out of touch man that is handing Bryan the rumble win.

Vince has strapped an ACME rocket onto Reigns.
Damn, Trevor Lee vs Biff Busick from EVOLVE 36 last night was pretty great. Well worth seeking out.



Also, Gargano got probably the best match I've seen out of Shane Strickland, but it also served to highlight how much better Gargano is. Strickland's fine, but in spite of some big high-flying offence, little he does is terribly impressive and he seems to have difficulty emoting and engaging the crowd.

*edit, also, here's your indywrestling.gif of the day;


Like, what was he going for? Oh, I'll just springboard flip into fucking nothing. Seems like a good idea.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
There are SO many NWO shirts in this 97 nitro. Like it was always hot, but I think there's more NWO shirts than non-NWO shirts.

That reminds me, why did barrett lose on smackdown? Didn't he just win the fucking IC title?

Because it's the fucking IC title and nobody gives a shit about it.
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